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Everything posted by zzaa09

  1. Highly unlikely, as SOE requires some circle of support by way of their continued cappers. All these dramas appear to be cycles of repeated history - events from the 1930s through the 1970s [and beyond] have keen similarities. Just as it's presenting itself today. Nothing much changes throughout the Thai political landscape.
  2. A little althistory speculation might be in order - just for fun. What if there wasn't the Thaksin coup or even the Yingluck coerced/forced exile that can about. How might we be different today?
  3. This fashion of Thaksin returning and whatnot... Thought we were currently of the mindset of ridding ourselves of the old guard dinosaurs and associated. Wouldn't this old fart be part of this class?
  4. Because they, and the ever abiding and never questioning media, said so. ????
  5. But these jokers listed are but minnows and really have little say so. Cutting a deal and coming to an understanding with the big boss might still be in the works......as crazy as it might sound.
  6. Perhaps, it might be a small victory for those involved - but doesn't change the fact that things aren't gonna change because of such futile actions. Symbolic protests and practices, historically, have little effect on anything. But makes for sensationalized copy amongst media and idealistic feel good types.
  7. As long you receive the proper and authoritarian blessings/approval... Mai phen rai.
  8. We're not really living and breathing individuals, but instead an electronic IT-inspired notation. It's obvious that we've become numb to the process.
  9. That's been the crux for decades, though. Too much elitist club pedigree.
  10. Surface rhetoric. Part and parcel of the faux righteous game that they prefer to promote. All...brushed under the carpet and forgotten before long.
  11. ....and the sources that are usually sucked in by the common distractions. More akin to tabloid style.
  12. Been the cyclical trend for a couple decades. Early rains and extended and rainy season.
  13. All this above might be a perfect reflection of why such surveys and rankings are so moot and ridiculous. Nothing is real. As I think about it, defining democracy and experiencing the truer practice is a very rare item the world over.
  14. Or....one might ask why the zeal for the comparisons. Is it a competition of sorts?
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