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Everything posted by OneZero

  1. Jerk weed?? Thanks. My TM95 is not due yet, but when the time approaches I will go to CM Immigration to ask If someone else hasn't already reported. It would have been just as easy for you to go to CM Immigration & ask as it was for you to go to Star Visa. Do your homework if you are in such deadly fear. I'm willing to bet that you were the first TM95 customer for Star Visa because CM Immigration is not giving folks a TM95 problem. Thanks again for calling me Jerk weed. What a personality.
  2. I am not aware that Chiang Mai Immigration may have refused to process the TM95 report. Am I missing something?
  3. Looks like a good fit. Just don't be tempted by any PRC/CCP loss leader "Faustian Bargains".
  4. "Sandy Liw, General Manager of InterContinental Khao Yai Resort, underscored the need for infrastructure improvements, especially in lesser-known areas." Never mind that, the admirals demand money for submarines.
  5. Some articles for perspective: 13Jun2024 Sleepwalking Toward War: Will America and China Heed the Warnings of Twentieth-Century Catastrophe? (foreignaffairs.com) “China’s industries cannot keep growing unrestricted at the expense of everyone else. The smartest move China could make on trade is to agree to regulate its exports in such a way that they do not make it impossible for other countries’ domestic industries to compete in important areas such as electric vehicles or solar panels and other equipment necessary for decarbonization.” “If China continues to flood other markets with its cheap versions of these products, a lot of countries, including some that have not been overly concerned by China’s growth, will begin to unilaterally restrict market access to Chinese goods.” “Unrestricted trade wars are not in anyone’s interest. Countries are increasingly imposing higher tariffs on imports and limiting trade and the movement of capital. But if this trend turns into a deluge of tariffs, then the world is in trouble, in economic as well as political terms.” 09May2024 Trump Is Right: We Should Raise Tariffs on China - The American Conservative US let China manufacture everything in order to get less expensive goods. Inexpensive products the PRC subsidized, to quote Rubio ...."with handouts, tax breaks, financing incentives, stolen intellectual property, and even slave labor." 08May2024 Embracing Communist China Was U.S.’ Greatest Strategic Failure | RealClearPolitics
  6. Wake up Thailand. The CCP does not have underlying good intentions. If PRC demolishes Thai economy with dumping over production, the CCP is not concerned.
  7. Just cross the border illegally.
  8. Isn't the park at the inner SW corner of the moat?
  9. Thai hierarchy digging a deeper & deeper hole for themselves by not understanding that the CCP does not have underlying good intentions. That is one reason buying a CCP submarine is absolutely ridiculous. But, back to the economy, following are a couple of interesting articles ref the US: Trump Is Right: We Should Raise Tariffs on China - The American Conservative US let China manufacture everything in order to get less expensive goods. Inexpensive products the PRC subsidized, to quote Rubio ...."with handouts, tax breaks, financing incentives, stolen intellectual property, and even slave labor." Embracing Communist China Was U.S.’ Greatest Strategic Failure | RealClearPolitics
  10. How could I have made such a hasty & sloppy substitution of the wrong word "Democracy" when I meant to type "Monarchy"? Following is what I meant to write: "Thailand is a "Feudal patronage Society Masquerading as a Constitutional Monarchy"
  11. Prior post in US media: Trump Is Right: We Should Raise Tariffs on China - The American Conservative US let China manufacture everything in order to get less expensive goods. Inexpensive products the PRC subsidized, to quote Rubio ...."with handouts, tax breaks, financing incentives, stolen intellectual property, and even slave labor."
  12. erhaps they want to sell the Chakri Narubet (aircraft carrier(
  13. Agree. Thailand is a "Feudal patronage Society Masquerading as a Constitutional Democracy"
  14. I'm a bit surprised The Dems & the GOP haven't yet openly picked an opposing side to make it a political issue (e.g., empathetic vs cruel heart, or oppressed vs oppressor). Seems like most other issues have to be political (e.g., mask vs unmask, close schools vs keep them open (same for border)).
  15. Quote: "Year after year capital spending has been getting squeezed, accounting for just about 20 per cent of the total outlay. The public and opposition parties could cry hoarse over budget allocations to the Defense Ministry and related organizations but could change almost nothing." Prime example: A totally unnecessary, blackmail susceptible, & future budgetary expensive albatross known as the RTN Admirals Chinese submarine.
