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Everything posted by zzaa09

  1. Indeed. September.....even into October has seen some historic flooding throughout the decades.
  2. Indeed. They'll figure it out in their usually underhanded and devious manner. Although, Wiseguys will require the granted approval from The Don. Same as it ever was.
  3. These embedded activities are instinctively traditional, by their very nature - for ages. The roots of the tree require severing for any real change to come about.
  4. Shirley, one can find much more substance and insight from a wide variety of sources - because they do exist in droves. You folks limit yourself with the predictable English-language/Farang sources - and quite befitting of the collective ignorance.
  5. Perhaps not Thakky's direct influence, per se - but the built up circle and associations that continue to perpetuate his words. To this day, there is quite a significant media/pundit core that slobber over everything and anything Thaksin. Shinawatra owned and operated platforms assist greatly.
  6. Stop cementing over a broad natural flood plain. Replace the hundreds of khlongs that have been filled during the "developed" era.
  7. Not so much Thais struggling with this invented issue - more so belongs to the ever vigilant Westerner and their insipid and unreasoned hatred towards most everything China/Chinese. Deep repeated conditioning is almost impossible to eradicate.
  8. Actually, the common vernacular one might hear in Surin is a very twisted and adopted form of Kamen - Phasa Surin....as it's known.
  9. This dreamy and and deeply conditioned fanciful ideology has long passed.
  10. And...you'll be remembering who the military answers to.
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