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Posts posted by snowgard

  1. 5 hours ago, gadget monger said:



    Your Thai lady will buy land in her name with your money, you as a Farang cannot buy land.  When she had enough of you, she would kick you off her land and there is nothing you can do about it....


    This WILL only a stupid farang BELIEVE!!!! Everyone with brain who check out his options will find out that him own 50% of the house and land.

  2. 8 hours ago, NickJ said:

    Yeah.... The document you sign at the Land Office. It's all in Thai. It doesn't ask about the marriage being official.  It states that the money used is hers. Anyone who has been told this should get the paper you signed translated. But, then again you don't have a copy eh?


    Who need it? This paper is complete BS. If you and your wife divorce you still own 50% of the property or land if it was bought after you was married. If she would hold the house/land she have to pay you out at the market price.


    But only with a real registered marriage!!!



  3. On 21.1.2017 at 8:51 PM, SattahipBri said:


    Yes it was 35 Baht for a Singha at the Carousel Bar in Soi Diamond. I used to drink in the Best Friend bar or Tim's bar on beach road and it was cheaper than Soi Diamond but I cant remember by how much.


    On my first 2 weeks trip I don't come out from the pattaya beach, walking street and marine disco. Nonstop party!!! Was a great time!!

    After I got the Thailand Virus!!!

  4. 2 hours ago, humqdpf said:

    And what if the person is found to be insane and therefore not guilty?


    I would give a shit on it!!! Him murdered someone, so him get what him ask for!!! Insane or not, is this a excuse for you?

    Who will be his next victim? A prisoner, a guard, a nurse, ...??? Death penalty and everyone is save about him. And him not cost a lot of money from the taxpayers.


  5. 13 hours ago, Allstars said:



    So if in a UFC the challenged party refuses to defend himself it isn't a fight, but rather an assault, right?


    Did the mia noi think the wife was there for a game of cards? Weren't there enough signs prior that a fight would occur?


    Because the other party is a coward who refuses to defend herself doesn't make the challenger an assaulter.



    How you can compare this with a UFC Fight? In a fight both parties want to fight!!! But here not!!!

    What do you think what happend if she fought back? For sure all friends of the kicking woman started beating she too.

    And for sure the kicking woman is the assaulter.

  6. 36 minutes ago, humqdpf said:

    You cannot be ever 100% certain of guilt. That is the problem. Any sentence involving imprisonment can be rescinded but clearly once carried out the death sentence cannot.


    It give a lot of cases where it is 100% clear. Like the last iphone murder in BKK. And for clear cases like this DEATH PENALTY!!!
    And done it in the next days and not after 20 years.

  7. 1 hour ago, madusa said:

    The immigrations in all South East Asian countries should have his name on the pedophile list. He should never be allowed to enter those countries again. This is serious case, because the child is very young it shows this man is psychotic and very sick.

    Why? If the police released him, it can be that him had nothing to do with it.

  8. 3 hours ago, Keesters said:

    It's a long time since I got my kid (then 15) a motorcycle license but at that time he was allowed up to 90cc only. Had to wait till he was 18 for a larger bike.


    Anybody know the current (legal) situation?


    Could start with the schools. They are supposed to be educators after all. 555. Don't let anyone onto school grounds with a motorbike unless licensed and helmeted.  Or as a real surprise, start with a can't leave unless.......the same rules





    Legal age for a motorbike license is still 15 years. But they can drive bike up to 110cc. With 18 years they can drive bigger motorbikes.

  9. 4 hours ago, zakk9 said:

    Either the credit card was reported stolen, or it was not reported stolen. If it was reported stolen, it's the bank's problem. if it was not reported stolen, it's the problem of the owner of the card.


    Why??? The bank told they not pay and so it's the resort owner problem!!! The resort have to check who use the credit card. Do you ever listen something about "Sign your payment bill" or "Put your PIN inside"? If they checked it together with the passport they saw direct it was a fake credit card. But I beieve they never saw this credit card because the russians ordered the rooms online and given the credit card details.


    How difficult is it today to copy a creditcard?

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