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Posts posted by somchaismith

  1. OP, here it is,

    Thailand 2007 Constitution. Section 30. All persons are equal before the law and

    shall enjoy equal protection under the law.

    Men and women shall enjoy equal rights.

    Unjust discrimination against a person on the grounds of

    the difference in origin, race, language, sex, age, disability, physical

    or health condition, personal status, economic or social standing,

    religious belief, education or constitutionally political view, shall

    not be permitted.

    Measures determined by the State in order to eliminate

    obstacles to or to promote persons’ ability to exercise their rights

    and liberties in the same manner as other persons shall not be

    deemed as unjust discrimination under paragraph three.


    That’s in principle, the reality is completely different.

    Perhaps we should carry a written copy of the Section 30 law and wave it in the faces of those who try to rip us off on a regular basis here?

    Put this on a card and bingo! Away you go.

    รัฐธรรมนูญไทยแลนด์ 2007 มาตรา 30 ทุกคนมีเสมอกันในกฎหมายและ






    ความเชื่อทางศาสนา, การศึกษาหรือความลับมุมมองทางการเมืองจะ


    Not just for a trick for deaf and blind beggers.

  2. OP, here it is,

    Thailand 2007 Constitution. Section 30. All persons are equal before the law and

    shall enjoy equal protection under the law.

    Men and women shall enjoy equal rights.

    Unjust discrimination against a person on the grounds of

    the difference in origin, race, language, sex, age, disability, physical

    or health condition, personal status, economic or social standing,

    religious belief, education or constitutionally political view, shall

    not be permitted.

    Measures determined by the State in order to eliminate

    obstacles to or to promote persons’ ability to exercise their rights

    and liberties in the same manner as other persons shall not be

    deemed as unjust discrimination under paragraph three.


    That’s in principle, the reality is completely different.

    Perhaps we should carry a written copy of the Section 30 law and wave it in the faces of those who try to rip us off on a regular basis here?

    I carry a laminated copy, in Thai language, inside my wallet. I've been to Safari World, Dream World, The Crocodile Farm, Siam Ocean World and other companies which religiously double charge foreigners or even places such as Ocean World, which charge four to five times the Thai price. I show this section 30. The staff usually apoligize profusely and let me in for the Thai price or have even let me enter FoC.

  3. Never used a tablet (touchscreen) before. Just bought one of these i-note-wifi-490x360.png

    iMobile iNote 9"

    Using the Android touchscreen, can someone tell how to copy and paste? Also, when I use Firefox and try to log into facebook, after typing my username and then dropping down to the password field I always lose what I've written in the username field. I know quite basic, but all this is new for me. Feeling my age now.

  4. In the preamble it specifically states "Rights of the Thai People", therefore not relevant to this topic.

    Nice trythumbsup.gif. Can you link to that please? "Rights of the Thai People"clap2.gif

    In detail of the PDF at CHAPTER III - Rights and Liberties of the Thai People

    Exactly, CHAPTER III - Rights and Liberties of the Thai People to have all persons equal before the law and

    shall enjoy equal protection under the law.

    Legal jargon is always hard to interpret.

  5. OP, here it is,

    Thailand 2007 Constitution. Section 30. All persons are equal before the law and

    shall enjoy equal protection under the law.

    Men and women shall enjoy equal rights.

    Unjust discrimination against a person on the grounds of

    the difference in origin, race, language, sex, age, disability, physical

    or health condition, personal status, economic or social standing,

    religious belief, education or constitutionally political view, shall

    not be permitted.

    Measures determined by the State in order to eliminate

    obstacles to or to promote persons’ ability to exercise their rights

    and liberties in the same manner as other persons shall not be

    deemed as unjust discrimination under paragraph three.


  6. ^ If you never understood it, then it probably wasn't a plan. Probably, just a bitchy thing. It would be unsual for women to be bitches, and for that matter, men, too, wouldn't it? It's just that us blokes are usually nearer to women than guys.

  7. If you can't pay the loan back - you can't pay it back. Illegal sharks are wrong for loaning the cash in the first place, that's the risk they take. If they threaten you, go to the coppers. If the cops can't or won't help you and the sharks get physical, be prepared to defend yourself against them.

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