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Posts posted by somchaismith

  1. Start troubleshooting. First off, assuming you're on a Windows O/S, using your mouse after boot-up, go into the device-manager and right-click on your computer's name, then click on 'scan for hardware changes'. Hopefully a driver will be loaded onto the keyboard.

  2. We had a few small dead fish in our living room and also a large deceased centipede.

    A couple of weeks ago after the neighbors had fled their flooded homes, leaving behind cats, we had a few of them, who were looking for handouts, take up residence on our rear roof. A female cat was accompanied by a litter of two young kittens and one of them fell off the roof, into the water and drowned. Very sad indeed.

  3. or get a cheap old car instead of trying to kill your kid on this padding.

    Right now all I can think about is spending a small fortune on replacing most of the furniture, toys, kitchenware and electrical appliances, etc, together with the added costs of moving house.

  4. Time to move.

    Sure is. Even a two metre section of cement sheeting has fallen out of the front roof. Might have been caused by the weight of the water rocking the house.


    Must get the motorcycle to a garage, too. Hope there's not too much damage to the engine. Had it up on bricks, but this wasn't enough and consequently it's been sitting in a metre of water for this past month.


    (Was probably time to move before the flood, but ok)

    In hindsight, yes it was :) .

  5. having seen those kind of house/furniture before, i dont see that much damage.. its just a little bit wetter than usual

    :lol: yeah right, a wardrobe just collapsed and I floated it out onto the side of the soi,


  6. Just caught a five inch long fish in our home. Water's nearly gone. However, it's very depressing, what a waste.

    Here are a few pics of what's left on the first floor of our rented home. We're at Don Muang.

    Post your pics, too












  7. Lawyers Council of Thailand

    7/89 Mansion 10, Rajdamnoen Avenue

    Pranakorn, Bangkok 10200

    Tel: 0 2629-1430, Hotline: 1167

    Fax: 0 2282-9907 - 8

    Email: //removed//

    Language: Thai

    Practice: Legal society, free legal advice in Thai


    Lawyers Association of Thailand 26th 5, Klang Road, Phra Nakhon, Bangkok

    โทรศัพท์ 0-2224-1873, 0-2622-2331-2 โทรสาร0-2224-1873 Tel: 0-2224-1873,0-2622-2331-2 Fax: 0-2224-1873.

  8. Earlier this afternoon Song Prapa Rd at Seegun was completely flooded making it nearly impassable and the road was filling up with water nearly all the way to Tops, Don Mueng. The water here is still rising. Army trucks were evacuatingTung Song Hong residents, who wished to leave.

  9. http://imageshack.us...loodbkk001.jpg/

    Wow! This is terrible. We're going to have live off Mama noodles, that's all we managed to buy. As one can see in the pic, we're totally flooded out and the water's still rising. Earlier today a Thailand Post worker crashed his motorbike, trying to outrace the flooded road and was sucked into a submerged drain that had no cover.

    A crazed taxi driver raced down our soi and caused a wave which knocked two cats, that had been sheltering in a roadside tree, into the water. I don't know what became of them.

    My son blew up the inflatable li-lo, which we should have right now been using using on a beach side holiday. We plan to use it to try and float out of here, if the need arises. Just disposed of 2 1-1/2" cockroaches that tried to run up the computer table's legs. Mozzies are becoming bad, too.

    A military worker just waded by and said that the electricity will blackout shortly.

  10. Tung Song Hong @ Wat Welunarm Rd (connects Song Prapa Rd, Don Mueng to Chaengwattana Rd, Tung Song Hong and Laksi, the lower parts of the road are under at least 2-meters of water. Water is flooding into residences and businesses. We're going to lose a lot of furniture. Don't have anywhere to put the motorcycle either :( .

  11. I'm in Bangkok, using TRUE. I'm getting the same error message as the OP was, at www.mail.com and www.stickmanbangkok.com.

    Any other posters, with TRUE internet, having the same problems?

    Yup, having the same problem with True. Don't always get the error though, sometimes it will go through

    Thanks for the confirmation. This problem, over the last 6-months, has been progessively worsening.

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