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Posts posted by loonodingle

  1. Always leads back to Sean. Now he's gone to a country with no extradition and changed his name.

    In the first reports Sean is the one who said there was an altercation at the bar.he is said to have taken a picture of the one troubling hannah.(the other friends said it never happened ).at one time there was alleged to be a group of people singing English songs on the beach, Sean being one of them.

    That now changed to Sean was sleeping, + now only 2 singing and in b2 dialect. There is also a picture of Sean partying but I not sure if it is the night of 14 or 15. Then There is the story of the 2 Canadian girls who say they were led to a beach party by Sean. Drugs were offered. The girls woke up on the beach. They had both been raped.there was 1 used condom next to them. 3 scenario that I can see.

    1.there was a beach party Hannah was there. At some point some guys attacked her,Sean may/may not have been involved with the assault. David stumbled onto it and was attacked. Sean may/may not have intervened,got stabbed and ran.

    In this case it would explain why Sean cannot come forward as he may/may not have been in on the first assault.

    Why was hannah not with her friend.

    What was David doing between 1:56 and 2:58 when hannah was last seen.

    2.hannah was followed,abducted, assaulted in a room or even the bar itself. Taken to beach David discovered and-----.

    The crime happened about 4:00-6:00. Where was hannah between 2:58-4:00. Where was David between 1:56-4.00.

    3.hannah/David were at beach b2 attacked both by themselves,suddenly for no reason,With a hoe.

    Nobody else was involved.

    There are inconsistencies

    In Sean's story.

    In Nomsods story.

    In mons story.

    Nomsod father story.

    B2 story.

    Emma would know why hannah was alone.

    Chris would maybe know where David was.

    Tom might be able to help with time.

    There are too many unknowns to say ---- did this.

    Sean is the link.

    I don't know if they can extradite him unless the charges are serious enough. There doesn't seem to be the will or perhaps the jurisdiction in the UK to deal with this. Also they need some stronger evidence. Perhaps Chris Ware or Emma Madelene to come forward and confirm seeing Sean McAnna in conflict to his statement he was in bed. That would create a clear conflict.

    If that was the case the Thai's could get him extradited as an accessory. He is in Europe so its makes no difference. he can be hauled in front of a judge.

    I am going to the Inquest on the 6th. They have general public viewing. A lot more will be revealed unless its adjourned but I would expect it to run its course that day.

  2. catsanddogs, on 30 Dec 2014 - 13:17, said:

    Someone in a hurry to dispose of a murder weapon wouldn't place it like this. The hoe clearly has not been chucked where it has landed. It has been 'placed'. And in a location very easy to find - almost as though someone has drawn a ring around it to bring attention to it.

    I thought early reports stated the hoe was initially found in the sand on the beach and that somebody (who ?) placed it in that enclosure afterwards - probably for the press photos.

    There was pictures of the hoe on the sand initially.

    It was also said that it did not contain David's DNA.

    Yet they pretended in the re-enactment that they used it.

    Further the Rohinga Pancake man said the Burmese boys stated they used a bottle on David's head which again conflicts reports. He said this on video so thee is a good record.

    The police went on to say they didn't interview the boys they sent the pancake man in the room and he came out and said yes they admit it. In the mean time he is accused of stealing their money.

  3. Who is the Gang of Four?? Sorry I am lost?

    I coined that, in this context; Gang of 4 = Balo, AleG, jdinasia, JohnThailandJohn

    To Boomer's Post #300: Scenario A is simpler as it requires no convoluted follow-up.

    Who suffers more from OCD, you or me?


    Now to quote the Willie Nelson's Wendell character from The Electric Horseman:

    Wendall: I'm gonna get me a bottle of tequila and find me one of them Keno girls that can suck the chrome off a trailer hitch and just kinda kick back.

    Perhaps an OCD is what is needed here to unearth evidence. By hook or crook to make sure that the people who took a beautiful young woman and a young mans life get the death sentence.

    Who ever it maybe Burmese or Thai.

    • Like 2
  4. I Think we are all missing a vital thing here. That's Sean McAnna. He is now going under the name of Gianni DeLupo (on Facebook).

    He's got 3 'friends' who claim to be based on Ko Tao (Gigi Kennedy, Ross Brown, and Jo Diving). Perhaps they've spoken with Sean since the crime, and can clear some things up - regarding what went on that night and soon afterwards.

    The Problem is no one on the Island is going to speak up. If they do it = Death. Its all playing out Thai Style. The monk thing. lavish party and fill them all up with drink. Oh what a wonderful family. He made a mistake.

    Sean is the Link that needs to snap.

    If that happens then the whole thing could fall into shape.

    He knows far more than he says.

    For any politicians who read this that say water boarding is a terrible thing then think again. Cause we could do with some here ;-)

  5. Your right catsanddogs....in fact he looks downright miserable. Perhaps he is being forced to do something against his will. wink.png

    He has some issue with how he holds his arm. This was apparent in the CCTV as well which is another pointer towards him being on Koh Tao that weekend. Along with other things including his G/F saying she was in BKK alone.

    • Like 1
  6. I Think we are all missing a vital thing here. That's Sean McAnna. He is now going under the name of Gianni DeLupo. Type that into FaceBook and it will pop up with the new Sean McAnna.

    Sean's link is intriguing. He was friends with David. He was the singer and guitarist in a Leeds band called These Fading Polaroids and Mr Miller was an engineering student. Both lived in the Hyde Park area.. He had obviously spent some time with him on Koh Tao and claims he was supposed to be meeting him on the evening of David's Murder. However he claims he slept on in his bungalow, this formed his alibi for his whereabouts whilst the crime was committed.

    Here is my problem and concerns.

    Why did Sean sleep in. Koh Tao is about Night-time fun and drinking. He was also playing music to get money. It is said he had worked in the AC Bar. This wasn't his first trip to Koh Tao and he clearly knows the scene there, the people who run it, the owners and DJ's. He had previously spent 18 months living and working as a barman on Koh Tao. Why wasn't he out when the place comes to life. A lot of these guys sleep in the day and party at night don't they.

