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Everything posted by zzaa09

  1. Well.....if one really digs into the history, you'll find that a handful of associated coup-makers were forced into self exile [a couple were able to return]. Less we forget, the '32 coup was the worst of the lot - by way of legendary measures.
  2. Actually, it's quite possible that some sort of back room deal has already been agreed upon. Don't think the Thaksin people would be promoting the subliminal or surface rhetoric of "the return" unless there is a clear understanding of what's to come. Just a guess. Could be completely off base, though.
  3. Three years later it's been highly proven that it was all BS - along with the wide variety of continuous repeated narratives. Too many are hanging on to the beloved officialdom......almost cult-like.
  4. Or a more realistic and reflective setting. The usual subliminal promotion of why the backward Thais [or any Asians] can't be more resembling of the highly civilised Farang. ????
  5. As long as any continuous references to anything Shinawatra that makes for good and dazzling copy, it'll always be news worthy.......in a gossipy kinda manner. Also difficult to move on when the old boy controls a very influential segment of Thai "alternative/underground" news and information sources that seemingly spins out the expected. Could be worse. Could be an abiding mainstream news corps that is solely owned and operated by military and traditional elite circles. Nonetheless, all will come full circle in it's own time. It's best to be highly suspicious of the systems than to be angst and despising groups or individuals that commonly come from the same class and club. The hope that attaching oneself to real political/social opposition always appears to be waning - yet, is out there and remains strong.......just not allowed to participate in the games. Club rules and all that.
  6. Sure. That's what they do. Survival. It's not as if either one is diametrically opposed to each another. They're more apart of the club than not. Has little or nothing to do with service to the people or benefiting the commons.
  7. Indeed. Live one's protest. Be the change. Practice what you preach. Greatly modify your lifestyle. If not.....S-T-F-U
  8. Isn't Isaan Move Forward country? Or perhaps not. I need to keep up.
  9. Applaud your reasoned sentiment, but such acts require traditional approval and blessings - and that will never happen, as such defeats the whole ideals of their oligarchical existence.
  10. Or.....whose most favoured by the anointed ones, which is how it truly works.
  11. All of which is too common here among our distinguished forum members - very limited broad exposure and experience of a wide variety.....preferring to make things up by way of the running stereotypes sociological psycho-babble.
  12. Better yet, a prospective candidate should come by way, naturally, to care about and represent the people and the commons. Silly me to think that such should be the case for any elected politician.
  13. Yet, little [if any] attention, reference or attention is offered of any such real "opposition" or alternative by the always abiding and controlled Thai mainstream press. The never ending cycling rhetoric of presenting the same worn out players and misfits doesn't appear to be terribly democratic.
  14. Actually, don't even know why we bother with any of this s***. Why not just revert back to an absolute and call it good.
  15. Add Vedic/Indian to that and make it a threesome.
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