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Everything posted by zzaa09

  1. Whatta ya call a thousand politicians chained to the bottom of the ocean....? ????????
  2. The storylines and the criminal intent remain the same. The only thing that modifies are the names of the corrupted profiteers.
  3. Yet, the contradictories still exist - as many rice farmers find themselves [unnecessarily, I might add] prisoners to the agricultural banksters abiding by the ever present and cycling loan/credit schemes that they're almost forced to participate in a sort of buying from the company store type of situation.......never getting ahead. Most of these activities are self-induced by the respective farmers. The better news is that the greater percentage of farmers are clearly lesser dependent on the agricultural mafias for their "success" and break free from the company store scenarios. Aside from all this nonsense, the government shouldn't be in the business of controlling overseers as such applies to the all imaginary free and open markets.
  4. Tourism, by it's very nature, is terribly destructive - across the board. The complex paradox that many aren't willing to comprehend.
  5. Actually, some time ago - many have already began the transition away from market rice on to other things, growing rice for familial subsistence only. Back when - perhaps a decade ago - there was a growing movement among rice farmers [in particular] to form independent unified cooperatives allowing themselves to be free of the government and banksters rice mafia control, whereas freeing up the free export market [where the big money is] would be to their advantage and beneficial to the broader communities......these ideals have somewhat petered out as many have seen it more fit to opt out to more advantageous agricultural/horticultural ventures. Rice is still king here and used almost used as a political tool in many instances - by all parties.
  6. The 21 that haven't found it fit to fill in their systematic khlong networks nor have found it necessary to cement over their lovely landscapes.
  7. Some just can't let go of the Thaksin obsession. Let alone have a clear understanding of contemporary or recent historic markers.
  8. Again........what general election? That's not how it works here. *sigh*????
  9. Not without the proverbial 2-3 day course of video, written and trivial parking testing. The caveat, of course, is locale/situationally dependent on the facility. Universal regulations and processing not applying. It's more than quite possible [again...depending where you renew] that one can process a renewal by going through regular channels - can be done in about an hour without the extras.
  10. There are a couple of traditional and long standing institutions that require a permanent dissolution before any such validity towards a competent constitution can transpire - or anything else, for that matter. Any talk or actions regarding anything otherwise is plainly moot and non sequitur fallacy.
  11. And yet, most aren't able to handle this reality - instead, making something else up for their personal sensibilities and imagined political comfort. It is what it is and will continue this way for the foreseeable future.
  12. The older generations can't be bothered anymore, while the newer variety await the next K-Pop social fashions.
  13. Indeed. Historically, an overwhelming percentage of MPs of every colour are made up of present/former military and Ammat circles. This is the way it's always been......so any nepotistic club extensions should be expected.
  14. A continuous word of mouth and bad reviews will take care of this. Comes back to bite them in the backside. The parent, Singapore Airlines - of whom have a shining reputation as such applies to customer relations/policies should be taking shame.......even during these trying times [kind of post-COVID] where airlines are looking to balance themselves. F*** 'em all.
  15. Curious to note that the respective airline and third party agent are never held legally/ethically responsible, as this is how the corrupted system is set up and quite acceptable within their circles. The evil dominant paradigm strikes again.
  16. I was under the impression that the term Farang was taboo and undesired as a promotional feature here. ????
  17. As the extraterrestrials implanted and designed the deepest ideals of God[s]. Convenient, huh? ????
  18. And.....this suspicious surge in foreign investment - who benefits? The the betterment of the societal commons or the usual circle of oligarchs? Does anyone question or challenge by way of whys and wherefores of these very surface and nonchalant stories? Deeper investigative reportage and extended follow ups as to how this supposed foreign investment is used and distributed?
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