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Everything posted by zzaa09

  1. A novel idea - why not allow the natural marketplace to work it out on it's own......without government intervention [regarding most everything].
  2. Yet, after decades, they still haven't figured out a way to attain it.
  3. .....and he's still referred to as a Prime Minister. He's not that.
  4. Nothing more delusional than BS coming from a con man.
  5. One couldn't write the expected and pledged stereotypes any better.
  6. Almost impossible to break away from hard-wired and accepted tradition..... One has to sit back and reasonably ask [rhetorically] why these military coups take place. Take a good look behind the curtain.
  7. Indeed. This dreamy state that tourism and associated will be, or always has been, the unlikely saviour for the broader economy to flourish is terribly dangerous and deluded. The repeated dogma becomes quite stale. Sad to say that a clear diversity within the economic sectors is quite vacant......and dependency on tourism doesn't guarantee or support any such trickle down/spreading the wealth theories. Even though the continued and made up stories might tell us otherwise. Pushing tourism does little or nothing for the betterment of the economic commons nor does it reflect any such fanciful ideals on the GNP and the false security. The diverse economic possibilities are endless here - yet, the visions are terribly blind by way of government control and manipulation of the broader places........all of which, appear to be the issues most everywhere.
  8. Certainly understood. But a considerable withdrawal of the military in society might be only a tad of the dissolvement of all problems. There are other sectors that require dismantling before anything resembling a civilised democratic are assured.
  9. Notice they all have common similarities and backgrounds of wealth and deep influence. Just saying...
  10. Ya think? ...and the Thai media almost celebrates in it's complete numbness of what this is...or what it appears to be. Whatever happened to challenging and questioning within the hallowed hall of journalism?
  11. There is some hope, though. Perhaps this hopeful character might enact change. Real permanent change.
  12. If there is a majority opposition winner in May, I truly doubt that he'll be accused or charged with anything. The most dangerous aspect will be that he and circle are still hanging around. Forced exile sounds nice, though.
  13. Indeed. It's quite obvious that this set simply doesn't get it whatsoever.
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