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Everything posted by zzaa09

  1. Yep. And yet, repeated loud and often enough to throw off the unsuspecting and dumbed down masses. Distractions and sleight-of-hand. Even the abiding media goes along, promoting as such.
  2. Thought we had moved on from the likes of Marky......guess not. With this present and particular political chaotic uncertainty - notice that all the washed up and wannabes are throwing their hats in the ring. Yet, any such truer and legitimate alternatives are never discussed nor allowed media attention. Old Boys Club domination, as to be expected.
  3. The omnipresence of cycling corrupted scallywags. Appears to the long standing norm the world over. No exception here, of course.
  4. Or even greatly extended scholarship programs for those who might qualify - benefitting the commons in the long run. Cycling back into society. Comes back a hundred fold. Naturally, the profiteering cabals don't want to realize the truer value for the culture of what scholarship schemes or nominal tuition associated would create a healthier economy and population.
  5. Need to question the integrity and cognitive prowess of particular academics.......
  6. Should've been the case some time back, whereas it seems that all the quality tabloid news centers around tourism related. Why is any of this news?
  7. That would be considered a high criminal act in the eyes of the ICAO, IATA, IFALPA, and other int'l governing/regulatory bodies. I'm sure there are devious goings on of this nature here and there - taking the chance that the suspected airports/airlines could be heavily fined and shut down indefinitely.
  8. And at what point do we stop buying into their false promotion and general BS?
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