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Posts posted by 69690jay

  1. :) I pay tax as well 5% of 40,000= 2000 a month, far better than 30% to 50% of my wage in Australia or Canada......

    cry me a river why don't you, how much is a mango in Brisbane;depends on the season, no less than 2 dollars/ 60baht here a mango even if your a tourist will knock you back about 15c..... 60B kg in the off season....

    Come on, get a grip

    love it or leave it.

    Have a nice day.


  2. Phuket gets some bad reviews on TV, It really is not as bad as some make it out to be. Avoid Patong and other tourist traps. Unless you like that sort of thing.

    Rawai is a quiet expat community on the southern end of the Island, good Thai, seafood and western restaurants, some night life, bars and two all night night clubs.

    Nai Harn Beach is one of the nicest.

    And to top it off most everything cost 30-70% less in Rawai than Patong, Karon, Kata.

    Check your private messages for guest house with free WiFi 500 baht a night sea veiw on quaint Rawai Beach.

    Enjoy your trip.



  3. try 5000 a day for Gillhams, though he does have a fully stocked lake with world record fish. Have not been there would like to go. Check out the website for more info. Top spot with the nice bungalows on the lake.

    Near the Isuzu dealer on the way to the Phuket airport on the right side there is a place that has good fish and reasonable prices.

    You have to realize to stock these ponds/lakes with quality fish is not exactly cheap. They are trying to make a profit. If you want to catch fish for free look for a lake and drop a line in. Many places all over the kingdom, do ask permission if there are any locals about.

    Alternatively when the weather clears join me on a saltwater trip from Rawai share fuel and bait all equipement provided three fishos runs about 1000 person.

    Tight lines


  4. Out fishing today and she sailed past awesom, we had to give way... lol, I believe it takes 6 miles to stop her and a mile to turn 90'. How many miles to make a u-turn??? Looks like a small island Took some pics maybe I will post later.

    Didn't catch any fish but a great day, any day fishing is better than a day at work. :)

  5. Baan Had Rawai southern end of Rawai beach, live fish in tanks, mud crabs, blue swimmer crabs, clams and oysters. Good service quiet, cool and reasonable price. Consistantly good thai seafood for years.

    I have been to Laem Hin as well, nice place, bit out of the way.

  6. When I first came apon TV I was under the impression it was good place to share and share alike, maybe even meet some similar minded members, which does happen but after very short a while i was on the verge of deleating TV from my Favorites as well as my member handle . Now I enter with care.

    There are good topics, posts, comments and lots of rubbish, endless dribble same same and same again.

    Phuket is a great place, certainly safe with respect to the rest of the world. There is a dark/grey side as well, making it interesting at times and at times a bit worrysome, but for the most I can put up with it. Respect your neighbors help if you can and after a while it can be/feel like home for any aliens.

    I can't be bothered to use spell check so pls don't crap on me for my eliterascy. My biggest barrier here is not being able to speak Thai very well.

    Cheers and tight lines


  7. Went out with Dan Neill and Mac on Thaioneon today, three bumps on a ballyhoo and that was that.

    Can't say we didn't try, 11 lines out all day.

    Tried out a a new dredge teaser...... looked good with reflections very bright.... maybe too bright, scared the fish away?

    Radio talk was one boat caught three small tuna.

    Wind blew up in the early afternoon making it a bumpy ride. Only thing i got was a bit of a sunburn :)

    Going to try and go out 27 and 28th tides are exceptional for a few days.

    Tight Lines


  8. WOOHOO Quote :Anyone who thinks complaining to a restaurant manager in phuket is going to be anything other than a waste of time, and make you even more frustrated, is kidding themselves. The only option. as many people have said, is to vote with you feet, and then share your experience with others.

    I don't agree with you there.

    If the owner or manager is available and they have any sense of manger or owner skills they will speak to you with open ears and respond neutrally and within their means do the best they can to resolve your issues, unless your one of the many who have nothing to complain about but complain complain complain.

    Success in the restaurant business in Thailand is more of a challenge than in the west with most issues arising from staff.

    Once the owner/manager leaves the building many staff tend to go into 'mai care" mode. Unless the owner is in the kitchen or has a cook/chef that oversees the quality control expected by westerners the kitchen will no longer be the heart of the business, it will be the demise.

    On the servers side it is much the same story.