    David and Hannah where in the AC bar the night of their murders.

    He obviously knew Mon. Mon is the older brother of the Headman. and Uncle to Nomsod. They own the AC bar.

    Sean had some injury's similar to David. They looked like puncture wounds. He also had blood on his Guitar. Was the blood there because he ran with his guitar from the scene with his arm bleeding.

    Is it possible that they heard a commotion and he went with David when they realised Hannah was being raped.

    Did he run when it kicked of and David was being beaten down. Taking his trusty guitar with him that he carry's everywhere.

    Was his life spared by the Thai's because they knew him. He had worked at the AC bar playing for example. Or perhaps he was just a coward and realised he wasn't up for a fight. Perhaps he even realised he could be killed and took off. Self preservation.

    Now I don't think that Mon and the plainclothes copper goes after Sean for no reason. They wanted him to keep quite. To get off the Island and be gone.

    You don't chase people into shops and around streets if you don't want to put the fear off god into someone. They knew he was a liability.

    He was squealing a frightened Pig. Texting phoning and raising his profile to save his backside and get the help he needed to get away. Which he did achieve and he was off. Not to Scotland but Milan. He has not sold his story as far as I can ascertain but uses an alias. His sister Nicola has changed hers to Nic. You may remember she was frantically texting on FB with Sean while they were trying to get him some help.

    We also had the pity from Sean. writing on David's Facebook shortly after it happened

    TUE 16 12:30pm

    “Nah man. Please tell me it’s not you.”

    on DMs facebook page/now tribute

    exactly 30mins later this

    “I loved you so much brother. I know you tried to save her. You are the most honourable guy I’ve ever met. From getting mauled by a honey badger giving out sleeping bags to homeless people, to just partying like there’s no tomorrow. I will miss you terribly. I’m sorry I didn’t come out with you that night. Really my heart is breaking. The legend that is Dave Miller. https://m.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=1 … =3&theater“.

    Sean is now posting on David Facebook page as Gianni and dedicated a song to him.

    Something stinks here. Out of all the people on Koh Tao at the Time why on earth would the 2 Thai men target Sean. There's hundreds of people there. Why not Chris Ware?. In fact why would those 2 men target anyone?

    I Rest my case M'lord.

    For now ;-)

    Thank you for posting this as it is very relevant.

    We should all remember that these posts were made shortly after the murders, when those concerned and involved would still be very emotionally affected. From my personal experience, when emotions are riding high, the truth (real truth) often comes out. Sean's posts seem to me to be very remorseful in that he could have done something more but did not.

    A possible scenario:

    Sean could have been sitting on the beach playing his guitar (I believe there were some eyewitness accounts of guitar playing and singing of English songs). He hears a commotion, goes along to investigate. Sees a man being attacked and a girl being held captive. Tries to intervene but was in turn attacked. His attacker struck him with the same weapon used to strike David (only a blind idiot would try to argue that the wound on Sean's arm and on David are caused by different weapons). He is told to get lost, turn around and walk away with his guitar if he values his life. At this stage, he is probably unaware that the male victim is David (accounting for his post of "nah man, please tell me it's not you". He would probably know that if he tried to be a hero, he would end up being dead. How many of us would do the same thing?

    The next morning, he wakes up to the news that it was not only rape, but murder as well. One can only guess at his emotional state of mind. He posts his first message on DM's FB. He is pacing up and down in his room, rerunning the previous night's events in his head, thinking to himself, should he have tried to help, to save his friend's life, but possibly ending up dead himself. It gets too much for him, he posts his second message, one of remorse and asking for forgiveness. Native English speakers would look at his post and be able to read the emotions emanating from his post.

    Fast forward a few days. The police are hot on the trail of some suspects. However, all of a sudden, these suspects cannot be suspected. Alternative theories have to be considered and "investigated". However, this would mean that any witnesses to the original theory would have to be disposed off / eliminated. A chase ensues, culminating in a key witness being told to disappear quietly or be found to have communicated suicide.

    Exit Sean (and who knows what other witnesses there may have been).

    This scenario could explain why the defense team would like to call upon Sean as a defense witness. If he (Sean) would finger out who the actual perps were, the B2 would go free. Why else would the defense team ask for Sean to be a witness? I don't think that the defense team is hoping that he will be providing an alibi for the B2.

    As to the second foreign witness, a friend of Hannah's, they could be hoping that she would back up Sean's testimony that Hannah was being harassed by the perps, earlier on in the evening.

    All of the above is pure speculation. I would appreciate if the Gang of 4 in pursuit of nothing but the truth and whole truth blah blah blah do not bother to respond.

    Excellent posts! I think you both are soooooooooooo close to what happened.......

    About as close as we are going to get without someone coughing their load and some admissions. However that's not likely is it.

    Everyone's saving their backside whilst 2 Burmese Lads sit on a stone floor awaiting a possible death sentence.

    I know if Hannah was my sister I would be in Milan shaking it out of Sean.

  7. loonodingle, on 30 Dec 2014 - 22:31, said:
    IslandLover, on 30 Dec 2014 - 22:07, said:
    loonodingle, on 30 Dec 2014 - 16:29, said:loonodingle, on 30 Dec 2014 - 16:29, said:

    I Think we are all missing a vital thing here. That's Sean McAnna. He is now going under the name of Gianni DeLupo. Type that into FaceBook and it will pop up with the new Sean McAnna.

    Sean's link is intriguing. He was friends with David. He was the singer and guitarist in a Leeds band called These Fading Polaroids and Mr Miller was an engineering student. Both lived in the Hyde Park area.. He had obviously spent some time with him on Koh Tao and claims he was supposed to be meeting him on the evening of David's Murder. However he claims he slept on in his bungalow, this formed his alibi for his whereabouts whilst the crime was committed.

    Here is my problem and concerns.

    Why did Sean sleep in. Koh Tao is about Night-time fun and drinking. He was also playing music to get money. It is said he had worked in the AC Bar. This wasn't his first trip to Koh Tao and he clearly knows the scene there, the people who run it, the owners and DJ's. He had previously spent 18 months living and working as a barman on Koh Tao. Why wasn't he out when the place comes to life. A lot of these guys sleep in the day and party at night don't they.

