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Posts posted by somchaismith

  1. If you had children you would know why children play on the streets.

    I have children and I NEVER let them play on the street. If they are playing on the street it means that they're being disobedient. Leave the sois for soi dogs and their shit.

    Were do the play ...? on the railroad tracks?

    Speak with the local council and get speed humps installed

  2. If you had children you would know why children play on the streets.

    I have children and I NEVER let them play on the street. If they are playing on the street it means that they're being disobedient. Leave the sois for soi dogs and their shit.

  3. Along with lots of thais stopped there waiting for the check point to finish i assume because they are wanted by the law or have no papers....funny too see..

    Last week, here in Bangkok, saw some strung out yaba freaks in the same situation. Police are conducting urine tests at many places now. Just got to watch out for the 'runners'! Lately, there seems to be a pandemic of out-of-control yabaa freaks. That's one thing that Thaksin cwetainly knew how to get under control, but... :hit-the-fan: .

  4. On the 4 April I was out at Puttamonton, had a police emergency, so rang the tourist police on 1155-number was out-of-service, then rang 191. I asked the copper who answered, if he or anyone there would speak to me in English. He responded with, "Kwoi krap. Kwoi!"

    I said, "What's kwoi?" He sniggered together with his friends and said "fuc_k!". I was dumbfounded! Amazing Thailand!

  5. My family and I were a couple of the thousands of people who turned out for the opening day, yesterday 16 April.

    Alas, TiT, it wasn't open and won't be for at least another week!


    Did you find out what the ticket prices are?

    They were doing a special for the people who turned up: 199/199 baht Adult/Kid inc. entrance and unlimited rides.

    On the day the same ticket will cost 450/250 baht - Adult/Kid

  6. ^^ You're lucky you have neat investigative skills.

    IME, in similar circumstances, after having dogs bite friends of mine, on the street, outside shops, on more than one occasion, the owners would usually deny ownership of their dogs :D .

  7. :rolleyes:Just humor it. The BS never usually gets too serious. Kinda like an adventure. Just don't take any large monetary risks.

    They don't care if you walk, cause they expect that there'll be another possibly naive and desperate walking ATM coming along to fill your boots.

    Usually does only happen when having dealings with the uscrupulous, desperado types, though .

  8. Got an old Pentium 4, 1.6 ghz PC, which isn't picking up the signal of an outside webcam (picture is non-existent), so we need a 10 meter (30 foot) usb power-booster cable,


    Anyone seen one for sale in Bkk? If so, where?

    Perhaps a poster has an old, idle one lying around?

    Don't want to have to order one from the net. Be cheaper to buy it in Thailand and I'm ignorant to all this Tax-on-arrival bureaucracy. Heard a lot of bad stories in regards to Thai Custom's charges :) .

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