  16. Similar sad experience. Forgot name also. Vet about halfway. on left, from Dolphin round-about to central Naklua.
  17. Admittedly, I am not privy to contract details, but if you are privy, then please advise us of the "sunk costs" that would be lost by just walking away from this unnecessary Strategic (as opposed to tactical) type of weapon system. Also, how do those "sunk costs" compare to the "Life Cycle" costs? A submarine has an extremely expensive life cycle cost and most of those costs are still ahead of it. Walk away now before becoming further entangled in PRC blackmail (like many of the PRC's "Belt & Road" initiatives). The PRC has already set Thailand up in a bad position economically with respect to competition in automobile production (see other AN thread(s)). Thailand certainly has higher economic needs /budgetary priorities than unneeded submarines. Admittedly, walking away now would be politically unappealing to Thai leadership. But trusting the PRC in anything has proven to be a big mistake for many countries. Stay at arm's length.
  18. The RTN Admirals don't want you to be distracted by concern about PRC /CCP impact upon the Thai economy /Thai citizens employment. After all, there is the issue of the Chinese submarine that RTN Admirals need for their prestige. Sarcasm: You must keep Thai National priorities in line with the RTN Admirals fantasies.
  19. This corrupt & ego loaded RTN desire never ends, so I apologize up front for repeating my never-ending prior alarm /disagreement as follows: Some Navy bigwigs that want to feel important without a convincing strategic requirement. The sad thing is the long-term strategic political & military implications. Can't the civilian leadership of this country now put a funding halt to such nonsense? Thailand will be dependent upon PRC submarine model specific Doctrine, Organization, Training, Logistics and Materiel upgrades, & thus subject to CCP unreliability /blackmail. Undoubtedly there will be PRC advisors in Thailand for these functions and they will be doing their CCP required intelligence gathering while here.
  20. Agree. Some Navy bigwigs that want to feel important without a convincing strategic requirement. The sad thing is the long-term strategic political & military implications. Can't the civilian leadership of this country now put a funding halt to such nonsense? Thailand will be dependent upon PRC submarine model specific Doctrine, Organization, Training, Logistics and Materiel upgrades, & thus subject to CCP unreliability /blackmail. Undoubtedly there will be PRC advisors in Thailand for these functions and they will be doing their CCP required intelligence gathering while here.
  21. The above criteria is for those living in the US. The criteria for those living outside the US is different. For married taxpayers filing jointly it is as follows: quote "Married taxpayers filing a joint income tax return. If you are married and you and your spouse file a joint income tax return, you satisfy the reporting threshold only if the total value of your specified foreign financial assets is more than $400,000 on the last day of the tax year or more than $600,000 at any time during the tax year.
  22. Former Pattaya Mayor Cleared of Legal Charges Involving Waterfront Condo as Statute of Limitations Expires - The Pattaya News The charges, which date back to 2008 during Ittipol’s mayoral term in Pattaya, were dropped after the court recognized that the 15-year statute of limitations had lapsed as of September 2023. The case’s conclusion comes after Ittipol’s brief departure to Cambodia on September 5th, 2023, following the Attorney General’s Office’s initiation of legal proceedings. Ittipol’s return to Thailand on October 9, 2023, marked the end of his month-long absence.
  23. Sounds like it might fit in with the advertised description of "One Bangkok", intersection of Rama IV & Wittayu Rds, opposite Lumpini Park. But on the other hand, "One Bangkok" is much more than an entertainment complex, it's also meant to be a residential and business complex, so perhaps that makes it inappropriate. Who knows?
  24. I must have a lot to either better understand or know better where to buy. From a small shop in Lotus (not DTAC) I just bought a 12-month DTAC sim for 2,500+ Baht (ie, 2.5 times what you paid). I use it in a router (which I carry with me to use with my 4 pc's in 4 different Thai cities). It does have a larger monthly limit, I believe 100GB/mo. I can also call with it if I put the sim in my mobile, but I don't need or bother with that feature since I have a postpaid ais mobile sim (approx 270Baht/mo & I seldom use mobile now).
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