    David and Hannah where in the AC bar the night of their murders.

    He obviously knew Mon. Mon is the older brother of the Headman. and Uncle to Nomsod. They own the AC bar.

    Sean had some injury's similar to David. They looked like puncture wounds. He also had blood on his Guitar. Was the blood there because he ran with his guitar from the scene with his arm bleeding.

    Is it possible that they heard a commotion and he went with David when they realised Hannah was being raped.

    Did he run when it kicked of and David was being beaten down. Taking his trusty guitar with him that he carry's everywhere.

    Was his life spared by the Thai's because they knew him. He had worked at the AC bar playing for example. Or perhaps he was just a coward and realised he wasn't up for a fight. Perhaps he even realised he could be killed and took off. Self preservation.

    Now I don't think that Mon and the plainclothes copper goes after Sean for no reason. They wanted him to keep quite. To get off the Island and be gone.

    You don't chase people into shops and around streets if you don't want to put the fear off god into someone. They knew he was a liability.

    He was squealing a frightened Pig. Texting phoning and raising his profile to save his backside and get the help he needed to get away. Which he did achieve and he was off. Not to Scotland but Milan. He has not sold his story as far as I can ascertain but uses an alias. His sister Nicola has changed hers to Nic. You may remember she was frantically texting on FB with Sean while they were trying to get him some help.

    We also had the pity from Sean. writing on David's Facebook shortly after it happened

    TUE 16 12:30pm

    “Nah man. Please tell me it’s not you.”

    on DMs facebook page/now tribute

    exactly 30mins later this

    “I loved you so much brother. I know you tried to save her. You are the most honourable guy I’ve ever met. From getting mauled by a honey badger giving out sleeping bags to homeless people, to just partying like there’s no tomorrow. I will miss you terribly. I’m sorry I didn’t come out with you that night. Really my heart is breaking. The legend that is Dave Miller. https://m.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=1 … =3&theater“.

    Sean is now posting on David Facebook page as Gianni and dedicated a song to him.

    Something stinks here. Out of all the people on Koh Tao at the Time why on earth would the 2 Thai men target Sean. There's hundreds of people there. Why not Chris Ware?. In fact why would those 2 men target anyone?

    I Rest my case M'lord.

    For now ;-)

    I noticed that one of Sean/Gianni's "friends" on fb has been very vociferous in her assumptions that people other than the B2 committed these murders and has been posting her opinions on the internet for quite a while. She pays particular attention to Stingray Man on her own fb and has given the Choppers bar a very nasty review, insinuating that the people there know who committed the murders/had something to do with it. Up till now attention has been focused on the AC bar, not Choppers. Curious .... Does she know something that we don't?

    I guess Human Nature will mean that Sean will tell Francesca his Girlfriend (https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=1353069323&pnref=lhc) and it could well be that she cant help run her mouth off to her friends about what happened. Or at least Sean's version. As if he had any part at all then he would want to shift the blame away from the true criminals. Personally I think they tortured the wrong persons. It should have been Sean Mon and Nomsod who had there genitalia wired to the national grid.

    The problem is to get the right result Sean McAnna needs to come forward and speak up.

    There is no Desire from the RTP to drag him back to Koh Tao or Chris Ware. If they show up at the hearing it could get delayed and delayed until they don't bother coming again. I did pick up though that the prosecution has submitted statements without witnesses and have asked the court to rely on the statement without an appearance.

    The defence could do the same however to hold any real weight they will need to take the stand. I hope that they do. I could imagine Chris would and protection could be offered to him as he could be a target. It seems on the face of it that he was a very good friend of David and his brother

    You know how it is in Thailand they would shoot you in full view of cameras if they were minded to.

    Then there's Hannah's friend Emma??? I haven't picked up much about her.

    It's not Francesca who's been mouthing off, it's someone called Nadine.

    I understand that. But has Sean's lady been telling her what he has said.

    Funnily enough Nadine is on Sean's friends list but not on Francesca's

    Nadine has been quite vocal. She did have a lot of stick from several people. Including 1 from a British Diving instructor who threatened her. claimed he had friends in Facebook who would give her details out.

    So I sent him his home address just outside Grantham.

    He disappeared within 10 minutes. Funny that hey!!!.

  8. loonodingle, on 30 Dec 2014 - 16:29, said:

    I Think we are all missing a vital thing here. That's Sean McAnna. He is now going under the name of Gianni DeLupo. Type that into FaceBook and it will pop up with the new Sean McAnna.

    Sean's link is intriguing. He was friends with David. He was the singer and guitarist in a Leeds band called These Fading Polaroids and Mr Miller was an engineering student. Both lived in the Hyde Park area.. He had obviously spent some time with him on Koh Tao and claims he was supposed to be meeting him on the evening of David's Murder. However he claims he slept on in his bungalow, this formed his alibi for his whereabouts whilst the crime was committed.

    Here is my problem and concerns.

    Why did Sean sleep in. Koh Tao is about Night-time fun and drinking. He was also playing music to get money. It is said he had worked in the AC Bar. This wasn't his first trip to Koh Tao and he clearly knows the scene there, the people who run it, the owners and DJ's. He had previously spent 18 months living and working as a barman on Koh Tao. Why wasn't he out when the place comes to life. A lot of these guys sleep in the day and party at night don't they.

    David and Hannah where in the AC bar the night of their murders.

    He obviously knew Mon. Mon is the older brother of the Headman. and Uncle to Nomsod. They own the AC bar.

    Sean had some injury's similar to David. They looked like puncture wounds. He also had blood on his Guitar. Was the blood there because he ran with his guitar from the scene with his arm bleeding.

    Is it possible that they heard a commotion and he went with David when they realised Hannah was being raped.

    Did he run when it kicked of and David was being beaten down. Taking his trusty guitar with him that he carry's everywhere.

    Was his life spared by the Thai's because they knew him. He had worked at the AC bar playing for example. Or perhaps he was just a coward and realised he wasn't up for a fight. Perhaps he even realised he could be killed and took off. Self preservation.

