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Everything posted by zzaa09

  1. ....and the back room and crooked negotiations continue. Shouldn't be surprised at any revelations coming in the months ahead. And it doesn't feel pretty.
  2. Most won't recognize that nothing really changes beyond their dreamy ideologies. Quite universal - just appear in different packages. Same as it ever was.
  3. And we tend to forget who severely tweaked the constitution [numerous instances of the last few years] and it's blessed approval - to favour the power lords. Even more so, the same circles have clearly influenced the judicial systems as well as the impartial EC in recent years.....all the while stealing the gold out the back door with their corrupted and controlling ways. If any of this petty and insignificant investigation goes sour for Pita and MF and they're declared nil and void, can't imagine how the people's voice will react. The fetid rot that has plagued Thailand for ages needs to end.
  4. Wonder what would be of Frank Zappa if he were still with us?
  5. Wishing him and his efforts the best, nonetheless. He, and his closer cohorts, might want to extend friendly relations with some of the old establishment.....a sound direction where he might be able to push through the grand experiment[s] that they speak so often of. In the end.....the base ideals by way of all this is to serve benefit the commons. Let's hope this sticks.
  6. Don't you mean to say: "He's still a fraudulent charge" ? As he was never truly elected. Nor are most of the members - lower and upper houses. He gained "charge" by way of an illegal coup.
  7. We should be accustomed to these tabloid practices already, as that's all they do.
  8. They should be imprisoned for their illegal and dastardly deeds.... Rest assured they're not going away. Better bet than not they have something [coup] in the works.
  9. Sure. And the Thai media [like everyone else] completely misses the picture that the whole election was bogus, under a sitting illegitimate and illegal government.....who participated. Doesn't say too much about the intelligence and connectiveness of the Thai media [and most everyone else], as they keep pressing on as if everything is peachy keen. Oblivious.
  10. The right call. We don't need foreign military facilities here - especially American.
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