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Posts posted by 69690jay

  1. Hi minefield,

    16' is a bit small better to step up to 18-20'

    I helped a friend buy a boat similar to the one you're after. There are good deals to be found, if you have time. If you have money you can order a boat from overseas or a Thai built to your specs. In the size your looking for expect to spend 400000 to 2000000 baht.

    There was a very nice cat with trailer in Pattaya for sale asking 1.4 it had twin 90 Honda and fully fitted for coastal fishing. Not sure if he still has it but a lot of boat for a great price. Look at the cost of a new Honda 90.

    Phuket has many boats and with the present economy there will be deals to be found, take your time. In the mean time when you get here your welcome to join myself and Neill (the owner) on Ocean Hunter to go fishing around Racha Islands and local area.

    I am always looking and if i see something i will let you know about it.

    Tight lines


  2. "Something Different" 500m before Icon Club in Rawai, Something Different is a small place on the left side going towards Icon from Nai Harn, good cheesecake and other sweets, I have not tried the mains but have heard its good, the cheese cake and apple crumble has been my choice on both visits.

  3. walked down to check it out, i was misinformed by security last week about no cover, 200B entry, turnout was good maybe 150 - 200

    Looked like everyone was having a high time ;0

    some good fireworks and job2do played all night.

    Today i saw a banner in front of Laguna night club: Job2do Concert July 17th 200b entry fee one free drink.

    Rawai is getting our fill of Job2do.

  4. one address: one house, restaurant & bar, three bungalows, 5 points, 490Baht month with rawai cable, each point cost 500 baht to install.

  5. not sure on the time the banner only states the date. The venue is not a local bar though they are welcome to play in mine, it's a stage set up at the end of the soi along the beach behind Ban Had Rawai, there is a small park on the beach.

    TV certainly has a lot of agro trolls, nothing better to do? asking for feedback ain't I. LOL

  6. July 4th Saturday night Job2Do will be playing at the beach southern end of Rawai Beach, guessing its a grand finale to the festival market that has been going on for the last 9 days, not sure if the market will continue as it was to end on the 1st.

    See you there :)

  7. very effective way to catch tuna, which is why the charter boats use it, when the customer pays to catch fish if the boat can get a few tuna then the customer won't complain so much unless they expected to catch sails etc.

    I run two birds with daisy chains on the outriggers, halfway up the outriggers i run two more birds with pushers or daisy chains, out the back i will set one or two planers with rapala magnums or similar lures.

    The daisy chains tend to pick up tuna if they are around.

    Though we did get a sail once on the daisy chain!

    Planers aimed at Wahoo etc.

    Ballyhoo (garfish) rigged right work well.

    I like to drop the pick and get a burely/chum trail going, set out a few lines on balloons or small floats with sardines/yakkas live bait rigged or dead if we have no live bait. Squid whole or strips work well also. The result is barracuda, giant long-toms and if your lucky something bigger. Good fun on light gear, long-toms put on a good show in the 1/2m to 1m size, tail walks and so on.

    wishing good weather and free time would coincide long enough to go get hooked up :)

    Tight lines


  8. I came across this story in a review of The Last Executioner at thaiprisonlife.com:

    "Between 1984 and 2002, Chavoret Jaruboon shot dead 55 prisoners. In his autobiography, "The Last Executioner", he describes some of the more notable cases. Two stories in particular stand out. One of them was of the execution of a man who pleaded his innocence right up to the last moment. He said that the real guilty party was the son of a policeman and that he was beaten into making a confession. During his execution, it looked like he was almost being saved by divine providence. When Chavoret pulled the trigger the gun jammed and it wouldn't fire. He checked the gun but couldn't see any reason why it wouldn't fire. They then set up the spare machine gun. After it was carefully aimed, Chavoret then pulled the trigger. But, this one jammed too. The prisoner might have been saved, however, a quick thinking guard decided to search the prisoner more thoroughly. They then found a Buddhist amulet called Luang Phor Daeng hidden in his right armpit. They do say that some amulets are powerful enough to protect you from bullets. Or maybe the monk, whose image was on this amulet, was trying to protect an innocent man. Anyway, once the amulet was removed the gun became unjammed and the prisoner was executed."