    Now I don't think that Mon and the plainclothes copper goes after Sean for no reason. They wanted him to keep quite. To get off the Island and be gone.

    You don't chase people into shops and around streets if you don't want to put the fear off god into someone. They knew he was a liability.

    He was squealing a frightened Pig. Texting phoning and raising his profile to save his backside and get the help he needed to get away. Which he did achieve and he was off. Not to Scotland but Milan. He has not sold his story as far as I can ascertain but uses an alias. His sister Nicola has changed hers to Nic. You may remember she was frantically texting on FB with Sean while they were trying to get him some help.

    We also had the pity from Sean. writing on David's Facebook shortly after it happened

    TUE 16 12:30pm

    “Nah man. Please tell me it’s not you.”

    on DMs facebook page/now tribute

    exactly 30mins later this

    “I loved you so much brother. I know you tried to save her. You are the most honourable guy I’ve ever met. From getting mauled by a honey badger giving out sleeping bags to homeless people, to just partying like there’s no tomorrow. I will miss you terribly. I’m sorry I didn’t come out with you that night. Really my heart is breaking. The legend that is Dave Miller. https://m.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=1 … =3&theater“.

    Sean is now posting on David Facebook page as Gianni and dedicated a song to him.

    Something stinks here. Out of all the people on Koh Tao at the Time why on earth would the 2 Thai men target Sean. There's hundreds of people there. Why not Chris Ware?. In fact why would those 2 men target anyone?

    I Rest my case M'lord.

    For now ;-)

    I noticed that one of Sean/Gianni's "friends" on fb has been very vociferous in her assumptions that people other than the B2 committed these murders and has been posting her opinions on the internet for quite a while. She pays particular attention to Stingray Man on her own fb and has given the Choppers bar a very nasty review, insinuating that the people there know who committed the murders/had something to do with it. Up till now attention has been focused on the AC bar, not Choppers. Curious .... Does she know something that we don't?

    I guess Human Nature will mean that Sean will tell Francesca his Girlfriend (https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=1353069323&pnref=lhc) and it could well be that she cant help run her mouth off to her friends about what happened. Or at least Sean's version. As if he had any part at all then he would want to shift the blame away from the true criminals. Personally I think they tortured the wrong persons. It should have been Sean Mon and Nomsod who had there genitalia wired to the national grid.

    The problem is to get the right result Sean McAnna needs to come forward and speak up.

    There is no Desire from the RTP to drag him back to Koh Tao or Chris Ware. If they show up at the hearing it could get delayed and delayed until they don't bother coming again. I did pick up though that the prosecution has submitted statements without witnesses and have asked the court to rely on the statement without an appearance.

    The defence could do the same however to hold any real weight they will need to take the stand. I hope that they do. I could imagine Chris would and protection could be offered to him as he could be a target. It seems on the face of it that he was a very good friend of David and his brother

    You know how it is in Thailand they would shoot you in full view of cameras if they were minded to.

    Then there's Hannah's friend Emma??? I haven't picked up much about her.

  9. Sean had spent at least 18 months on Koh Tao in Total. He had associations with the family who run this bar and also other businesses there. He would know full well who and what they are capable off.

    If you have spent time in Thailand you will know what I mean. I have. Many many years.

    I don't think for 1 minute he approached Mon and said give me money or I grass you up.

    This blew up in his face when they went to have a word with him. I doubt they expected he would react in the way he did. Pics in the shop. Straight to Facebook and Sky News. All of a sudden he had world wide attention. His heart had gone out to his friend in his messages prior to this. But faced with what he considered further threats he realised his time on the Island was untenable. I take my hat of to him how he responded. He certainly gained coverage and safe passage out of there. The whole situation was rapidly evolving around him. He got away.

    Away from what is the Question???? And Why.... There's a reason and that reason holds the Key Possibly to Hannah and David's barbaric murder

    1. Sean claimed Mon said he was going to kill him. Did Mon really say that?
    2. If so, did Mon mean it?
    3. If so, why suddenly several days after the murders?

    When I view the Sean interview (http://www.mirror.co.uk/news/uk-news/terrified-pal-murdered-brit-pair-4303495) I just cannot shrug off the sense that important facts are missing. Yes, to threaten Mon would be crazy, but Sean may have seen millions being paid out to others and (under the influence or drugs and alcohol) thought he could get some of that money himself.

    As others have mentioned, why is he unwilling to reveal all now?

    I don't think he was willing to reveal anything on Koh Tao either.

    He was traumatised with the death of David. As were any of us who viewed the pictures of their broken bodies.

    It was obvious to Mon that he neck was on the line as he was arrested around the 22nd/23rd Sept. He wanted to make sure anybody who knew anything was quietened up. Lets face it they aren't the brightest of sparks are they. Brain cells saturated in alcohol and drugs is the way of life there.

    But there was a situation that had gotten out of hand. A beautiful young woman had had her brains smashed in. David had valiantly it appears tried to intervene to stop the brutal rape of Hannah.

    On the face of it, it appears Sean McAnna is happy to escape with his life. He has made no efforts to cash in as you suggest was his intention. This guy isn't some media driven Katie Price or Kardashian. He's a musician. A busker who likes Thailand. https://www.facebook.com/seanhmcanna?fref=pb&hc_location=friends_tab&pnref=friends.all

    Look at Chris Ware, he didn't jump all over the place like Sean. He was Sharing a room with David. He appeared withdrawn but composed. Helpful to the Police and nothing to hide.

    Over to you, Your Defendant for further cross examination. I do not rest my case yet.

  10. Is it true that the Nomsod fellow has become a Monk? Any photo's I have seen of him he looked to be the party type. If this is true then he just tossed aside his long time girlfriend and has given up sex altogether? Why decide to do this now? I find this all very strange. MOO

    Does anyone have a photo of his brother?

    A few posters have been asking about a sibling. No idea if this is right but I came across this page


    Thanks Gweilman...I was just curious as you never see or hear of this sibling. A handsome lad.

