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Everything posted by OneZero

  1. Sunk cost -Yes. But, to address only the cost -effectiveness aspects: that is not sufficient justification for making things worse with a 20–30-year expensive life cycle. Plus, it also overlooks the potential logistic & political blackmail, & potential espionage considerations. Thailand was wise enough to not get too deeply ensnarled in the CCP's "Belt & Road" initiative traps ("Loss Leaders" to get a foot in the door). But the Thai military just can't resist the CCP temptations can they.
  2. The only understandable reason (not legitimate or justifiable reason) given by RTN Admirals for why any sub is necessary is that neighboring countries have one. Yes, I do understand that "Face" is a super big deal in Thailand. But that doesn't make it is justifiable or the most cost-effective alternative for any proposed RTN mission. In addition, Thailand sets itself up for potential CCP logistics & political blackmail, as well as espionage by the CCP advisors on sight in Thailand. Absurd.
  3. Somebody educate me. If these people legitimately own the car & are simply waiting for the legal plates to arrive, what is the incentive for them to spend money on forged red plates?
  4. I'm thinking of having a look at one. Since the June 2023 helpful reviews above, does anyone else have more recent experience?
  5. Where exactly on Dong Tan beach? Between the police box & Pattaya Park (that very narrow road)?
  6. ... or the continuation of the ability to self-insure by the alternatives acceptable to BOI.
  7. When the 5 year point is reached & LTR visa comes up for renewal of the additional 5 years: If the Thai Govt & BOI administrators want LTR visa holders to be medically insured, it seems logical to me to expect that they very well may not be happy with someone that did not continue the medical insurance for all 5 years.
  8. Pib, I downloaded the blank TM.95 form but am unable to fill /type information onto it. I don't know what I may be doing wrong. Do you have any suggestions?
  9. Could someone please provide the link to the fillable /downloadable TM 95 LTR Adress Reporting form. Thanks.
  10. From google: "Shingles is caused by the varicella-zoster virus — the same virus that causes chickenpox. After you've had chickenpox, the virus stays in your body for the rest of your life. Years later, the virus may reactivate as shingles."
  11. Who is susceptible to Shingles? Is it a result of measles or other virus in system from prior infection? If so, are some people not susceptible?
  12. I was thinking that - Sattahip District south of Pattaya.
  13. Could you explain where bangaray is, thanks. I googled it without result, and don't want to phone/bother Dr Kwanchai needlessly since I'm sure he is busy.
  14. Unfortunately Santisook is itself in need of financial support for multiple medical needs. Food is not the major issue - getting medical issues treated is very expensive. Unless medical issues are forced to be ignored, they in fact dwarfs the other issues.
  15. Do you know the source of the many homeless? Is it the illegal immigration?
  16. Quote from above: "But if you want to see and experience the worst of it in Thailand - drive the highway between Chiang Mai and Chiang Rai - I was genuinely scared - it was unbelievable - get out of their way quickly or you die. Not just the minivans - it was trucks and utes too." I couldn't agree more: get out of the way quickly or you die. They coming right at you in your lane.
  17. True. Land Dept was aware that not everybody here in Thailand would be telling the truth, so they established the transfer tax as described above: Tax "Assessed Value) (not competitive market value) and years of possession. They will ignore a claimed sales price below Assessed value, but I think accept a claimed sales price higher than market value (which simply increases the tax owed). So the transfer tax is not based upon any true Capital gain.
  18. Agree with that statement. But, add something I had already posted before: CCP wants a foothold in Thai waters with advisors, maintainers (& spies) onsite in Thailand. Thai PM probably felt pressure by CCP to buy a CCP product (bad strategic move for Thailand) or risk losing the downpayment as well as CCP cordiality. A better bet would have been for Thailand to pursue surplus US Navy Coastal patrol vessels, like the following: U.S. Navy’s Mark VI and 40-foot Patrol Boat Updates - Naval News Navy Decommissions 3 Cyclone Patrol Craft; Looking to Shelve Mark VI Patrol Boat - USNI News US transfers trio of Navy coastal patrol boats to Egypt following joint training | Stars and Stripes PH Navy gets 2 ex-Cyclone patrol ships from US Navy | Philippine News Agency (pna.gov.ph)
  19. CCP wants a foothold in Thai water with advisors, maintainers (& spies) onsite in Thailand. Thai PM probably felt pressure by CCP to buy a CCP product (bad strategic move for Thailand) or risk losing the downpayment as well as CCP cordiality. A better bet would have been for Thailand to pursue surplus US Navy Coastal patrol vessels, like the following: U.S. Navy’s Mark VI and 40-foot Patrol Boat Updates - Naval News Navy Decommissions 3 Cyclone Patrol Craft; Looking to Shelve Mark VI Patrol Boat - USNI News US transfers trio of Navy coastal patrol boats to Egypt following joint training | Stars and Stripes PH Navy gets 2 ex-Cyclone patrol ships from US Navy | Philippine News Agency (pna.gov.ph)
  20. But the Biden Administration won't like hearing that.
  21. Clarification: YES Highlighted - by the very fact that aseannow selects for inclusion in their daily news emails this guys yearning for attention waste of time spamming crap (& that's exactly what it is).
  22. My first impression /knee jerk reaction, is that expecting 180 day+ residents to voluntarily "..file taxes in Thailand yearly and claim exemption", would be an administrative nightmare.
  23. Why does aseannow highlight this guys never ending crap? Perhaps they think it brings interest and ultimately paid advertising.
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