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Everything posted by zzaa09

  1. Welcome to the devious and controlling Thai political machine. Tradition.
  2. Don't be so hasty - There's still an election to be coerced........ah, I mean WON.
  3. Looking forward to the great populous rebellion to come. Stay tuned.
  4. The real problem might arise when the arrival numbers increase incredibly and nothing is resolved to relieve the forever issue at immigration. Talking a lot is not the same as an applied practice. All very business Thai.
  5. Ain't this fun!? ....and even today, the wisest of all speculation can't guess what's gonna happen.......what with all the usual shenanigans and whatnot. So......don't be too disappointed that when May comes rollin' around, we find ourselves in a forced takeover in one manner or another. Notice the mainstream press excludes any reference or chatter about the Move Forward folks.
  6. STEW: A dish of meat and vegetables cooked slowly in liquid in a closed dish or pan. Twisted semantics. For everyone that makes a "stew", there's a different way to make it - and interpret each creation.
  7. Why is he continually referred to as a PM. He's not that - technically or legally. Something's amiss.
  8. Yet, in retrospect, there's always been a prominent military presence in government - the base feature. And still.....no one seems to ask why this is. Or don't know how to challenge or question. The traditional connection is obvious. Has been for some time.
  9. That was a quick decision. Must've already had something up their sleeves. But then......we might be taken aback by the will of the people when a new opposition shines through. I suspect any new coalition government won't last very long.
  10. Indeed. This might apply to trashy folks everywhere, as one will certainly find such a class [in great percentages] among all cultures/societies the world over. We, unconsciously, won't see it within our own.......but will champion such accusations to all the others.
  11. The usual results and conclusions when we have convincing ignorance among the controlling circle of authority and experts.
  12. Well......it is a twisted protection racket of one sort or another. They do what they have to do.
  13. That would be the USA. Historically, they're quite clever that way.
  14. As is most, if not all, foreign policy practices. Some - much much more nastier than others.
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