    With language barriers not just Eng to Thai but all other foreign languages and accents that confuse even the better spoken Thais as well as myself I am a native English speaker and I to struggle to understand heavy accented Scotsman or east Londoner.. lol

    WOOHOO prefers to walk out and then rave about the 'bad experience at so and so establishment'. I hear more people complaining about bad meals than complimenting good meals, when someone has a bad meal at a place that normally serves a good meal the chinwagging really gets going.

    I also do tend to get upset when i expect the meal to be the same as the last and it's not. I also tend to do as someone else mentioned in order to not spoil the evening avoid a 'confruntation' and say nothing. This is where a comments card on the table comes into play. Quite common in america and Canada in the restaurant chain type establishments. Maybe it helps.

    Only if the meal can not be consumed will i take it up the server or the 'manager'. Yes bleeding pork chops or frozen fillet steaks will get sent back. Again the kitchens have to have a real cook/chef controlling everything that goes out.

    Here is a couple examples of difficulty with staff: I manage a restaurant here in the jungles of Rawai; recently I 'lost' my morning server and after a week or so my wife who covered for her as we could not find a replacement who could speak a 'little bit of tinglish'. 4 regular customers mentioned how they were glad the previous server was gone as they had almost stopped coming due to her rude behavior and lack of attention.

    Low season/summer season we downsize and in doing so we only have one cook as high season approaches we are testing potential second cooks. Last week a lady who spoke good English and said she cooks everything very good came in for an interview, after a short interview i told her to show up the next morning for a trial. She showed up on time a good sign, we test cooks with Thai food first and then western. Test Thai food generally means my wife and I will order three dishes: Tom yam talay, fried mix veggies, cashew nut chicken. I am sorry to say but after 48 minutes the 'food arrived' we tasted but did not need to as a visual inspection told us both that she was not a cook.

    In four years we have gone through too many staff. Unbearably too many! Most western restaurant owners here in Thailand will agree with that.

    I know that if my wife and I are present customers increase tenfold. If we are not here business all but stops.

    As Don knows customer relations is an essential key to success. My experience with Dons hospitality has always been enjoyable, he has done what many could not achieve without the determination and hands on approach he uses.

    These web based forums may effect him but not in the long run, it is the happy customer who returns, bad mouthing/reviews fade away pretty quick unless its warranted and does not get addressed.

    Bon appetite, enjoy your meal, hows everything this evening? is there anything else we can get you? would you like to see the dessert tray? Can i top up your coffee? Would you like another drink? please come again,



  9. What is an American Breakfast ? I think most know what an English Breakfast is -
    Great Breakfasts at AJ's Bar and Bistro right on Rawai Beach (Nai Harn End) English,Canadian & American, Pancakes French Toast good Bacon and Mr Moos Pork Sausages (English Butcher) superb Freshly Ground Coffee no Freshly squeezed Orange Juice but great Fresh Fruit shakes. I take along my own Black Pudding from Villas as its an aquired taste.

    The settting is amazing looking out over the sea to Racha Yai & Noi and very reasonable price (Try the Fish and Chips)

    Hello AJ, how's the bar going?

    Oberkomando; McFarang is a regular customer morning and evening when not away in Angola looking for oil. If you would like to direct a questions to me my new handle is 69690jay. Best not get into it as i may be banned from TV for promoting my place.

    McFarang: Mr Moo is american but his sausage is getting good reveiws, Aussi Bar Bangala rd now use his bangers, as well as many other restaurants..

    PS thanks for the plug :) Bombay stocked up for your return :-)

    In regards to TV forum chat I often find too much time wasted with comments far from the topic and quite often trollish.

    Enjoy your breakfasts, i enjoy somtam mai sai poo pla, phet phet arroy mak, mai phet mai arroy.


    My first post shows a Canadian Breakfast ( french toast, bacon scram eggs with mango, pineapple and watermelon on the side...;0 must be a canuckcomthai breakfast :D

    Had this customer come in one morning just off the plane from France ordered Canadian Breakfast with frenchtoast, (you have a choice of frenchtoast or pancakes) almost pushed the plate off the table in disgust: Dis is not Frrench breakfast! let me speak to the manager, obliging I came forward, can i help you? What is dis...? Well, frenchtoast; eggs with milk, sugar and a dash of cinnamon topped with whipped cream and maple syrup. NO dis is not frrench breakfast where is the baguette and croissant chocolate?

    She liked the coffee and had another; fresh ground Thai coffee. :D I comp the breakfast and she never broke a smile. Bloody french hard to please....... just joking.

