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Everything posted by zzaa09

  1. There's still hope. Another fresh coup might brighten things up. Although, similar players will be apart of the age-old theatre.
  2. Why don't we just call it good and get on with our lives....
  3. Private sector? How might that be defined? As governments regulate and managed the private sector, why not just it for what it is.
  4. Though, don't know why it's considered to be independent business practice when relying and dependent on govt support. This has become the generated mindset everywhere, expecting govts to bail out or assist any time someone farts in the wrong direction..........another destructive and very commonly accepted ideal is that governments should be in business or overseas/subsidize business. Somewhere along the paths, we've been induced to consider this a given. It shouldn't be at all.
  5. Largely dependent on the familial connections and company one wishes to keep. Some will always be engaged in being a foreigner.
  6. What opposition? [the term repeated ad nauseam] Quite the disguised puppetry that they promote.
  7. And many continue to shed the usual bitterness and naivete as it is so promptly shown among venues like this. Dullards rule.
  8. Yet, the simple scientific evidence says not. That is, unless one is dousing in the particular Kool-Aid. The art and practice of sleight-of-hand and manipulation - repeated often and loud enough - is a comfort for some.
  9. If you haven't picked up on such as yet, you'll be finding that the broad Covid Era has been used in conjunction with blame or justification regarding most everything - especially the repressive corporate/political side, and to a lesser degree societal. And usually quite acceptable toward the ever-growing dumbed down populations.
  10. Yet, one has to know Thai ladies before you can speak of them intelligently.
  11. Part and parcel to the ongoing theatre. It's what they do. The content of the stage remains the same, only the players change.
  12. We'll have to be waiting for the next coup and any conclusions to know what any of this proposed rhetoric means.
  13. The ever popular and mind numbing establishment narratives are crumbing...
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