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Posts posted by snowgard

  1. If I see how much here talk about pay cash, I understand why so much THAIS believe we FARANGS are ATM's.

    Sure maybe it's a easy way. But maybe NOT!!! I believe the last!!!

    If they are not married and him don't want allow it and the amphur also don't want allow to give a passport you can go to the familycourt. This is almost cheaper than pay cash to the producer!!!

    Here are some helpful links:



  2. I believe it is about the Thai mentaly. Everything what I see is about it, "Shit on rules, me first, this is mine, ...!!!" I see to much Thais (sometimes Farangs, too!!! ;-)) who think they can do what they want.

    • At the Maprachan Lake outside Pattaya the had wrote everywhere that its forbidden to use fishing-nets. But everyday someone use it. No one worry.
    • The most who come fishing not use only 2 fishing rods/p.P. (in Germany not more allowed). No, they have 6 - 10.
    • They take out every fish. Don't worry it is to small and to young and if grow up it's a very big fish.
    • No one worry about the fish spawning period. They never return a fish back into the water.

    How can there be a good fish standard at the lakes or rivers or the sea?

  3. Pattaya Animal Hospital on Pattaya Tai (2nd vet down on the right hand side), may not be up to European standards but the vet is very very good. He understands very well the problems animals have and how to treat them. His English is very good and I also find that my dogs were always calm when visiting him in his surgery.

    Keeping my fingers crossed for tomorrow as my dog has to go in and have a cruciate ligament replacement.

    My wife called there today and asked about the price for xray the hip of our german sheperd dog include injection for sleeping. I was shocked about the answer: 2.000 Baht!!! SUPER EXPENSIVE!!! At the Siam Country Pet Hospital we paid for exactly the same 550 Baht (300 Baht Xray, 250 THB injection) for an other of our dogs. Problem is they have only a very old xray.

    But this price is unbelievable!!! And this is NOT a FARANGPRICE!!!

  4. Go again to the police with a local newspaper reporter. Than you can see how fast they change their minds. And if I am you I gone to a higher policeman. You can make a report to against the policeman.

    Don't worry what they speak. Just do it. And in every cityhall it give a office for problems like this (police don't want work). They help farangs too!!!

  5. If someone have Heel pain and calcaneal spurs, it give a much much more easier way to solve it. Unbelievable!!!

    Before I come in 2008 to Thailand I had this problem in Germany. I gone to some bone docs in germany and nothing changed. Than in 2008 I come to Thailand and read a lot in internet and found a website from a swiss guy who had this problem and fixed it.

    The pains comes from calf cramps/muscle cramps and goes down to the feets. For fix it you just go to a step, stay only with the front of your feets on the step and whip up and down for 2-3 minutes around 5-8 times a day. After 3 days the pains gone and never come back.


  6. Saw them also in Korat at Makro, in the frozen meat section

    Yes, but you pay for a rabbit from 1kg (included head) 385,- Baht. Whithout the bones it is only 400g meat. Very expensive!!!

    I am looking to to find some rabbit puppies. I live in Pattaya. I where happy if someone can give me a source about 3-4kg rabbits. Here on the markets you can only buy pet rabbits.

  7. I'am really surprised how much wrote here to forget it and learn something about it. Stupid!!!!

    If this are my things I report it to the police. If they don't do something, I go to the next higher policeman and report it to the local newspapers. Maybe you can go with a reporter to the police!!! ;-)

    If they don't do something you can go to townmajor/citymajor office. They want help you too.

    The next way is than:http://www.ombudsman.go.th/10/eng/index1.asp

    For myself I want try it with a lawyer and the citymajor office.

    I think your lady know that you don't have balls!!! Otherwise she never do it.

    Look for a good lawyer and the police do everything for solve this problem. But it need maybe 1-2 years.

  8. I don't know how much idiots write here who just know how a dog looks like but in real know nothing about dogs. In my eyes the german goes the right way. I not believe him want to kill the dog. I think him take the knife and run out to the retriever for make him scare that him run away. But him not run away. Him start bite and the german use the knife. In normaly if you run angry to a dog him run away or not? Try it!!! ;-)

    And for all the stupid people who believe "Golden Retrievers" are lovely dogs can read here what happen with this dogs if the owner don't take care and teach his dog a good way: Retriever bites ...