    Dennys American breakfast and a lovely Frrench Breakfast



  10. Great Breakfasts at AJ's Bar and Bistro right on Rawai Beach (Nai Harn End) English,Canadian & American, Pancakes French Toast good Bacon and Mr Moos Pork Sausages (English Butcher) superb Freshly Ground Coffee no Freshly squeezed Orange Juice but great Fresh Fruit shakes. I take along my own Black Pudding from Villas as its an aquired taste.

    The settting is amazing looking out over the sea to Racha Yai & Noi and very reasonable price (Try the Fish and Chips)

    Hello AJ, how's the bar going?

    Oberkomando; McFarang is a regular customer morning and evening when not away in Angola looking for oil. If you would like to direct a questions to me my new handle is 69690jay. Best not get into it as i may be banned from TV for promoting my place.

    McFarang: Mr Moo is american but his sausage is getting good reveiws, Aussi Bar Bangala rd now use his bangers, as well as many other restaurants..

    PS thanks for the plug :) Bombay stocked up for your return :-)

    In regards to TV forum chat I often find too much time wasted with comments far from the topic and quite often trollish.

    Enjoy your breakfasts, i enjoy somtam mai sai poo pla, phet phet arroy mak, mai phet mai arroy.



  11. Went out on Thaioneon with Dan the owner, he did everything short of jumping in to get us hooked up: Running 11 lines with six Ballyhoo, two rappalas, two planners with ballyhoo, two birds, pulsator you name it we tried it.

    Caught a few small tuna 2Kg+ but nothing worth a photo. Great day out with beautiful conditions, snokling at lucnch Koh Racha noi, lovely. First good weather in a long time.

    Ocean Hunter is dry docked getting new anti foul, back on the mooring in a couple days, weather has changed for the worse agin but ocean is still pretty calm so maybe late next week will go out.

    Tight Lines



  12. Thanks for the suggestion. I'm really looking for restaurants though. For example 'Restaurant X in Kata serves caterpillar som tam' etc.
    Go to one of the local markets, you can get plenty of wierd food at the local markets.

    I remember seing a Restaurant like this in Rawai. It was a really small place near the end or even past the bend of rawai beach road.

    They had menu with crocodile, frog, deer like creature (gang or whatever in Thai), and possibly bat iirc and some other stuff I don't remember. It's worth a look I guess.

    The place your talking about is just across from Baan Had Rawai the seafood restaurant at the southern end of Rawai beach. it's a tiny place next to the bridge.

    There is a Isaan restaurant near Phuket town, Called "101" it's actually a chain of restaurants, Isaan's equivalent of McD's! ask around and you will find one they all serve the same stuff. The one we frequent is about 2 km out of Phuket, there's a LED billboard that goes over the road, then an intersection, on the right side 7-11 with a small soi, across the soi is the restaurant, here you will find Ant egg soup, and other Isaan favorites: jumping shrimp salad, the shrimp are still alive, jumping all over the place good fun. I particularly enjoy the Ant Egg Soup, full of larvae and ants, you will have to take a Thai with you to translate the Thai menu as the western translation cover the basic stuff.

    Most of the better Isaan restaurants have what your looking for.

    Bon appetite :)

  13. hi, there is salt water fly fishing, we are getting ready to give it a go come Nov when the seas calm.

    I live in Rawai have a bar and restaurant on the beach, i take care of a 6.2 m centre consul aluminium oz built boat for a mate of mine. Your welcome to join us.



  14. the weather has cleared for the last few days and there is a window open for the next few days, with the moon and water conditions fishing should be productive. unfortunately Ocean Hunter is trailered as of monday; new anti foul etc.

    Wish i could.... The local longtail fishos are doing well.

  15. LivinLOS spot on, after twenty years of visiting Phuket i returned to Rawai to live: close to Nai Harn Beach, great beach if not the best on Phuket. Good fishing and diving out my front door. Good restaurants and a few bars, a few too many but that will never change here in the LOS.

    Regardless of what the media paints Rawai is a relatively safe place. Village life here is good, local Thai community is friendly if you give them the time of day and respect. 4 years here with no plans to leave. The place is changing fast....., going over the hill 15 yrs ago from sunset bungalows at Nai Harn to visit Kata and Patong, it was similar to Rawai now. I expect Rawai is not far behind. There are many houses/bungalows for rent at better and better value.

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