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Posts posted by loonodingle

  1. First of all you either love Thailand along with their BS and all or you don't. You either shut up, observe, go with the flow and enjoy laughing your ass off at some of these things or you pack your bags and F*** Off, period.

    We all see all the BS going around but then we should also keep in mind we're in another country as a quest. I also personally think if it wasn't for some "Thainess" cheesy.gif present this would have been a damn <deleted>**ing boring place !!!! thumbsup.gif

    Halalua your Thainess !!!!

    This is what Beer Chang does to you. Look and learn.

  2. Just a side note on the rubbish posted about double pricing... Thai travel on trains free ...example Kanchanaburri to bkk Zero for my gf. 100 baht for me Mr Farang. Boo hoo ...you big sooks. Go back to farang world and pay 10 times that. Get with programme or go home

    Crikey M8 for all ya ranting about how u never moan your the only miserable old git who has managed to have 2

    ranting posts back to back.

    I award you ☆☆☆☆☆ 5 star General hypocrite award LOL....

  3. If you are done with Thailand, why bother to post on TV?

    Do you expect those who love it here to join you?

    Bye bye!


    I think its a good thing for him to post on here.

    This is a venue to discuss our own personal feelings about Thailand. Good or Bad I think its welcome.

    Its also good to get someone else's experience in adjacent country's as I have asked myself several times where would I go as the Thai Magic dissipates from my life.

    Having first ventured to Thailand at 21/22 years ago so long ago I cant remember exactly, I like many others on here have witnessed the slow demise of the "Thai Smile". We now witness horrific attacks

    on foreigners (Falang) on an almost daily basis, police shake downs and a whole host of others problems for us to deal with whilst in Thailand.

    If out of our discussions we can find some Magic then its very welcome and perhaps we could have an LV or a CV rather than a TV to discuss how are days been while we prop up the beer bars and chat with little Honeys.

    Or perhaps in your case wander down Pattayaland 1..... Horses for courses and I make no judgement.

  4. Well if the parents are happy with the compelling evidence then we must respect that. Its easy to get washed along in the wave of conspiracy theories.

    But i did see in one of the statements from the burmese men that they said they where drinking on the beach a day couldn't remember anything. That concerned me. It's a poss cop out. We where so drunk we know nothing.

    Anyway the parents are the people who want justice to be done so let'srespect their comments.

  5. sounds to me like they are saying they want zero foreign controlled businesses now (unless meet BOI conditions)

    however foreigners are welcome to invest in thai controlled businesses

    all thai companies currently controlled by foreigners both big and small will have to relinquish control to their majority thai partners

    have i got this right?

    You got it in one.... Well done.. you still have phone a friend and 50-50 left ;-)

    Its bonkers hey. I know several people who will be off that employ in excess of 100 Thai's.

  6. What do you think they discuss in their meetings prior to the announcements???

    I will get the ball rolling with these master pieces.

    1: Damn Pesky Foreigners coming here to our country, well we will show them.

    2: Lets announce the destruction of Foreign Company's we would be far better off without them.

    3: Lets drive our stock market down by at least 10% today.

    4: Lets blame the Foreigners for our woes.

  7. Should have been charged with assault and suspended without pay. The victim is defenceless, handcuffed and on the ground. The officer is scum and there is no justified excuse for his actions. Just imagine the low life scum they are going to get with conscription to the BIB

    if this was the UK he would have been beaten with a baton pepper sprayed or poss tazered. All you do Gooders need to get real. He was caught redhanded this is not 2 goats in Koh Tao. Bang to rights. He deserved what he got. Personally I would have had a few of his teeth out as well. I think he got of lightly.

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