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Everything posted by zzaa09

  1. When in doubt, go to Beer Lao. Beer Lao Dark. You'll never go back again.
  2. Oh it's there - in droves. The most censored, restricted, suppressed and propagandized culture in the world. No other is even close. All the while most slumber to the reality.
  3. Or better yet, the U.S. That'll get your attention real quick. Nothing short of an extended racket.
  4. Government meddling in [and controlling] the free market......again.
  5. Should be 70. Contra to the old standard stereotypes, Oriental-types age much better [and healthier] than their Occidental cousins.
  6. Why is this newsworthy????? Curious. Perhaps I'm missing something. ????
  7. All about the student's [and general population] well being. Of course it is.
  8. Many will be suggesting there's a Yellow Peril and associated mentality at work. Beware.
  9. Or even granting bail [a more common approach with most everything these days] if the authorities are concerned with the individual to take flight. Why do they authorize/offer bail situations for what might be considered heinous crimes?
  10. The original Beer Chang was almost nasty.....it was suggested that it might've been a rice beer or spiked with Lao Khao. The good old days - saam quat loy baht. During this same period, they distributed a much higher priced "Chang Export", which was quite a delightful Euro-style real beer. Discontinued for some time. Just recently [last 6-7 years], they changed the recipe for Chang domestic - as it now resembles a tasty and rich lager that is quite enjoyable. About the same alcohol percentage as the old Chang rot gut.
  11. You'll be making some keen Thai enemies with such statements - As it's well known that Thai is the centre of most everything Southeast Asian. ????
  12. But....but.....but, they're not borrowed as he suggested they were?!???? I'm terribly taken aback. A public servant, as well....
  13. Of course. Well understood by most that the Policing Mafia operate as they will controlling gambling circles, lotteries, bars, restaurants, assorted market places and other revenue enhancing endeavors. For ages.
  14. As they've been deterred and frustrated for ages, yet do little to try to change/overthrow the omnipresent corrupted machine [found worldwide]
  15. And sometimes the boys who consider themselves girls....
  16. Which has to be earned. Doesn't appear there's to much effort being put forth to gather such respect.
  17. Nah. Make a better living on Nana and other such locales.......and ya don't need half the training. ????
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