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Everything posted by zzaa09

  1. Never could understand the ideals of diluting a fine tea with sugar, milk or lemon. Perhaps, a disgusting Anglophone trait.
  2. And most certainly confined to officialdom/authority circles, less the everyday Thai side.
  3. The Grandfather Paradox. The Butterfly Effect.
  4. If it's any consolation, there are loads of derogatory and insulting post about most everything Thai/Thailand. By the very nature of the forum.
  5. Yep. All of the above. And highly controlled/regulated.
  6. As do I - yet, rarely spoken of, referenced or addressed. That was my point.
  7. The familiar address and rat have nothing to do with one another. Spelled and pronounced differently as well as completely different meanings. You might learn the complexities of the language before speaking of things you know nothing of.
  8. Takes others longer to acclimate from their home climate. 11-12 degree mornings are almost balmy and 38 degrees is miserably hot. 20 years my <deleted>.
  9. Ask the varieties of extraterrestrials, as they come and go by way of time manipulating portals [stargates] and have been for quite some time.
  10. How many Thais do you know the equate or connect the decades of corrupted military rule with the most particular influential entity....??
  11. It's never been organized or directed very well [for ages]......don't expect it ever will. Talking the good talk and good intended rhetoric is one thing, but putting such into practice is another altogether - especially from a Thai authority mindset.
  12. All of your decent logic aside, might remember that there is a great leap as to what society is feeling and acting upon and what any surface/official mandates that are in place and promoted as such.
  13. Of course - for those know nothing else [dependent] than the Western-style supermarket or mini-marts. Almost too predictable.
  14. Appreciate the attempt to simplify torrid zones to black and white. It's not that cut and dried, as one tropical region might differ from another as applying to temps, humidity, altitude and seasonal wet/dry. To be quite accurate - Thailand, per se, has three seasons Wet going into dry and cool and then hot and dry.......so on and so forth. Naturally, conditions will vary greatly from one local microregion to the other.
  15. Most everyone ignores these silly mandates.
  16. He'll be the new fashion and the media's distraction for a couple of months....
  17. Must be a newbie. As this last winter was quite coolish for weeks.
  18. Competently education the educators should be a prime priority. This hasn't been the case forever.....
  19. Officially. Might want to consult with nature before creating a human-inspired writ. Officially.
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