    Nomsod has been seen out and about already despite being a New Monk. I have nicked this image from CSI I am sure he will not mind.

    I believe he is supposed to stay in the Wat as he is new to the fold.

    Looks like he writes his own rules though. Not surprising considering they have written the story so far.


    • Like 1
  11. I Think we are all missing a vital thing here. That's Sean McAnna. He is now going under the name of Gianni DeLupo. Type that into FaceBook and it will pop up with the new Sean McAnna.

    Sean's link is intriguing. He was friends with David. He was the singer and guitarist in a Leeds band called These Fading Polaroids and Mr Miller was an engineering student. Both lived in the Hyde Park area.. He had obviously spent some time with him on Koh Tao and claims he was supposed to be meeting him on the evening of David's Murder. However he claims he slept on in his bungalow, this formed his alibi for his whereabouts whilst the crime was committed.

    Here is my problem and concerns.

    Why did Sean sleep in. Koh Tao is about Night-time fun and drinking. He was also playing music to get money. It is said he had worked in the AC Bar. This wasn't his first trip to Koh Tao and he clearly knows the scene there, the people who run it, the owners and DJ's. He had previously spent 18 months living and working as a barman on Koh Tao. Why wasn't he out when the place comes to life. A lot of these guys sleep in the day and party at night don't they.

    David and Hannah where in the AC bar the night of their murders.

    He obviously knew Mon. Mon is the older brother of the Headman. and Uncle to Nomsod. They own the AC bar.

    Sean had some injury's similar to David. They looked like puncture wounds. He also had blood on his Guitar. Was the blood there because he ran with his guitar from the scene with his arm bleeding.

    Is it possible that they heard a commotion and he went with David when they realised Hannah was being raped.

    Did he run when it kicked of and David was being beaten down. Taking his trusty guitar with him that he carry's everywhere.

    Was his life spared by the Thai's because they knew him. He had worked at the AC bar playing for example. Or perhaps he was just a coward and realised he wasn't up for a fight. Perhaps he even realised he could be killed and took off. Self preservation.

    Now I don't think that Mon and the plainclothes copper goes after Sean for no reason. They wanted him to keep quite. To get off the Island and be gone.

    You don't chase people into shops and around streets if you don't want to put the fear off god into someone. They knew he was a liability.

    He was squealing a frightened Pig. Texting phoning and raising his profile to save his backside and get the help he needed to get away. Which he did achieve and he was off. Not to Scotland but Milan. He has not sold his story as far as I can ascertain but uses an alias. His sister Nicola has changed hers to Nic. You may remember she was frantically texting on FB with Sean while they were trying to get him some help.

    We also had the pity from Sean. writing on David's Facebook shortly after it happened

    TUE 16 12:30pm

    “Nah man. Please tell me it’s not you.”

    on DMs facebook page/now tribute

    exactly 30mins later this

    “I loved you so much brother. I know you tried to save her. You are the most honourable guy I’ve ever met. From getting mauled by a honey badger giving out sleeping bags to homeless people, to just partying like there’s no tomorrow. I will miss you terribly. I’m sorry I didn’t come out with you that night. Really my heart is breaking. The legend that is Dave Miller. https://m.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=1 … =3&theater“.

    Sean is now posting on David Facebook page as Gianni and dedicated a song to him.

    Something stinks here. Out of all the people on Koh Tao at the Time why on earth would the 2 Thai men target Sean. There's hundreds of people there. Why not Chris Ware?. In fact why would those 2 men target anyone?

    I Rest my case M'lord.

    For now ;-)

    I follow everything you write here, and it is all possible. The trouble is that Sean is such an unstable personality that it is really hard to know what to believe. One conjecture I have advanced in the past is that Sean may have attempted to blackmail Mon (and succeeded once safely out of Thailand). It has been said that Sean is addicted to drugs. If so, he will do almost anything for money, and (now in Europe) will need quite a bit of it.

    I think many many people on the Island take drugs. I don't think this the factor.

    Sean McAnna was Extremely fearful. That could well give the impression of an unstable personality but lets face it if you had witnessed anything todo with this case you would not be very stable after. I have seen Hannahs injuries and can see them in my mind now without the need for pictures.

    I don't think for one minute blackmail was on his mind. I would bin that idea. He has done nothing to sell his story. He is steady away in Italy thankful to leave with his life. I would say he is maybe a weed merchant. He is not a nutter.

    Sean is one of the links to this. I would have money on it. He was either there or played a part poss in drugging Hannah. It is said Nomsod had a penchant for blondes. He used to return to Koh Tao on a weekend as all the takings after Midnight was his.

    He could well have been with David in the AC bar and walked back towards the apartments and they stumbled on Hannah.

    One day we will find out I am sure. I don't think he will be very forthcoming on his own accord though. He is in Self preservation mode. With Tinges of guilt for his mate.

    I think we can think to much into this. Keep it simple. It speaks for its self. His Fear is a Genuine emotion not a paranoia brought on by drugs.

    Why would you discount the idea of a drug addict trying to blackmail Mon with threats about revealing the truth about what happened to David and Hannah? Why did Mon suddenly become so angry? Mon saying to David "you did it and you are going to die tonight" would be a pretty good reply to the attempted blackmail. Also, money to shut him up would be pretty logical once he was in Europe out of reach. Sean strikes me as someone who would be talking to reporters unless paid not to. My hypothesis might be wrong, but it seems to fit.

    Sean had spent at least 18 months on Koh Tao in Total. He had associations with the family who run this bar and also other businesses there. He would know full well who and what they are capable off.

    If you have spent time in Thailand you will know what I mean. I have. Many many years.

    I don't think for 1 minute he approached Mon and said give me money or I grass you up.

    This blew up in his face when they went to have a word with him. I doubt they expected he would react in the way he did. Pics in the shop. Straight to Facebook and Sky News. All of a sudden he had world wide attention. His heart had gone out to his friend in his messages prior to this. But faced with what he considered further threats he realised his time on the Island was untenable. I take my hat of to him how he responded. He certainly gained coverage and safe passage out of there. The whole situation was rapidly evolving around him. He got away.

