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Posts posted by snowgard

  1. On 19.4.2017 at 11:04 PM, swissie said:

    What if those scans would have shown a serious injury, that would have needed immediate treatment to save your live?

    Not having health insurance and not having emergency funds to cover a hospital bill of US$ 1600 ? Hmmm.....
    Another hospital-bill that will remain unpaid by a Farang?

    Do you realise, that this is the reason that more and more Thai-Hospitals refuse treatment for Farangs, unless their ability to pay is established before they do ANYTHING AT ALL, even in an emergency?

    Why they not choose to do xray for 300-1000 THB? So this a simple <deleted> up!!!

  2. 2 hours ago, Khun Jean said:

    No it is not. That is the specific purpose of the document, to prevent this from happening. A judge however can ignore this and decide otherwise, as such always good to have documentation where the money actually came from (transfers/building material bills etc). The land office is not part of the judicial system, they just have to comply with the landownership laws.


    Wrong!!! If you are married and the house/land was bought after the marriage you got a 50% split in money of the land/house.

    The landoffice paper is just that you know that you cannot get the land.

  3. 8 hours ago, ALLSEEINGEYE said:

    Farang is guilty of death in an accident? But Thais can kill anyone they want, drag a cop down the road in a ferrari, throw people off balconies, beat handicapped bread sellers to death. What a F'd up place. 1 years and I still get surprised by the lack of justice here.

    I just remember about the case with the german: http://www.phuketgazette.net/phuket-news/No-jail-time-driver-killed-German-road/65711#ad-image-0


  4. 6 hours ago, fruitman said:

    But actually she's right, why the staff can't even open a filler cap?? That's ridiculous, it's like a busdriver who can't drive safe ......


    Why the staff must know how to open the filler caps from every different motorbike/car?
    The driver MUST know how to do it and no one other!!!

    If it is not her bike, she can call the owner and ask. But not make problem with people who don't know more as she self.

  5. 12 hours ago, smedly said:

    what are yellow shirts ?


    I see only a redshirt organisation active in Thailand, I believe that is what this topic is about, if I could identify any other terrorist organisation in Thailand I would be just as critical of them too.

    I think you are not long enough in Thailand. Otherwise you know who are the yellow shirts. They are the opposition of the red shirts. But they are the people with power, high connected and big money.

    You can see the different in this case where Red Shirts members got 4 years imprisonment for gone inside a Asean meeting and on the otherside the Yellow Shirts closed the international airports for weeks and got only a millions dollar fine but no one gone in prison.
    Who have the power in this country?



  6. I think you all missed the part that the BMW drove in the middle lane. If the U-Turner still drove on the right lane nothing where happen. But ... him want drive to the left lane without to look it's free.


    Why someone must break if the right lane is empty and everyone can do a U-Turn without problems???


    Me not. And I drive in Thailand now for 25 years and never had a accident.

    So don't blame the BMW driver.

  7. 4 hours ago, madmitch said:

    Sounds simple but I suppose multiple bank accounts, not all necessarily in Thailand, may make it difficult to find. and who knows how many other 50k "consultancy fees" get paid every month.


    Think this is the equivalent of a "not proven" verdict in a Scottish Court.

    But Thai Bev sent the money to one account and they must have the Bank and account no. In normal it is easy to check the ownership of this account.

  8. My son told me him readed on a Thai News Site that this guy is/was the press speaker of the Hells Angels and that him want to start his own Hells Angels Chapter only with Thais after a lot of problems in the last between Farang/Thai members. The Real 1%ers told him NO WAY!!! But him not listen and got his warning. 555


    Looks like him not understand it.


    But there is more in the story. The old 81 supporter Club "PaPa Run" not support the HA anymore and must changed their club colors from red/white (Hells Angels) to what ever else. They choose dark blue/black.

  9. 8 hours ago, Anthony Loh said:

    There must be a story behind this Attack, is there a CCTV which can show how this can happen.
    Different people have different ideas or thinking but what is right and what is wrong no one can tell unless there is a proof. To me both of the dog owner and kid parents need to have the same responsibilities for this.

    Sent from my iPad using Thaivisa Connect

    I guess the little girl has stared into the dog's eyes and the dog start biting. Dogs feel themselves attacked and bite around the ranking. Afterwards he stopped immediately. Otherwise, the little girl would have been bitten even further.

  10. 8 hours ago, thenewgoo said:

    '''to deter youths access''

    Why not just ask for ID before selling to the youths. That's the law already is it not. Nobody likes confrontation in this country, all laws become optional.

    It's the same with this stupid alcohol selling times. If the shops check the ID Cards and police give hard penalties (100.000 & up) to shops what sale to the youth this stupid times are never needed.

  11. 9 hours ago, Galactus said:


    oh my...i think you dont understand the whole thing.

    so kurds speak about what? of course about their agenda! 

    who organizes their march and protests or meetings? kurdish politicians.

    so just bc kurds dont speak about voting, are the fine to do mass events and meetings? funny!

    if you allow a group of people to their events and their freedom of speech like Kurds and if you say no to Turks, we call is double standards and germans being double faced one more time as usual.

    what a nonsense. if you are this ignorant on what is going on, please dont post.


    The onliest ignorant are YOU. YOU can read in every newspaper or on youtube that Turks can demonstrate in germany.

    Click the youtube video and you can SEE it!!!

    YOU are so ignorant that can't understand that turkish politicans can do their business in Turkey and not in germany or another country.

    And specialy not if it's like the NEW TURKEY WAY. To put thousands of innocent people in prisons and kick their human rights with feets.


    The same what Turks do with the Kurds.

    The Kurds what demonstrate (like the Turks) in germany are Asylants who live in germany and not politicans who come just for find voters. This is a big different!!!

  12. 1 hour ago, Galactus said:


    such a nonsense. fake coupe? were you there?

    sorry but that is a lie, and a big one. i am person against islam and fascists liek Erdogan all my life.

    this coup attempt was planned by an islamic cleric as worse as ISIS whose aim is making everyone muslim in this world (and even all cosmos needs to be muslim according to this guy!). please check your facts and never post here like you have diarrhea.

    and anyone believing this is an ignorant person who does not read or no idea about this world apart form some brainwashing cliche comments.


    anyway, Erdogan is a fascist which is an alleged fact.

    but Europe? banning turkish politicians but kurdish ones can go there freely and do their politics? 

    yes, this means you dont allow freedom of speech of one group means you discriminate them but you allow the freedom of speech of another group and we see this in Nazi times of Germany.

    so kurds can go do a protest in the middle of Germany but turks cannot?


    so Erdogan cannot speak in Germany but 15,000 kurds can go march for a resistance to Erdogan? so what we call this? being double faced and applying double standards.
    http:// https://eblnews.com/news/europe/kurds-protesting-germany-call-resistance-erdogan-43142


    although i hate Erdogan and all his politics and allies, i believe Europe is applying double standards for their political agenda.


    this is the problem. classic hypocrisy of europe. ok for kurds but not ok for turks. ok for Christians but not ok for muslim and this goes on for millenniums there.



    I think you misunderstand here something or you like to tell fakes. There is NO double standard. What kurdish politican come to germany and speak about his agenda for the next voting? NO ONE!!!


    The Turks self demonstrate in germany too. Not only the Kurds. If you write something than the true please!!!


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