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Everything posted by zzaa09

  1. The same wokesters that insisted that the U.S. stop purchasing Thai farmed shrimp as the practice was interfering with the native mangrove.... How'd that work out for the U.S.? ???? [it didn't work out, as the U.S. had to back off after the Thais told 'em to **** off - 75% of shrimp/prawns sold in the U.S. is Thai based]????
  2. Much much more easier on the soul to ignore all of the silliness, Richard. Live one's protest and pass it on.
  3. This thread is typical of others like it - Almost stereotyped bound textbook that cycles redundancy, perhaps with an odd twist here and there. Boorish convention has no limits.
  4. Would be easier to suggest that any such peace of mind might or might not manifest regarding the type/variety of stimulation one absorbs......as news bias, opinions and punditry derives in a wide range of flavours. Picking one's comfort zone or developing an indifference - yet still unyielding to the wall of convention - is quite worthy among the incognitive masses. Self made paths are more worthy and healing.
  5. Considering that 9 outta 10 "infected" aren't worthy of any such hospitalization or associated over angst, it's all moot. Yet, the dreamy and institutional based paranoia seems to still have the advantage over reasoned intelligence and scientific evidence.
  6. Nasty invented boggiemen. They're everywhere. Makes it easier and convenient to forget and ignore our own unsavoury past......and present.
  7. For some others the increasing exodus of Farang residents can only be a plus.
  8. Might be more pragmatic to inquire: when will farang learn?
  9. Naturally, they haven't work out the obvious and detailed change up offered. Imagine that. Shouldn't expect any of this to be crystal clear for another week or two......even after the new revision has kicked in. A real positive step would be to scrap the whole thing. Madness. We are allowed to return to normalcy, despite the ever present establishment narrative.
  10. Right now, this seems to be the most reasoned logic. After numerous changes, modifications, revisions, obvious glitches and strong debate of the last five/seven months - appears that most everyone remain confused as to which way is up........officialdom as well as prospective travelers. The new self-administrated antigen test [another unnecessary pricey expenditure] plus the continuing insurance scam will still put people off. Some were suggesting, way back in Oct/Nov, to revert back to pre-Covid era entry programs - the only mandated stipulation might be proof of RT-PCR test prior to flight and vaccinated certification. At this present time, the whole of the Covid paranoia is becoming quite silly and mind numbing - everywhere. Mounting evidence is proving such. Don't ya think it's about time we got over ourselves?
  11. I'm guessing nil. These things needn't apply to the overwhelming culture centricity that might be observed here, all of which is not terribly practical for life.
  12. Sure would be much more practical just to euthanize the lot instead of this silly ideal of sterilising.
  13. Mai phen rai. They always know where you are regardless. The game.
  14. These matters shouldn't be of much concern, as they've never seem to know what they're doing [technical aspect] nor how to configure such projects. Lot of talk and rhetoric.
  15. Personally, I'm expecting that they will drop the TP/T&P entry programs reasonably soon. The catch, though, will be that they'll be designing another alternative for the already established registration/tracking system - as they somewhat had such in place before Covid.
  16. Though, I suspect a simple resolution could end this seemingly epidemic of mysterious balcony deaths. Choose not to reside in any such complex more than two stories. Problem solved.
  17. Govt/corporate inhouse appointees cycles of nepotism. Seems to be the general fashion the world over - for ages.
  18. Or any corporate/government thought process anywhere in the world.
  19. Numerous attached skeletons in their respective closets. A long long sordid history of like activity. I could imagine that the particular suspected circles would prefer that all this would go away or swept under the proverbial rug. This type of attention creates a very uncomfortable atmosphere. I suspect, before long, we won't be hearing much about this related story through mainstream avenues.
  20. Reflective of not only the base venue, but also the contributing posters. Been of this general nature for quite some time.
  21. These are the things that our Fathers spoke of and their Fathers before them Damn youngsters and the brands of music. In my day.......
  22. I can appreciate your general challenging skepticism [as we should all be this way instinctively]. I certainly wouldn't go by the random video disclosed by this random Farang Charley - regardless of who he might or might not be. There are some closeted circles that have long understood the background of how and why The Bangkok Post was born - it's all quite intriguing, actually. There is a wealth of material available, though extraordinarily difficult to dig up - it can be found. I might suggest, if one is really interested in this bit of sublime historic content, a self-researched project might be at hand.
  23. Speaking of which, we surely could use another Gandhi figure or two to keep them straight. It appears that most of the populations are straying to the hypnotic comfort of the fabricated and suppressed convention.
  24. Oh dear. The make believe indoctrinations and promotions about all things tourism related. More fallacy than not.
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