    Away from what is the Question???? And Why.... There's a reason and that reason holds the Key Possibly to Hannah and David's barbaric murder

  12. I Think we are all missing a vital thing here. That's Sean McAnna. He is now going under the name of Gianni DeLupo. Type that into FaceBook and it will pop up with the new Sean McAnna.

    Sean's link is intriguing. He was friends with David. He was the singer and guitarist in a Leeds band called These Fading Polaroids and Mr Miller was an engineering student. Both lived in the Hyde Park area.. He had obviously spent some time with him on Koh Tao and claims he was supposed to be meeting him on the evening of David's Murder. However he claims he slept on in his bungalow, this formed his alibi for his whereabouts whilst the crime was committed.

    Here is my problem and concerns.

    Why did Sean sleep in. Koh Tao is about Night-time fun and drinking. He was also playing music to get money. It is said he had worked in the AC Bar. This wasn't his first trip to Koh Tao and he clearly knows the scene there, the people who run it, the owners and DJ's. He had previously spent 18 months living and working as a barman on Koh Tao. Why wasn't he out when the place comes to life. A lot of these guys sleep in the day and party at night don't they.

    David and Hannah where in the AC bar the night of their murders.

    He obviously knew Mon. Mon is the older brother of the Headman. and Uncle to Nomsod. They own the AC bar.

    Sean had some injury's similar to David. They looked like puncture wounds. He also had blood on his Guitar. Was the blood there because he ran with his guitar from the scene with his arm bleeding.

    Is it possible that they heard a commotion and he went with David when they realised Hannah was being raped.

    Did he run when it kicked of and David was being beaten down. Taking his trusty guitar with him that he carry's everywhere.

    Was his life spared by the Thai's because they knew him. He had worked at the AC bar playing for example. Or perhaps he was just a coward and realised he wasn't up for a fight. Perhaps he even realised he could be killed and took off. Self preservation.

    Now I don't think that Mon and the plainclothes copper goes after Sean for no reason. They wanted him to keep quite. To get off the Island and be gone.

    You don't chase people into shops and around streets if you don't want to put the fear off god into someone. They knew he was a liability.

    He was squealing a frightened Pig. Texting phoning and raising his profile to save his backside and get the help he needed to get away. Which he did achieve and he was off. Not to Scotland but Milan. He has not sold his story as far as I can ascertain but uses an alias. His sister Nicola has changed hers to Nic. You may remember she was frantically texting on FB with Sean while they were trying to get him some help.

    We also had the pity from Sean. writing on David's Facebook shortly after it happened

    TUE 16 12:30pm

    “Nah man. Please tell me it’s not you.”

    on DMs facebook page/now tribute

    exactly 30mins later this

    “I loved you so much brother. I know you tried to save her. You are the most honourable guy I’ve ever met. From getting mauled by a honey badger giving out sleeping bags to homeless people, to just partying like there’s no tomorrow. I will miss you terribly. I’m sorry I didn’t come out with you that night. Really my heart is breaking. The legend that is Dave Miller. https://m.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=1 … =3&theater“.

    Sean is now posting on David Facebook page as Gianni and dedicated a song to him.

    Something stinks here. Out of all the people on Koh Tao at the Time why on earth would the 2 Thai men target Sean. There's hundreds of people there. Why not Chris Ware?. In fact why would those 2 men target anyone?

    I Rest my case M'lord.

    For now ;-)

    Thank you for posting this as it is very relevant.

    We should all remember that these posts were made shortly after the murders, when those concerned and involved would still be very emotionally affected. From my personal experience, when emotions are riding high, the truth (real truth) often comes out. Sean's posts seem to me to be very remorseful in that he could have done something more but did not.

    A possible scenario:

    Sean could have been sitting on the beach playing his guitar (I believe there were some eyewitness accounts of guitar playing and singing of English songs). He hears a commotion, goes along to investigate. Sees a man being attacked and a girl being held captive. Tries to intervene but was in turn attacked. His attacker struck him with the same weapon used to strike David (only a blind idiot would try to argue that the wound on Sean's arm and on David are caused by different weapons). He is told to get lost, turn around and walk away with his guitar if he values his life. At this stage, he is probably unaware that the male victim is David (accounting for his post of "nah man, please tell me it's not you". He would probably know that if he tried to be a hero, he would end up being dead. How many of us would do the same thing?

    The next morning, he wakes up to the news that it was not only rape, but murder as well. One can only guess at his emotional state of mind. He posts his first message on DM's FB. He is pacing up and down in his room, rerunning the previous night's events in his head, thinking to himself, should he have tried to help, to save his friend's life, but possibly ending up dead himself. It gets too much for him, he posts his second message, one of remorse and asking for forgiveness. Native English speakers would look at his post and be able to read the emotions emanating from his post.

    Fast forward a few days. The police are hot on the trail of some suspects. However, all of a sudden, these suspects cannot be suspected. Alternative theories have to be considered and "investigated". However, this would mean that any witnesses to the original theory would have to be disposed off / eliminated. A chase ensues, culminating in a key witness being told to disappear quietly or be found to have communicated suicide.

    Exit Sean (and who knows what other witnesses there may have been).

    This scenario could explain why the defense team would like to call upon Sean as a defense witness. If he (Sean) would finger out who the actual perps were, the B2 would go free. Why else would the defense team ask for Sean to be a witness? I don't think that the defense team is hoping that he will be providing an alibi for the B2.

    As to the second foreign witness, a friend of Hannah's, they could be hoping that she would back up Sean's testimony that Hannah was being harassed by the perps, earlier on in the evening.

    All of the above is pure speculation. I would appreciate if the Gang of 4 in pursuit of nothing but the truth and whole truth blah blah blah do not bother to respond.

    Very well said. If we add some things to the time line here.

    Sean was fingering Mon a few days after and around the 22nd Sept he was away Koh Tao. This was published on the 22nd in the Daily Mail..

