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Everything posted by zzaa09

  1. As you should know already, it goes against all good form and law to mention such things. You know who.
  2. Goes without saying. More importantly is that we'll never see any follow-ups or continuing investigative journalism from the crack establishment media. In short time, swept under the rug.
  3. He's a harmless eccentric fellow......and subliminally wittier than most here, most of which take themselves far too seriously and dwell in the fancy of exceptional. Could be worse.
  4. We should thankful that we have the same old revolving dinosaurs around to guide us through these rough times.
  5. All too typical. Yet, yield to have any keen observations or interact with the real Thai community. Pretending to know.
  6. All the coups are strategized by those that we can't discuss. Protection racket.
  7. The traditional broadsheet term to describe a czar is now guru. How quaint.
  8. And by all means......please do nothing to encourage free, independent and critical thought - also includes never ever challenge or question the make believe authority and convention.
  9. zzaa09


    The entire region is still in considerable lockdown - especially Khon Kaen. Stay away. Don't come. Please.
  10. ....and still most outsiders don't comprehend how things are done here [from the looks of the numerous posts/threads].
  11. And what of the non-conformist amongst society? Ying/Yang have their place.
  12. If you [et al] were capable of doing some deeper investigative/alternative research regarding this subject matter - less acquiescing to the mind numbing convention - you might find such an inspired revelation. The acceptance of something repeated loud and often enough doesn't make it any more real or true.
  13. There is hope. As it appears, with each passing year, that parents and communities are pushing back as such applies to these seemingly draconian measures of dress - more and more schooling infrastructures are freeing up these authoritarian-centric regulations [especially regarding hair styles].
  14. And yet, throughout contemporary history, all these acts and writs require special green lights and mandated blessings that always appear to secure the protection for a particular few.....the influential ones. The surface politics and militarism are still answering to the entity - as they have for decades upon decades. The crux. All the while, most still slumber as to the reality.
  15. The cult-like character to extend mindless romance and championing towards all things militarism is rather macabre and pathetic. Something terribly evil regarding this mindset.
  16. Or when the broader contingency of authorities stopped fudging greatly the numbers.
  17. And in particular instances, the political and social stranglehold is worst - case scenarios would included the much beloved democratic West.
  18. Yet, China's not an enemy. The real boogieman lies on the other side of the broad pacific - pretending to be friends.
  19. The reality of it is that the overwhelming percentage of Thais don't feel repressed - because they're not.
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