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Everything posted by zzaa09

  1. How about promoting stronger societal mitigation practices and protocols.
  2. Suspicious barstool acquaintances don't count.
  3. Indeed. Guess it's a case of the lesser of two evils. Can't recall, from memory or distant historic perspective, any such decent/honourable candidates that were befitting of the role. Why...? The system of extended ruling establishment and patronage won't allow it. Been of this nature for decades upon decades. Surely wouldn't get my hopes up for any positive or alternative changes in the near or distant futures. The system is rotted from the core.
  4. Influential members of their respective clubs. As that's the way we like it.
  5. Yep. That's the idea. And this on-again/off-again entry, testing and whatnot continues the world over. Just not Thailand that is back-n-forth in it's policies.
  6. In one form or another, it's all about the squeezing of the profits.
  7. Indeed. Though, it's quite reasonable to suggest that you might struggle within the confines of this crowd as to the wisdom of what is and what isn't. The ignorance is quite thick and bounded to cultural centrism.
  8. This is what many have become - quite reflective.
  9. Some? Oh dear, you're much too generous.
  10. Quite dependent on the Thai circles and company one keeps - As well as a broader exposure and experience one has with Thais, in general. Certainly could cast most anything with a broad brush and limited unveiling.
  11. The wiser might suggest that there was never any true or honourable intent to revert back to the TP/T&G after it's publicized suspension - and will continue so as long as they can make up any such whys and wherefores.
  12. As this has been the structure of the parliamentary body since memory, even during those off-again/on-again civilian governments of recent history.
  13. Best to keep one's distance as a general strategy. This circle of company wouldn't be my first choice......or even on the list.
  14. All this doesn't appear to be connecting with the usual and predictable stereotypes. Might you expect anything less from this crowd?
  15. Comparative transmission and severity might also be considered.......
  16. ....and the delusions that still continue on.
  17. Not science, per se.......but Occidental civilisations, historically, have been highly detrimental to most everything.
  18. All of which, seems to spread faster than the suspected virus itself. In some places more than others.
  19. A complete and generational cleansing needs to take place, in some miraculous manner. Otherwise, all of the sideshow political theatre is moot. Same as it ever was.
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