    British man flees Thai island where tourists were murdered claiming his life is at risk from mafia who 'killed them'
    • Sean McAnna says he was chased by men who quizzed him about murders
    • As he hid in supermarket, he wrote message on Facebook pleading for help
    • He wrote: 'Thai Mafia are trying to kill me. Please help me.'
    • Says he was approached in bar by man who quizzed him about the killings
    • Man said: 'You're going to hang yourself tonight and we're going to watch'
    • Hannah Witheridge, 23, and David Miller, 24, murdered on September 15

    By Richard Shears

    Published: 13:24, 22 September 2014 | Updated: 21:15, 22 September 2014

    On the 23rd Sept it was announced they had hold of Mon and where after Nomsod. They had viewed CCTV and it implicated those 2 people.

    It was also published on Thai PBS

    One tourist murder suspect now arrested, another on the run
    in General |September 23, 2014 3:18 pm(26,708 views)

    The police have arrested a suspect in the murder of two British tourists in Koh Tao and are still hunting for a second suspect who has escaped into Bangkok.

    Eighth Region Police Command commissioner Pol Lt-Gen Panya Mamen identified the first suspect as Mon.

    He is the brother of a village headman in Koh Tao.

    He was arrested after evidence which police collected were examined and proved he was involved, he said.

    He also said another suspect is also a son of that village headman. But he has already to Bangkok.

    He said both suspects were captured by CCTV cameras and the police have gathered enough evidence to implicate them in the murders.

    He said the southern police were coordinating with the metropolitan police to hunt him down, and expected to apprehend him today.

    The southern police chief also assured the public that there was no arrest of scapegoats in this murder case as it now is a focal attention of the world.

    He also dismissed any suggestion of local mafias or influential people that could twist the investigation with promise that local influence would pose no obstacle to the police investigation.

    Instead the police will eliminate all these mafias, he said.

    Meanwhile a police source said the police are also looking into the cooperation of those who helped to arrange the suspect to escape. They also will be arrested.

    Then it all goes to pieces. Gen Panya is off the case. No one comes forward to back up Nomsod. His girlfriend had been posting she was on her own that weekend as well. That all disappears. His version he wasn't there was just accepted on the face of it.

    Then its find some Goats. And here we are.

  13. I Think we are all missing a vital thing here. That's Sean McAnna. He is now going under the name of Gianni DeLupo. Type that into FaceBook and it will pop up with the new Sean McAnna.

    Sean's link is intriguing. He was friends with David. He was the singer and guitarist in a Leeds band called These Fading Polaroids and Mr Miller was an engineering student. Both lived in the Hyde Park area.. He had obviously spent some time with him on Koh Tao and claims he was supposed to be meeting him on the evening of David's Murder. However he claims he slept on in his bungalow, this formed his alibi for his whereabouts whilst the crime was committed.

    Here is my problem and concerns.

    Why did Sean sleep in. Koh Tao is about Night-time fun and drinking. He was also playing music to get money. It is said he had worked in the AC Bar. This wasn't his first trip to Koh Tao and he clearly knows the scene there, the people who run it, the owners and DJ's. He had previously spent 18 months living and working as a barman on Koh Tao. Why wasn't he out when the place comes to life. A lot of these guys sleep in the day and party at night don't they.

    David and Hannah where in the AC bar the night of their murders.

    He obviously knew Mon. Mon is the older brother of the Headman. and Uncle to Nomsod. They own the AC bar.

    Sean had some injury's similar to David. They looked like puncture wounds. He also had blood on his Guitar. Was the blood there because he ran with his guitar from the scene with his arm bleeding.

    Is it possible that they heard a commotion and he went with David when they realised Hannah was being raped.

    Did he run when it kicked of and David was being beaten down. Taking his trusty guitar with him that he carry's everywhere.

    Was his life spared by the Thai's because they knew him. He had worked at the AC bar playing for example. Or perhaps he was just a coward and realised he wasn't up for a fight. Perhaps he even realised he could be killed and took off. Self preservation.

    Now I don't think that Mon and the plainclothes copper goes after Sean for no reason. They wanted him to keep quite. To get off the Island and be gone.

    You don't chase people into shops and around streets if you don't want to put the fear off god into someone. They knew he was a liability.

    He was squealing a frightened Pig. Texting phoning and raising his profile to save his backside and get the help he needed to get away. Which he did achieve and he was off. Not to Scotland but Milan. He has not sold his story as far as I can ascertain but uses an alias. His sister Nicola has changed hers to Nic. You may remember she was frantically texting on FB with Sean while they were trying to get him some help.

    We also had the pity from Sean. writing on David's Facebook shortly after it happened

    TUE 16 12:30pm

    “Nah man. Please tell me it’s not you.”

    on DMs facebook page/now tribute

    exactly 30mins later this

    “I loved you so much brother. I know you tried to save her. You are the most honourable guy I’ve ever met. From getting mauled by a honey badger giving out sleeping bags to homeless people, to just partying like there’s no tomorrow. I will miss you terribly. I’m sorry I didn’t come out with you that night. Really my heart is breaking. The legend that is Dave Miller. https://m.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=1 … =3&theater“.

    Sean is now posting on David Facebook page as Gianni and dedicated a song to him.

    Something stinks here. Out of all the people on Koh Tao at the Time why on earth would the 2 Thai men target Sean. There's hundreds of people there. Why not Chris Ware?. In fact why would those 2 men target anyone?

    I Rest my case M'lord.

    For now ;-)

    I follow everything you write here, and it is all possible. The trouble is that Sean is such an unstable personality that it is really hard to know what to believe. One conjecture I have advanced in the past is that Sean may have attempted to blackmail Mon (and succeeded once safely out of Thailand). It has been said that Sean is addicted to drugs. If so, he will do almost anything for money, and (now in Europe) will need quite a bit of it.

    I think many many people on the Island take drugs. I don't think this the factor.

    Sean McAnna was Extremely fearful. That could well give the impression of an unstable personality but lets face it if you had witnessed anything todo with this case you would not be very stable after. I have seen Hannahs injuries and can see them in my mind now without the need for pictures.

    I don't think for one minute blackmail was on his mind. I would bin that idea. He has done nothing to sell his story. He is steady away in Italy thankful to leave with his life. I would say he is maybe a weed merchant. He is not a nutter.