    The thread has shifted from the original post: Powerful Amulet to the Power of meditation and mantras.....

    interesting to read but nothing to do with the OP.

    I have been interested in amulets for some time and find that there can be energy of ones own perception felt when in the presence of some Buddhist shrines and very occasionally amulets, just as when in the presence of many chanting monks.

    I have experienced the same 'energy' in the presence of Christians many years ago; during a meeting held for someone who was in great danger from her drug addiction, the group held hands prayed together for her. I was in the group but did not know most of them as they did not know her, I only knew the Minister through an old school friend, his daughter. During the prayer i felt a sense of relief that i would find her and she would accept my offer of help.

    Later when i found her she mention that she was aware of an 'energy' that pushed her to accept my offering to help.

    Now 5 years later she is still clean and sober though with the help of AA and NA, she attends meetings 5 days a week.

    The proven success of AA and NA is another good example of where this discussion has gone.

    I am not Christian, I would like to consider myself to be Buddhist though my lack of devotion and practice is hardly merit of saying i am a buddhist.

    Going back to the OP: Amulet collectors warn of many fake amulets, they say it can be difficult to tell if one is fake or not, some collectors feel the 'energy' of real ones, and show great respect to the amulet when holding or passing it back to me, they also show respect to me when they see a fake one by saying that they do not like it much, a gentle way to say it is fake.

    I have heard stories of the power of amulets. I pray to the power of LP Thuad everytime i get on my motorbike.

    Here is an interesting article:

    LP Doem's Conquering Knife

    The world only KNIFE

    that defeats GUN !!

    LP Doem's Conquering knife bears its beautiful Thai name: Meed Prab Pairee; Meed=knife, Prab=conquer, Pairee=enemy. Sometimes, Thai people easily call it "Meed Moh". LP Doem made conquering knife before WWII, most of them are of ivory-tusk handle and case with silver straps, small amount of them are of wood. His knife is a top most amulet and very popular among Thai police, soldiers and real tough guys, but not many can afford it because of its high price. One of LP Doem's greatest disciples also made very efficacious conquering knife as of his Guru is LP Kant, Wat Kao Kaew, Nakonsawan. LP Kant's knife is much cheaper but can be used as a substitution for LP Doem's. It's formidable knife and feared by hooligans. Uncountable events in the past long years proved its very high efficacy. Miraculous phenomena often occured; in fighting events, bad gunners were frightened--their guns disfunctioned or bullets could not penetrate into the knife's owner and at last the bad were killed by only one stab of the little knife. LP Doem's knife is so powerful, he blessed with his very great Kathas that can protect the owner and simultaneously destroy the enemy's invulnerability and impenetrability. The knife blade will go through, nothing can obstruct it. This is why LP Doem tells his disciples do not use the knife-if not being assaulted or harmed severely as if the tears drop down as blood. LP Doem lived a long life,B.E.2403-2494.

    Yes, in every fighting GUN defeats KNIFE. But in the case of LP Doem's knife, KNIFE deats GUN!! If there is the greatest knifesmith in this world, LP Doem will be that one!!

    Home | More LP Doem Story | LP Kant's Knife

  9. Copied and pasted from THIS THREAD on a similar topic.

    By nature, we're visual creatures. So it would follow that visual cues serve as reminders, so to speak. There is no doubt that Buddha images and Wat related things have an impact on our mindset. The same can be said of amulets. Some people wear them out of faith in their maker/blesser and/or powers that they possess. The people who aren't into that who wear amulets do so as a reminder of virtue. Seeing your amulet, feeling it on your person, etc., has a profound effect that can affect choices you make, actions, etc.

    Spot on!

    It is like having a Buddha image in your house. It's not to worship that image but just to remind you of the middle path.

