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Posts posted by snowgard

  1. 13 hours ago, lovelomsak said:

    Using this law many people would have to leave their cellphones at home.or some even their laptop. No gold jewelry,no expensive watches etc. 20,000 baht is not much.

    Why? In normal everyone have to declare what they bring inside Thailand. Same in Europe.
    But the Thai customs not check so hard as in Europe. And it looks like you can bring private things inside.

    You can look a lot of videos on youtube how customs in europe handle it if you bring your own in Hongkong bought Laptop or a Designer Bag to Europe.
    You have to pay full import tax, Vat and if you walked in the green channel a heavy fine also.

  2. Things can change fast sometimes. My tip is to rent out your house. Save this extra income for 1 or 2 years and open than a clinic.

    The most small clinics what I visited had a equipment & furniture worth not more as 200.000 THB. Only some had X-Ray. The most not.

    If the rooms are rented you not need a lot of money. Maybe your wife or family member can use this time for something additional specialising as Physiotherapeut or Accupunkture.

  3. 11 hours ago, johng said:

    I believe the minimum age for motorcycle licence is 15 and supposed to be limited to under 90 cc bike but you see school kids driving to school with no helmet on Honda wave 125cc no problem !

    No!!! Age must be 15 years and up to 18 years it is restricted to 110cc in Pattaya!!!

  4. 18 hours ago, Cuchulainn said:

    And what will happen to the owner of the illegally parked car?


    a. Nothing

    b. Absolutely nothing

    c. Nothing at all

    d. Silly bloody question

    e. All of the above

    How you know that the car parked illegally there? In almost ALL streets you can park at the left side of the road if there are no signs that it is not allowed.

  5. Did you ever thought about it that your mouth smell? And about this you don't got french kisses from your wife?


    The most people with this problem don't know it self and their loved ones don't have the balls to tell it.




  6. Another source show the same:


    Genetic studies have documented the mdr gene deletion in 10 breeds (7) (Table 2). The gene deletion is widespread in collies, with 30% being homozygous and 40% being heterozygous. Its frequency is much lower in other herding breeds of collie lineage, such as the Shetland sheepdog (8.4% of dogs tested carried the mutation), Old English sheepdog (3.6%), and Australian sheepdog (16.6%). Because of different lineage, the gene deletion has not been found in Border collies, bearded collies, or Australian cattle dogs. The deletion also occurs in 2 sighthound breeds, the longhaired whippet and the silken windhound, with suspicion that the mutation was introduced with Shetland sheepdog crosses. It has also been identified recently in white German shepherd dogs.






    20 hours ago, Sophon said:

    You are wrong, the MDR1 gene can be present not just in white GSD's, although it seems to be more prevalent for this type. Your comment about your "your dog must be dead" shows that you have not done your homework, even in the breeds at risk, not all individual dogs have the gene mutation. For GSD's only about 10% of dogs have the gene mutation. Even in collies "only" about 70% of the individual dogs have the gene mutation.


    You can believe what you want, I am just warning other GSD owners about possible (and potentially lethal) problems with giving their dog Ivermectin. Since you have treated your dogs with the drug for a long time, your dogs obviously don't have the gene mutation.




    And from what source are your wisdoms? The source up what made this study with 4.000 dogs says quite clearly: German Shepherd Dogs (white)!!!!



  8. 3 hours ago, Sophon said:

    Good that Ivermectin works well for your dogs, but just for the record German Shepherds are one of the breeds that have an increased risk of hypersensitivity to Ivermectin (just like Collies).


    From http://www.pethealthnetwork.com/dog-health/dog-diseases-conditions-a-z/ivermectin-toxicity-dogs




    This list is wrong!!! I live here now for 9 years and the last 8 years my GSD got Ivermec. They must be dead long time.


    The GSD have no problems about it. A lot of the "WHITE GSD"  have the MDR1 defect and can't use Ivermectin.

    But all the PROFESSIONAL DOG FORUMS forget to write WHITE!!!

    Google for it as proof!!! And check things like this only on veterinary sites and not this stupid forums.

    Proof: https://books.google.co.th/books?id=yDjDr_MLGSsC&pg=PT1613&lpg=PT1613&dq=german+shepherd+dogs+ivermectin&source=bl&ots=Jo4TUTGiJi&sig=VM9EdOr4vYDm1HgVs93m3MRm0E4&hl=en&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwjp3Z7AqtXTAhULL48KHTYYB0wQ6AEIiwIwKg#v=onepage&q=german shepherd dogs ivermectin&f=false

  9. 1 hour ago, phantomfiddler said:

    Better to go to a typical Thai eatery and buy steamed rice, stir fried veg, and a pork curry for a grand total of around 35 Bht !

    WHERE??? Can you show us a place in Pattaya for this price please? I not believe. Maybe 20 years ago.


    The normal prices for this include the fried egg start around 55 THB but never 35 THB.

  10. 9 hours ago, jeab1980 said:

    Get a grip the guy is correct in saying it's annoying dogs Barking all night kids screaming all day is not normal. As for the old chestnut go back to your home country !! Time for you to return to the real world I think. We are all entitled to be comfortable in our own homes. I had the same sort of thing once lasted for ten months before the family from hell moved away luckily other Thai neibours moved them on.

    They have a 1 year contract what run 10 month more. So much to say. If my kids are playing around LOUD daily and a stupid farang come up and talk about it I want give him a big <deleted> up too!!! In the moment are the school holidays and the kids stay all over the day at home. And they play there. Better as stupid kids who not have friends and sit all over the day alone at home and play at the pc or game station.


    Why all the other neighbours not complain about it?


  11. Where I wrote that Alaska is a country?
    But why someone (maybe a whole street) must change their living for a new farang neighbour??? 


    This is the same someone move in the near of a airport and start complaining about the loudness of the planes.

    This has nothing to do with a good neighbourhood.

  12. 1. Who lived there first? The Thai family or you? If the Thai live there longer as you they would give you a big PISS OFF!!!

     Andin my eyes they are right because it is theirs normal living. Why they must change someting for YOU???


    2. Do you not like kids playing loud? Move back to your home country or remember at the time you was a kid!!!


    3. The dogs howling and barking? Buy some earplugs or move away.


    YOU are the GUEST in this country. If you not like it MOVE AWAY.


    In this cases the police in your home country don't do something too. This is the normaly living!!!


    4. If someone open very loud music with bass booster, partying every night, .... I can understand your complaining but this ... not.


    I think Thailand is the wrong country  for you!!! Try it with Canada or Alaska.



  13. For me it's look like the car let walk the woman and the motorbike overtook the car on the left side. It's faster as the car and in really him must have seen the woman soon enough in the street. 100% the fault of the motorbike driver. Never drive faster as you can controll and see everything. And if you overhaul someone it can be something in the front what you can't see before.

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