    Sean is one of the links to this. I would have money on it. He was either there or played a part poss in drugging Hannah. It is said Nomsod had a penchant for blondes. He used to return to Koh Tao on a weekend as all the takings after Midnight was his.

    He could well have been with David in the AC bar and walked back towards the apartments and they stumbled on Hannah.

    One day we will find out I am sure. I don't think he will be very forthcoming on his own accord though. He is in Self preservation mode. With Tinges of guilt for his mate.

    I think we can think to much into this. Keep it simple. It speaks for its self. His Fear is a Genuine emotion not a paranoia brought on by drugs.

  14. Does anyone doubt the delay of 7 months after trying to force things quickly fail and having such an international interest and fuss is now mostly all about making people and press lose interest. ?

    I look forward to the UK coroners report and the findings if released, I will not be surprised if the details arnt now.

    I believe the Inquest results are public information and cannot be withheld. In Hannah's case its the 6th Jan In Norwich. They do have a public gallery.

    I would like to know if further DNA was extracted from Hannah on her arrival back to the UK .

    If so it is possible to get the Profile released to enable Defence team to argue their case.

    Does the DNA result come within the scope of freedom of information act for example?

    Was there 3 DNA profiles as is suggested at the Police tv interview.

    • Like 1
  15. I Think we are all missing a vital thing here. That's Sean McAnna. He is now going under the name of Gianni DeLupo. Type that into FaceBook and it will pop up with the new Sean McAnna.

    Sean's link is intriguing. He was friends with David. He was the singer and guitarist in a Leeds band called These Fading Polaroids and Mr Miller was an engineering student. Both lived in the Hyde Park area.. He had obviously spent some time with him on Koh Tao and claims he was supposed to be meeting him on the evening of David's Murder. However he claims he slept on in his bungalow, this formed his alibi for his whereabouts whilst the crime was committed.

    Here is my problem and concerns.

    Why did Sean sleep in. Koh Tao is about Night-time fun and drinking. He was also playing music to get money. It is said he had worked in the AC Bar. This wasn't his first trip to Koh Tao and he clearly knows the scene there, the people who run it, the owners and DJ's. He had previously spent 18 months living and working as a barman on Koh Tao. Why wasn't he out when the place comes to life. A lot of these guys sleep in the day and party at night don't they.

    David and Hannah where in the AC bar the night of their murders.

    He obviously knew Mon. Mon is the older brother of the Headman. and Uncle to Nomsod. They own the AC bar.

    Sean had some injury's similar to David. They looked like puncture wounds. He also had blood on his Guitar. Was the blood there because he ran with his guitar from the scene with his arm bleeding.

    Is it possible that they heard a commotion and he went with David when they realised Hannah was being raped.

    Did he run when it kicked of and David was being beaten down. Taking his trusty guitar with him that he carry's everywhere.

    Was his life spared by the Thai's because they knew him. He had worked at the AC bar playing for example. Or perhaps he was just a coward and realised he wasn't up for a fight. Perhaps he even realised he could be killed and took off. Self preservation.

    Now I don't think that Mon and the plainclothes copper goes after Sean for no reason. They wanted him to keep quite. To get off the Island and be gone.

    You don't chase people into shops and around streets if you don't want to put the fear off god into someone. They knew he was a liability.

    He was squealing a frightened Pig. Texting phoning and raising his profile to save his backside and get the help he needed to get away. Which he did achieve and he was off. Not to Scotland but Milan. He has not sold his story as far as I can ascertain but uses an alias. His sister Nicola has changed hers to Nic. You may remember she was frantically texting on FB with Sean while they were trying to get him some help.

    We also had the pity from Sean. writing on David's Facebook shortly after it happened

    TUE 16 12:30pm
    “Nah man. Please tell me it’s not you.”

    on DMs facebook page/now tribute

    exactly 30mins later this
    “I loved you so much brother. I know you tried to save her. You are the most honourable guy I’ve ever met. From getting mauled by a honey badger giving out sleeping bags to homeless people, to just partying like there’s no tomorrow. I will miss you terribly. I’m sorry I didn’t come out with you that night. Really my heart is breaking. The legend that is Dave Miller. https://m.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=1 … =3&theater“.

    Sean is now posting on David Facebook page as Gianni and dedicated a song to him.

    Something stinks here. Out of all the people on Koh Tao at the Time why on earth would the 2 Thai men target Sean. There's hundreds of people there. Why not Chris Ware?. In fact why would those 2 men target anyone?

    I Rest my case M'lord.

    For now ;-)

  16. Revealed: Scot who fled Thai gangsters over link to murder of ...


    23 Sep 2014 - SEAN McANNA admitted possessing indecent images of children last year, it has emerged.

    Good morning Graham,

    maybe you start reading all the relevant threads before you post

    Sure this has been on TV since the start of all this s**t. and been

    discussed a hundred times already.

    Good morning joemonkey maybe I should do what I want and treat patronising sarcasm with the contempt it deserves

    Looks Like Sean McAnna has reinvented himself

    He is now Gianni DeLupo type that in ya search bar on Face Book and you will find him.

  17. LOL, this is typical behaviour.

    I spent a lot of time in China up on the east coast finding factory's to make products and was taken aback by their rude and disgusting behaviour.

    in the my first few days arriving I was sitting in a Bank of China Branch changing money and the Guy behind me was clearing his throat and expelling great lumps of phlegm onto the floor. Disgusting

    but as I found over a few weeks common. The queue barging was terrible. they just walk to the front totally ignoring you. I had to tell many to F cough..... I could go on and on for ages describing many many instances of rude and disgusting behaviour.

    Certainly not like Thailand at all.

    • Like 2
  18. The problem in Thailand is once the car has been in pieces stacked in blue crates it never goes back the same. I had it with Toyota Chonburi. Repeated issues after so had to sell it. They don't seem to have the same dealer care and professional staff in Thailand. More back street chop shop treatment. Despite being a main dealer. Anyway good luck. And get trading it in for another vehicle.

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