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Everything posted by zzaa09

  1. Looking forward to the grand change...... The coming months should prove rather interesting .....that is if there isn't manipulative strategy from the ruling classes.
  2. The rainy season has already kicked in. So now what....?
  3. Yep. Especially applied to your second stated point. .......which might just come about [pardon]. Never know what's on throughout this wacky world of Thai.
  4. And shouldn't be expected to be charged......because they've a special relationship. At worst, they'll be pardoned and all swept under the rug and forgotten.
  5. The result of a mainstream media that is harnessed by the military and ruling establishment.
  6. Nonetheless, the ruling elite will dig up any unsubstantiated or bogus claims. Just putting it out there is to their advantage. All the while, the crack investigate media ignores the criminal activities of their paymasters. Rather convenient.
  7. Most? Or even the greater percentage....? Some might challenge such a statement.
  8. Missing things. [a lot] Appears to be a disturbing character trait here amongst our illustrious co-contributors.
  9. Controlled monitoring and observing. What if we were to allow real independent [without care or bias] international observers to suss the historically suspicious process? Would anything come of it? Probably not.
  10. Yet, cynically, one might ask if they are really any different from the traditional pack. New player? More than likely. Same theatre? More than likely.
  11. True democracy. [whatever that is] What is this? And where does it exist and function?
  12. There is no shot term anywhere. The base contradictory of a independent democratic rule of law and the ruling oligarchical cabals has never been a fine line.......kinda practiced and accepted the world over in various degrees.
  13. The new political identity was announced. The Softer and Gentler Hidden Hand Coup Party.
  14. Nice sentiments which most would probably be agreeable with, yet not realistic regarding the understanding of why the assemblage of the military [and para-military associations] exist here - and the single upmost institution in which they take their sole orders from.........in fact, all systems are beholding to the same traditional institution and the reason behind those numerous coups [more than 13, by the way] The obvious and greater paradox that is present defies anything that might resemble a free and open Constitutional Liberal Democracy when most is still ruled over by this single entity - with the usual approval and blessing provisions.
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