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Everything posted by zzaa09

  1. Perspectives will vary regarding this statement. A little defined research and comprehension as to what this influential and revered individual was truly about might reveal a different story.
  2. Speaking of which, when are the much fabled and anticipated elections scheduled? Or have they put those off for another couple of years as well? Not that any of this dreamy and idealistic state of free, open and democratic elections will ever become a reality. An organised and strong collective revolution is in order, dismantling the dominant paradigm for good. Otherwise, all this talk of niceties and the possibilities of what can come is purely moot and fanciful.
  3. The reality of what they did and their continued false narrative and lies are coming back to haunt. Evidence is abundant from numerous circles.....and yet the protective forces refuse to touch and ignoring the reality that was and is.
  4. To be sure, it's gonna be quite until we return to the strong pre-COVID numbers - if we ever do return to those levels again. It surely would've been a benefit all around if the authorities had seen it befitting to instill measures to encourage this much ballyhooed sector.......including subsidies, tax credits and assorted stipends that would of assured that it all rolls back in due course. Dreamy and suspect numbers promoted continuously does little to maintain any reality that might be in our midst. I might add also Mike, that Lung Tu didn't have a singular part in the decimation of the once vibrant industry - he had lots of assistance from those usual circles that were looking after their own interests first. The Ammat and elite troughs have priority.
  5. I imagine that numerous foreign officialdom are having a private muse to what's taking place in Thailand presently. Near to be embarrassing.
  6. It's all about the well being and health of the good people. Of course it is.
  7. The base reasoning for a mandatory [as in: legislated] and fair hourly wage system with the appropriate regulations and safeguards. A bit dreamy to expect any of this to be derived from employers, government or the slave-ridden systems. For any of this to ever come about - the desired will of the collective workforce requires a labour rebellion......en masse.
  8. Almost? On the contrary, it's been of the nature for quite some time. Universally practiced worldwide.
  9. Yes, younger blood. But, youth and their broader circle that aren't associated with the club. Otherwise all the wishful thinking and hopes are essentially moot. Should be noted: wondering what's working in the influential realms?
  10. Local and regional enigmatic magic. All of which requires connecting to be comprehended....... Outsiders don't have the ability to recognize what is and what isn't.
  11. Lao and Khmer, as is most of the broader cuisine. All of which has been hybrid to be Thai.
  12. Not really. Tim's nothing special nor has any intuitive insight regarding the affairs of Thailand. Typically reflective Farang world.
  13. All of that has little to do with positioning imaginary heads of states here.....as it's been reflected historically. And beyond......has less to do with the general society and the commons. It's all about something else - the usual cycle.
  14. Because they can and they do. Fabricating the usual line, which is accepted. Same as it ever was.
  15. Quite enjoyable if one cares to take in the usual political Lakorn Thai sequences. Perfect timing for the good people to rise.
  16. This basic appears to be one and the same the world over - for ages. Everything and anything increases [unnecessarily, I might add] 100 fold over a couple of generations or more, whereas everyday wages/salaries don't adjust or change accordingly. And the ruling elites are perplexed and numb as to why much of the world's population are taking to the streets......time and time again.
  17. Though, isn't that what it's all been about? Nothing more, nothing less.
  18. By coup or unwavering and favoured royal appointment. Historically , how it's always worked. The system is laid out for Ammat......not the good people.
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