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Everything posted by zzaa09

  1. Yet, couldn't one make a case that the Shinawatras belong to that elitist class? Granted.....a different class of elite association - but, same club.
  2. Nor any media follow ups or further investigative reporting.
  3. The only problem is that the proposed idea of recycling and recycled plastic is that it still has to find it's way back to the recyclers. Good luck with that effort.
  4. So....what of the boys of the last 8 years? Shouldn't we deal with what is here and now, instead of being obsessed over some wealthy old man that will never be punished for his alleged crimes.
  5. Do coups and court manipulated overturns qualify as violations?
  6. ......and when the free, open and fair elections don't fall their way - an outraged and unofficial inquiry is conducted or a high-court order reverses/manipulating the people's will or a round about coup takes place. No need for independent observers.
  7. Up in our neck of the woods, most folks are asking at least B1,000 - B2,000 to be bribed.
  8. .....and they might have it this time around. They have maintained an increasing solidarity with the working and middle classes, especially since the time when their original party identity [Future Forward] was banned and Thanathorn was charged/accused with the usual bogus justification.
  9. Yeah. And a sad reflection of us giving in, instead of practicing our protest.
  10. The dumbing down practices appear to be the rule. Accepted.
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