    I found this to be a good opinion/view on the matter:



    Sor Plynoi Amuletic Buddha Images : Belief and Faith



    Phra Khong Wat Phra Khong

    .....Belief and faith have been parts of human beings of all races and languages since the ancient time. For this reason, different forms of amulets and charms have been created through all historical periods to boost morale and give support to believers. In many times, when people were in a critical or perilous situation, they would think of things they had strong faith in or took as their protectors; they then would gain conscience and became determined to fight against obstacles and dangers. Their strong will enabled them to succeed. As a result, people of different times preferred to have amulets and charms for themselves.

    . Later, human beings started to have religion as their guidance in life. Symbols of their former belief and faith were developed to be more artistic. Particularly, Buddhists loved to pay homage to the places related to important incidents in the Lord Buddha's life -- Place of Birth, Attaining Enlightenment, Giving the First Sermon and Entering Nirvana. Each year a large number of Buddhists visited there holy places and they also looked for objects of worship so as to take back to enshrine in their own country. The natives living close to those holy places created votive tablets for sale at inexpensive prices. What they did was well received, so the practice of creating votive tablets became more extensive. pidta-watthong-pimsien-to-benja_ss.gifpidta-rea-bangpai_ss.gifpidta-yantrayung-watnung_ss.gifpidta-huey-jorakray_ss.gifpidta-taiyant_ss.gif magnify.gif

    The tradition of creating votive tablets in Thailand was not originally for sale as mentioned above. Thai Buddhists created votive tablets with a belief to prolong and firmly establish Buddhism. Therefore, a large number of votive tablets, after being created, would be interred under stupas. It was believed that when the stupas were ruined or destroyed, people might excavate the ruins and found the interred votive tablets. Then, they would realize how Buddhism had been established in this area and they would be reminded of the Lord Buddha's benevolence. pimsien-to_ss.gifpimsien-baht-alloy_ss.gifpimsien-baht-pimniyom_ss.gifpimsien-baht-pimniyom2_ss.gif magnify.gif

    .. Later on, those who created votive tablets were those who had undergone ascetic practice and had thus gained a supernormal will power. They, therefore, made use of auspicious materials to create votive tablets as well as meditated and prayed to transfer the strength of their supernormal will power to the amuletic images they created. So in times of calamities -- diseases or warfare, the Buddhists who took the Lord Buddha's benevolence as their haven, would carry with them small Buddha images to boost their spirit. This started the belief in votive tablets as protectors from dangers. Though these images are not meant to give beleivers an eternal life, they are made to represent the Lord Buddha and are made of auspicious materials. Those who pay homage to the Lord Buddha's images and follow his teaching would bring upon themselves auspices and good fortune.

    Auspices in a person would render happiness and prosperity to that person.

  10. :) Rawai beach front road has been transformed into an open air market with food stalls, clothing (cheap as chips, actualy cheaper than chips), teak furniture, garden shop(orchids), massage (150 hr), games for the kids and adults if you like to throw darts and shoot pop guns, music venues.

    Worth a look.

    Hope i have not broken any TV posting rules....

  11. There is a 4 wheel repair shop on the road connecting Chao Fah East with Chao Fah west, I think it is the second one after Wat Chalong going towards Phuket town. Easy to find as there are a few monster trucks parked along the road, he does excelent welding and wiring, I got a hitch and 2" ball properly fitted to a Isuzu. 3000B

    next time by i will get his phone number for you.

  12. Report 03-05-2009

    Fishing Rawai beach to Racha Yai & Noi:

    lots of tuna feeding on baitballs, trolling between Racha islands caught one Tuna 2+kg on daisy chain. Two hits.

    Sailfish jumping between 4pm and sunset.

    After sunset dropped the pick; bottom fished for a dew hours lots of barracuda, one small GT 2kg+ fresh squid for bait.

    Expect more reports over the next two weeks, we are going to be out more often as Neill is back from Angola and has some new saltwater flyfishing gear he wants try out on sailfish around northern point of Racha Yai :)


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