    I can say only that this dog must die because his owner are a .... (think what you want)!!!

  9. They will be doing business locally, so will be communicating in Thai.

    The most of they don't want do business online because they don't know how!!! This I can tell for sure!!! I mean look the most thai websites who want to sell something. 90% of it don't show prices. If you ask 10 companies for a price or a quotation (e-mail in english and thai) you can be happy if you got a answer from 2. So what they want in internet. Websites who don't show a price never see me again. Same as real shops.

  10. The onlyst problem is that the Thai Rice are to expensive. Other countries are much cheaper. It cannot work if the rice do the following way:

    FARMER --> Mill/Dealer (Countryside) --> Transportcompany (Dealer) --> Bangkok Dealer --> Exporter

    To much people want earn from it and the farmers got the smallest peace!!! How much a Farmer earn for a ton of rice?

    6.000-8.000 Baht/Ton --> and the Exporters charge 27.000-36.000 Baht (US $900-1200) / Ton of Jasmine Rice.

    The Farmers do the work and earn nothing and the Dealers make the big money.

    Check the Rice price on alibaba.com

    And if I am a farmer, I know what I must do!!! Produce and Export self!!!

    • Like 2
  11. I am living now 5 years in Thailand and have 4 GDS in my home. I can tell you that the heat is not a big problem if the dogs find a shadow and windy place. But they need a small pool or pond where they can go inside if its to hot. This is ok!!!

    2 times the day (morning & late afternoon) we do a 4km dogwalk in the hills from pattaya. It's a nice place with ways for walking and some waterponds where my dogs go swimming every day. My dogs are only family-dogs not schutzhund because I let run they free around and this you cannot do with schutzhund. Thais are very scare about big dogs. If they see my dogs the call for help and screaming. Some run away. ;-) But this is very dangerous. A Schutzhund try to catch they and bite because they learn this. They cannot handle the different between exercixe and the real life. My dogs are come back direkt if I call. If there are workers on the fields the come close to me and just look to the people. Not more. But they all the time wait for my commands to protect my family and me.

    The most K9 Centers you can forget. They want you bring your dog in and pickup him 6 weeks later. You cannot teach and learning with your dog together. This is the worst way what I saw in my life. About this we teach all self to our dogs.

    I saw in your profile that you stay later in Korat. I don't know you can find a dog club in the near. You can search here:


    or ask here:

    German Shepherd Dog Ass. of Thailand

    Herr Col.

    Sukhum Sujarit D.V.M.

    7 Soi Rajakru, Phaholyothin Road.,

    Samsennai Phyathai

    10400 Bangkok


    Telefon: ++66 2793621, 6197753

    Telefax: ++66 6197752

  12. I don't know where is the problem to change the situation in the future! Just change the rules:

    1. Blood alcohol content for drivers must be ZERO!
    2. If the BAC is between 0.01-0.05, the driver loses his driving licence (1 year) and must pay a fine of 2.000,- Baht.
    3. If the BAC is between 0.05-0.12, the driver loses his driving licence (1year) and must pay a fine of 5.000,- Baht.
    4. If the BAC is between 0.12-0.16, the driver loses his driving licence (2 years), must pay a fine of 10.000,- Baht and just must go direct for 7 days in the monkeyhouse.
    5. If the BAC is over 0.16, the driver loses his driving licence (2 years), must pay a fine of 10.000,- Baht and just must go direct for 1 month in the monkeyhouse.
    6. If a accident happend about a drunken driver, the driver loses his driving licence (between 1-5 years), must pay a fine of 40.000-200.000,- Baht and just must go direct for 1 month up to 5 years in the monkeyhouse. Possible about how heavy the accident.

    If the police striktly work about this rules, the road accidents sink down to 10% from now.

  13. i can buy "good" tablet pc's for less !

    Look on "allibaba.com" or Tao Bao.com then you will see real prices

    as low as 40 $ foor reasonally good U-pads,Z-pads.........not even a coppy !

    The components come from Thailand.

    I do it before for 56 US$ and it was the same shit. After 2 month the battery work only for 1h and two weeks later it blow up and break the display. I bought a lot over alibaba and it all was easy broken.

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