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Everything posted by zzaa09

  1. The most reasonable when one gets right down to it. Despite all the dreamy punditry.
  2. Largely a well funded clique - I know a boat load of Thais across the country - inner circle, outer circle, outer outer circle - all are indifferent regarding the protests and any such participation.
  3. Where are those lone assassins when ya need 'em....
  4. Don't forget the other opposition coalition which might prove a greater showing as a collective [in theory] with PT. That should block the oligarchs from what they claim to be rightfully theirs.
  5. And remember.........all this requires a special blessing and approval. The crux.
  6. Not really. Should be even more shameful that this ruling systemic has been glowing decades upon decades. Most don't care to breach comparative Thai history.
  7. Ushering in the new era...? Perhaps. If such all comes about, will be interesting to see what a new era might be........or the same old s***
  8. All of which is the commonplace practice the world over - Thailand most certainly doesn't have the market cornered. Not by a long shot.
  9. Actually - practicing such policies, universally, would be a breakthrough here. They can start by mandating all govt structures to abide by this manner.....and then install a population-wide subsidy so that everyone can go solar. Just a dreamy thought.....even though nothing will ever come of it. The bottom line is that none of these things is profitable for those particular oligarchical circles. So....never mind.
  10. Yeah. All this speculative matter has all become a bit weary. Though, a couple of things we might be assured and cautious of.........PT and MV will gain more seats/influence then might be expected........a/o the Old Guard will pull something outta their hat to prevent any other dramatic changes that doesn't favour them - a court injunction, refusing to abide by election results, a commitment to coup activity [don't put it past them], etc.... There is change in the air, yet aren't to sure what to think of it.
  11. ...or the indoctrination of homogenous thought/convention. Extremely difficult for most to break away from. Prisoners.
  12. Yep. Quite the confident prediction. ????
  13. As history as shown......mass street demonstrations/protest prove little to nothing. An alternative strategy might be in the fold.
  14. What is truly needed is a good old fashioned civilising mission from the West. That'll straightened 'em out. Despotic Oriental savages.
  15. Indeed. Though, I rather think there isn't really an opposition to be found. Something to ponder.
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