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Posts posted by somchaismith

  1. As a respected scholar and I would hope gentleman, I point out to you that your 4-year old article is a lesson in sarcasm.

  2. Current, yes; but only until 28 Feb; from 1 March the price will be the old tourist price.

    Lol, the wheel won't be there after the March 1, It's not permanent, according to Bangkok's No 1 travel writer Richard Barrow,

    "Richard Barrow

    December 24, 2012 at 4:51 pm

    The price is 200 Baht until end of February for everyone. I cannot see them increasing it. Anyway, it isn’t a permanent big wheel. Anyone who wants to go and ride the wheel should go over the new year."


  3. Somchaismith, I don't really wish to correct your reading of your own post; but

    Consequently, they decided to set one standard price as shown:

    • Children ( not higher than 120 Centimeters) 150 Thai baht

    • Adult 250 Thai baht

    • Senior citizen (over 60 years old) 125 Baht

    To compensate for all of ASIATIQUE fans, they offer the special price as:

    • Children ( not higher than 120 Centimeters) 150 Thai baht

    • Adult 200 Thai baht

    • Senior citizen (over 60 years old) 100 Baht

    • This special price will be effect from today until 28 Feb 2013

    The price was changed twice the second change is now the current price.

  4. It's hard to understand, but in the end, this is the final price which is now current,

    'To compensate for all of ASIATIQUE fans, they offer the special price as:

    • Children ( not higher than 120 Centimeters) 150 Thai baht

    • Adult 200 Thai baht

    • Senior citizen (over 60 years old) 100 Baht

    • This special price will be effect from today until 28 Feb 2013'

  5. Whatever the rights and wrongs of dual pricing, as this post shows if an operator is persuaded to abandon it then it is the resident price that goes up!

    Does anyone know of a case where the tourist price has gone down?

    If you read that properly, you will see that all the prices are now set at 200 baht.

  6. The whole Asiatique affair has made people realise that the racial discrimination in Thailand is wrong,

    Asiatique The Riverfront (เอเชียทีค เดอะ ริเวอร์ฟร้อนท์) · 64,573 like this

    December 16, 2012 at 5:23pm

    Subject: ASIATIQUE SKY (Ferris wheel) Price

    Attend: All ASIATIQUE Fans

    On behalf of ASIATIQUE The Riverfront we would like to explicate the fact as follows:

    No.1) The price of using ASIATIQUE SKY

    ASIATIQUE SKY is invested by a group of foreign (European) investors. ASIATIQUE The Riverfront is the landlord only. All prices are set by foreign investors.

    The original prices were set as

    • Children ( not higher than 120 Centimeters) 150 Thai baht

    • Adult (Thai) 200 Thai baht

    • Adult (Foreigner) 250 Thai baht

    • Senior citizen (over 60 years old) 100 Thai baht and 125 Baht respectively

    With those different prices, there are many comments criticized by some groups of foreigners, expatriates and some foreigners’ spouses that it is the double standard and racism. Some defamed ASIATIQUE in the negative ways and dispersed in various publicities.

    We have discussed with the foreign investors about this and we asked for the different prices reasons. The logic behind is that they are foreign investors and they would like to pay something nicely back to Thailand and Thai people. Therefore, they decided to offer the lower price to Thais.Nevertheless, the different prices provoke some foreigners unsatisfied and may cause the adverse impact to ASIATIQUE. The investors accepted the reasons and feel sorry to this issue.

    Consequently, they decided to set one standard price as shown:

    • Children ( not higher than 120 Centimeters) 150 Thai baht

    • Adult 250 Thai baht

    • Senior citizen (over 60 years old) 125 Baht

    To compensate for all of ASIATIQUE fans, they offer the special price as:

    • Children ( not higher than 120 Centimeters) 150 Thai baht

    • Adult 200 Thai baht

    • Senior citizen (over 60 years old) 100 Baht

    • This special price will be effect from today until 28 Feb 2013

    No. 2) Restraint or deletion comments in ASIATIQUE The Riverfront Page

    ASIATIQUE The Riverfront holds the equilibrium and respects everyone. We follow our online policy as follows:

    1) Everyone is free to express their comments under Thai constitution and not against the laws

    2) We respect and welcome all constructive comments and respectful criticism that not attack anyone, the community and Thai Institutes.

    3) We reserve the right to delete any comments that attack our staff or any individuals, use excessive profanity, disrespect the community, are irrelevant to ASIATIQUE and business partners, or contrary to laws.”

    The deletion of some comments is abided by the online policy that found for community’s liberty and rights. The reason of restraint is only to prohibit some negative and misleading comments and now those who were temporarily restrained are unbanned already.

    We apologize for any unsatisfied issues and we welcome all suggestions from you to improve our service.

    Sincerely yours,

    ASIATIQUE The Riverfront


  7. No doubt backhanders have gone down and it's a Chinese tablet, but c'mon, 3000 baht for a 7" tablet. How can you get much cheaper than that?

    I can get a 7" Android 4 tablet for US$56.99 with free shipping (one off) http://www.pandawill...q88-p67713.html

    Actually, that's quite expense considering it's a bare tablet, no case, power pack, cable, etc. Also pre-import tax.

    Today, I could walk over to Pantip and pick up a 7" Chinese tablet, with the lot, for 2500 baht.

  8. Definitely not. Anything that benefits the poor kids, even in the slightest way, should not be stopped.

    Also, I know for a fact that Thai Primary grade 1 students are made leave their tablets in their respective classrooms and are not allowed to play with them like toys.

