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Everything posted by zzaa09

  1. Yet, "world" attention was never focused in that direction anyway was it? Only the light fashionable variety. Why is this?
  2. .....and what of Keith Richards?
  3. Seems to me that we need to have a good hard look at our own characters before attempting to uncover the mysteries of Thai females.
  4. It's not so much housing cost increases that should be of concern, but instead agricultural land.
  5. Yet, seems as some just becoming aware of this reality - for ages. Pathetic.
  6. The broader learning curve thrives among most. Polls, surveys, ranking, etc - by their very nature are bogus and make believe. Alas, the greater percentage are sucked into the the ideals of a poll.......all of which represent little or nothing.
  7. Oh dear. Appears that some circles [Thai authorities/officialdom] still don't get it. Astounding -
  8. Indeed. Why do they bother within this historied political atmosphere? The attempt to attain influence, or even a foot in the door, is futile at best.
  9. Replace the term dissolution with disillusion and we'll be straight.
  10. If it weren't for the dark/underground sector, most economies would be in shambles and even more illusionary. Not too terribly different from the surface and legitimate???? economies - similar practices of phoniness, fantasy, criminal and BSery. There's a place for everything - regardless of it's accepted/unaccepted order and convention. The ideals of true and worthy wealth is purely a part of our imaginations -
  11. Always in search for the next former Mrs. zzaa09.
  12. Tradition, regardless of it's features, doesn't go over very well with outsiders whom really don't understand the multiple facets.
  13. And what of the hundreds of activist exiles that also seek mainstream conscious attention? The randomness of the selected martyrs is predictable by way of these news circles.
  14. Exactly. That's what dinosaurs do. Washed in tradition that benefits their own kind.
  15. Appears that this supposed unfriendly nation[s] sensibility is very big business. The only business. Repeated often and loud enough.
  16. Indeed. At least 98% - and been of this nature and percentile for decades. They've always understood, yet don't become actively involved to promote conform or change, as it doesn't truly effect or intrude on their everyday lives. Relatively free, independent and self-sufficient [more or less] everyday. The ever present and well known Thai paradox - existing in this usual manner under ages of ruling classes/surface militarism. Farang would benefit most assuredly if they didn't overthink most everything that really isn't that complex - though, they'll insist on creating these undesirable situations for themselves....wrought with angst and fashionable Occidental manners. Farang could easily learn from Thai. Sadly, they're greatly incumbered to do so.
  17. This initial inquiry begs to offer that there might be a suggested convention and that to follow by way of a comparable note. Why?
  18. Dominate misanthropy might rule the day.
  19. Unfortunately, a particular sector of cultural populations are hard-wired for needing to want, mindless consumption and waste. Add the so called "cyber numbing convenience" of online shopping and the features of our character diminish greatly - ten fold. What have we become?
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