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Posts posted by snowgard

  1. 2 hours ago, ujayujay said:

    Enter without Insurance Card should be impossible. To check this by entry Passportcontrol is not that Problem. Many exaggerate here. A lot Foreigners here have no insurance and make their problem to the problem of Thailand Health System.

    No!!! This is not right!!! The most farangs who not have a insurance are in trouble about accidents.

    Why this country let everyone rent a motorbike or car without a proper driving license?

    Why this rental companies not be ordered to have a full insurance cover?


    Just 2 things to do and the most problems are gone!!! Very easy!!!


    Next thing were a cheap health insurance what every expat / tourist MUST have. Must buy at the airport or at the immigration. All expensive private hospitals are excluded. And everyone who use it must pay max. 6.000 THB per case from the own pocket. No age or previous illness limit. 

  2. 9 hours ago, Cadbury said:

    Seems international arrest warrants only work for people who have no money.

    And who tell you that him not have money?

    In the report they wrote him have a house in Hua Hin and a hotel on Ibiza.

    Next question is why him left Thailand so fast after the woman disappeard and never report something to the police in spain?
    This is the reason why they catch him now. Him was on the run!!! I wanna do it too if the police found my DNA under the nails of the woman. 
    Before the police of another country send you back to Thailand they MUST proof what evidence are against you. And you have the right to fight against the extradation. 

  3. 5 hours ago, sweatalot said:



    "Truck-trailer driver Bunsong Thonglee, 45, said he had put on his indicators. "


    But did he look into the rear mirror?


    probably never knew what it's good for

    Why? The boy overtook the truck and him has to look him can do it or not. But him give a shit about what was in his front!!! 

    The results we know now.


    I had it so much times in the last 10 years that stupid motorbike drivers (man & woman) overtook me on the left or the right side when I want drive around a corner and all the time the indicator was on. 

  4. 3 hours ago, Billy Bloggs said:

    But that is the problem they dont stop all at checkpoints in CM they let thais without helmets ride past, I dont care if I get stopped unless they have a made up charge, I wear a helmet have a taxed and insured bike, its just the having to stop and get out the license, wish I could get a license sticker for my helmet, by the way I wear a full face and sunglasses during the day no way they know if its my license.

    And why you not make a video of it and send it to the press & police headquater and on facebook? I am for sure would do it if I had problems like this all the time. The onliest way to change things here is to report it to the press and higher police and wait for their response. 

    But I live now 10 years in Thailand and never had this problems. Maybe because I drive a car and have now 8 years already a dashcam inside. In this 10 years the police stopped me 2 times and would charge me for drive in the right lane. I not paid because I overhault slowly cars and told they that they can look the video. So they let me go and I paid nothing.

  5. 1 hour ago, mikebell said:

    70 people a day die on Thai roads!  Your 10 years = 3650 days not including Leap Years = 255,500 corpses and you feel safe? Any police force doing its job would have cut these figures by 80%.

    This is a stupid answer. The police do their job but the politicans not. If you drive without a helmet or driving license or red light or ... and they stop you, you get a ticket. They can't do more. This are the RULES and the LAW.

    And it don't give enough police to catch everyone who break the traffic law. Just think about how powerful YOU are if you stay 3h in the full sunshine and take care the traffic. It's a complete sh** job!!! But they MUST do it for just 11.000 - 15.000 THB the month.

    The onliest way is to make harder rules. But this is not in the hand of the police. This the politicans and the Land & Transport Minister have to do. 

  6. First of all don't take a lawyer. This money is LOST money and lawyers not work free. If you have a contract you can give the owner a big <deleted> YOU!!! But this can bring more problems to you.

    But You don't must sue the owner. Him must sue you and bring you to court if him want to have you out. But with a contract  what run 1 year longer him has bad chances.


    Talk with him to find a good solution otherwise gone to the consumer protection board in your city. It's free and they work well.

  7. 3 hours ago, ezzra said:

    He may have bought the car legally, but if the car is stolen it will be

    have to be confiscated,

    he will than have to sue the sellers and good luck to him with that,

    This can be but not must be.


    If the paid price is a market price it can be that the sale is accepted. The original owner got for sure a compensation from his insurance and the insurance must  take the money back from the (stolen car) dealer.


    Some countries handle it on this way.

  8. 2 hours ago, Moti24 said:

    I doubt they will go back to the UK, but the insurance companies might want a say in the matter.

    For sure they not go back. Maybe the insurance companies got back the worth of the cars in the UK. The noun is for thailand.

  9. 7 hours ago, fruitman said:

    Is that 1500 baht written somewhere on an official website? 


    I never knew how much was allowed. This must be the reason they ship in small packages from hongkong, everything separate.



    I got a email with the following information in 2012 from transpeed.biz after I imported something from China:


    I would like to inform for Express clearance process in Thailand customs
    regular. Thai customs regular have 4 categories details as bellows;

    Cat 1 - Document weight not more than 2kg, there is no import duty.
    Cat 2 - Small parcel weight up to 0.50kg and C.I.F. value not more than Thb
    1,000.- there is EDI fee Thb 200 plus VAT 7%
    Cat 3 - Parcel weight not more than 30kg and C.I.F. value not more than Thb
    30,000.- there are import duty follow import tariff plus VAT7%
    Cat 4 - Parcel weight over than 30kg and C.I.F. value more than Thb 30,000.-
    and the shipment need to do special clearance like BOI, EPZ and Form E

    Your shipment weight less than 30kg and C.I.F. value less than Thb 30,000.-,
    then the shipment should have import duty as normal process. If you would
    like to do clearance under Form E, the shipment should hold in customs and
    make full clearance same as cargo shipment also have extra charge for
    clearance process.

    For shipment need to do clearance process with Form E, the original should
    inform us before flight arrived to BKK but we haven't received any
    information from your shipper or our agent, so we make clearance process as

    Now my staff keeps to pushing for reply from our agent for your import duty
    and special delivery because our agreement should send to you by post only.

    Appreciate for your understand and will advice to you once received
    information from our agent in China.
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