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Everything posted by zzaa09

  1. The always, and quite a few, unmanned counters are largely for show. Guarantee that is the way it's been since Swampy opened for business in '06. Long queues have been a matter of course for ages.
  2. The only collective protests that may have any such effect are the variety that proposes to live one's protest......[a long general strike, etc.] Be the change, sort to speak. Otherwise, any random and zealous street protest always prove to be moot. All the while, the authoritarians get away with basically anything they want. Because they can.
  3. Mai phen rai. Pay no attention to such woke/pretentious goodness. Surely, if one has resided and nicely integrated here for an accepted period, then one has earned the privilege to speak out and comment/opine on anything/everything Thailand. That being said. Some of us [a quantum minority] long timers have integrated better than others [aka wannabes].
  4. Not to be too much of an unconventional party-pooper.......but I'm looking forward to the day that all this fades away.
  5. It might be more worthy to inquire as to how/where the tax collected is spent and how is it used. Recycled back for the good of the commons?
  6. Just a different kind of scallywaggery, but one nonetheless. Skullduggery may appear in a variety of forms, yet the parent club remains under the same umbrella. What should be astounding and perplexing is that too many aren't able to comprehend this.
  7. The current system is greatly reflective of how it's been forever. The particular circles have been in place for quite some time - the surface and minor players continue revolving through the same doors. The theatre remains the same. Trimming a few branches here and there, doesn't solve anything. The roots require digging up and permanently severed. The only manner in which change will ever come is a revamped planting of a new tree.
  8. Indeed. As it appears to be all about themselves/their interests and not the people they supposedly represent.
  9. ....a love/hate thing with politicians. Why is this? They do nothing for us.
  10. ...or an integral part of a very influential and powerful empire. A little more humble and of the people might suffice.
  11. Those scallywags! What will all the determined and fervent detractors and haters say!!!!???? Just added fodder the highly sensationalized Lakorn Thai.
  12. He does think highly of himself........in a terribly deluded manner. His less than humble/sincere fashionable type will fade quickly, as do all fanciful quests. It's all about the attention. Nothing practiced.
  13. Such things don't really apply in these instances. The face covering practice, from the get go, is a greater reflection of a sense of abiding by an authoritarian following.
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