    The benefit needs to be considered against the risk... Australia decided against giving students expensive tablets / PC and decided on a cheaper NoteBook PC... The reason was because the iPads are to expensive to risk with children / teens and the cheaper NoteBook Style PC was able to perform every task just as well, for 1/4 the price.

    Considering how much wealthier Australia is to Thailand, and Australia did not opt for iPads or similar, I struggle to see why Thailand needs this high cost item when alternative, cheaper items are available.

    No doubt backhanders have gone down and it's a Chinese tablet, but c'mon, 3000 baht for a 7" tablet. How can you get much cheaper than that?

  9. Pepper spray is openly sold at most markets. Gp to the vendors which sell the knives, lighters, padlocks, etc.

    There's a youtube video of a Bangkok pepper spray defence trainer, who sprays the pepper directly into your eyes as part of the training course. Quite harsh, I think.

  10. The Thais have a right to practice racism, double/triple/etc. standards, and hypocrisy as much as any other group of people. If anything, the Thai brand of discrimination should be praised because despite being very widespread, the targets of such discrimination often STILL prefer living here and are very happy.


    Lol, quite true Heng, there are plenty who like to flock onto that train.

  11. So please tell me why you insist foreigners have equal rights to Thais.

    I've never said that. Of course, written into the constitution, there are exceptions. It's even allowable to have dual prices at national parks. However, under the constitution it's a dicriminative practise for companies to have dual prices, against foreigners.

  12. OP, here it is,

    Thailand 2007 Constitution. Section 30. All persons are equal before the law and

    shall enjoy equal protection under the law.

    Men and women shall enjoy equal rights.

    Unjust discrimination against a person on the grounds of

    the difference in origin, race, language, sex, age, disability, physical

    or health condition, personal status, economic or social standing,

    religious belief, education or constitutionally political view, shall

    not be permitted.

    Measures determined by the State in order to eliminate

    obstacles to or to promote persons’ ability to exercise their rights

    and liberties in the same manner as other persons shall not be

    deemed as unjust discrimination under paragraph three.


    That’s in principle, the reality is completely different.

    Perhaps we should carry a written copy of the Section 30 law and wave it in the faces of those who try to rip us off on a regular basis here?

    I carry a laminated copy, in Thai language, inside my wallet. I've been to Safari World, Dream World, The Crocodile Farm, Siam Ocean World and other companies which religiously double charge foreigners or even places such as Ocean World, which charge four to five times the Thai price. I show this section 30. The staff usually apoligize profusely and let me in for the Thai price or have even let me enter FoC.

    Ocean World does not charge 3 or 4 times the Thai rate, get it right before posting such dribble.

    Sorry, 2.5 times the price, at least:

    Adults/ผู้ใหญ่ -

    Thai/คนไทย: 400 Baht

    Foreigners/ชาวต่างชาติ: 900 Baht

    (125% more expensive for foreigners)

  13. OP, here it is, Thailand 2007 Constitution. Section 30. All persons are equal before the law and shall enjoy equal protection under the law. Men and women shall enjoy equal rights. Unjust discrimination against a person on the grounds of the difference in origin, race, language, sex, age, disability, physical or health condition, personal status, economic or social standing, religious belief, education or constitutionally political view, shall not be permitted. Measures determined by the State in order to eliminate obstacles to or to promote persons’ ability to exercise their rights and liberties in the same manner as other persons shall not be deemed as unjust discrimination under paragraph three. http://www.senate.go...itution2007.pdf
    That’s in principle, the reality is completely different. Perhaps we should carry a written copy of the Section 30 law and wave it in the faces of those who try to rip us off on a regular basis here?
    think this is for citizens of thailand, for people from other countrys.... not so much.

    So "We the (American) people" as written in the US constitution doesn't apply to foreigners?

    What a ridiculous argument you are proposing


    So true. You can lead a horse too water...

  14. That translation looks decidedly dodgy to me. Not using the Thai calendar and calling the country Thailand and not Prathet Thai would red flag it straight away as bogus.

    Okay, here's the official translation,

    มาตรา 30 บุคคลย่อมเสมอกันในกฎหมายและได้รับความคุ้มครองตามกฎหมายเท่าเทียมกัน ชายและหญิงมีสิทธิเท่าเทียมกัน การเลือกปฏิบัติโดยไม่เป็นธรรมต่อบุคคลเพราะเหตุแห่งความแตกต่างในเรื่องถิ่นกำเนิด เชื้อชาติ ภาษา เพศ อายุ ความพิการ สภาพทางกายหรือสุขภาพ สถานะของบุคคล ฐานะทางเศรษฐกิจหรือสังคม ความเชื่อทางศาสนา การศึกษาอบรม หรือความคิดเห็นทางการเมืองอันไม่ขัดต่อบทบัญญัติแห่งรัฐธรรมนูญจะกระทำมิได้

    มาตรการที่รัฐกำหนดขึ้นเพื่อขจัดอุปสรรคหรือส่งเสริมให้บุคคลสามารถใช้สิทธิและเสรีภาพได้เช่นเดียวกับบุคคลอื่น ย่อมไม่ถือเป็นการเลือกปฏิบัติโดยไม่เป็นธรรมตามวรรคสาม


  15. If a punter trys to get to the TV 'forum' via google, using internet explorer. One is redirected to a site called tinyurl.com.

    Are you sure about that? You would be now reporting a new hijack if what you say is true.

    Yes, I'm sure. It also happens using FF. Although, I got the url wrong. It's url4short.com or something similar.

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