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Posts posted by snowgard

  1. Heeeeeeeeeeey , the UK civilians were bombed FIRST by the Germans, my mum endured this. The Germans reaped what they sewed........So, feeeerk of with that stuff..

    You are completly wrong. The RAF bombed the Germans first. You can read it at Wikipedia: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Strategic_bombing_during_World_War_II

    The RAF flew its first strategic bombing raid on Germany at Mönchengladbach on 11 May 1940 and in September 1940, the Luftwaffe began targeting British cities in 'The Blitz'.[16] From 1942 onward, the British bombing campaign against Germany became less restrictive and increasingly targeted industrial sites and eventually, civilian areas.[17][18] When the United States began flying bombing missions against Germany, it reinforced these efforts and controversial firebombings were carried out against Hamburg (1943), Dresden (1945), and other German cities.[19]

    And don't forget: The Brits declared the war to Germany and not different!!!

  2. Heeeeeeeeeeey , the UK civilians were bombed FIRST by the Germans, my mum endured this. The Germans reaped what they sewed........So, feeeerk of with that stuff..

    And you think you are better as the NAZIS? It's same as if someone kill your mother you gone and kill the completly family from the killer. But not the killer self!!!

    Who is more bad? This were all civilians and not the German Nazis or Army!!!

    But I hope we learned ALL about it and this never happen again!!!

  3. The Holocaust was the climax of it all, an industrially organized genocide.

    Besides that, the Nazis exterminated all kinds of minorities that were in their way, even in hospitals and by medical experiments.

    They also killed women and children, and that's a war crime. No excuse.

    And what you say about the mass bombing and destroying the most german cities where in this time at most only womans, Kids and old People lived?

    This was a war crime too but NO ONE was interested!!! Some 100.000 womans, Kids and old People died in the bombings and fire!!! This had nothing todo with WAR!!!


  4. "Under his supervision" - What does this mean? In 1944 this man was 22 years old. 100% him was supervised from his Major, Captain or whatever. What would have happened if he had refused the command of his higher officers?

    They had killed him, too!!!

    I found it stupid to bring now all the small underlings to court and the real bastards had a good life and died already in the past years.

  5. just a small note regarding our house, we could not get a 30 year lease since they seem not to be legal between husband and wife ! SO we were told by the head of Land office, he was not willing to cooperate and mentioned it quite a few times that this lease would not hold up in court ! No 30 year leases between legally married spouses !

    So yes, it is in the wife's name, do I really like that, hmm no, would also rather see a 50/50 ownership but we do not make the rules here !

    You have a 50/50 ownership!!! But you can got the worth only in money. Everything what was bought after the marriage will be split 50/50 in Thailand. This signed paper at the landoffice inform you only that you cannot own this land. But you must be paid out in money!!!

  6. I imagine they were goaded into it. The I'D has a lot of youngsters drafted in to it. The 'Pals' like other terror groups specialise in this kind of behaviour to misdirected people from the outrageous crimes they commit.

    Who sows hatred will reap hatred !!!

    Sometimes I ask myself who is the Real Aggressor. The Palestines or the Israelis? Not easy to say because on both sides People do wrong!!! But fact is also that the Isralis also are master of TERRORISM. They murdered Hamas Politicans and their families and thousands of civilians and think this is ok. They have the right for it. Did the palestines not have the same rights? If we ask how much bombs and rockets the palestines sent to Israel and how much bombs/rockets Israel sent to the palestines who sent more?

    blablabla..... This recriminations can be endlos from both sides but bring nothing!!!

    The onliest way is to find an acceptable solution for both parties. My solution for the Tempelberg is to give it under the UN. They take care together with all groups.

  7. So what's your goal? The end of Israel? In my impression that's the usual goal of extremist Israel demonizers and also of course Hamas and most BDS activists.

    No, but to go back to the table and find the best solution for everyone!!! Give the palestines their own country and help to build it up.

    I know this is not easy but this is the only way how to solve the problems.

    And for sure to murder Hamas Politicans and thousands of civlians isn't a solution.

  8. This "group" a radicle left entity who get it's funding from overseas sources tasked with the sole purpose to

    demonise and show Israel in a very negative lights,

    The Nazis & SS Propaganda Ministerium spoke like this all the time too!!! We don't kill someone, we don't have Concentration Camps. We have only Arbeitslager!! Radicale Groups gives false Information because they not like our system!!!

    You guys learned a lot of the Nazis & SS Propaganda Ministerium!!!

    ISRAELIS are GOOD!!! All others are EVILS!!!

    Same for every dead Israli Soldier their army killed around 50 palestine civilians. This is real Nazi Style!!!

    I know!!! What can you do if the civilians jumped into the shotings.They are stupid and want kill thereself!!

    And everyone hate ISRAEL!!!

    But this is not true. Be fair and respect other like you want be respectet. And give EVERYONE the same rights!!!

  9. I don't know what they are talking about!!! Sometimes I think they are all on drugs that they all the time believe it's grow, grow, grow!!!

    Talk everything nice if you feel like you die sometimes not work.

    The realtity is they lost, lost, lost!!! Lost tourists, lost export, lost international Investors, lost trusting from other governments, ...!!!

    But no one want check and understand it!!!

  10. "Because we have found irregularities in the issuance of these land-rights documents, we have had them revoked," Thongchai said yesterday.

    but "we are redshirt" and can do what we want because we control everything......right ? lol

    not any more cheesy.gif

    Why you know that RED SHIRT government officials give out the land papers? Did you asked your Crystal ball?

  11. I ordered it all the time from this website: http://phimaiproduct.com/. Otherwhere you pay 70-110 THB for 10ml.

    But on the Website they don't offer it anymore. Maybe you contact they with phone or email and ask about it.

    I ordered in december 2013 two bottles. one finished 2 weeks ago. Price was 200,- THB for 100ml Ivermec 1.5% and 50,- THB for shipping.

    Phone/Email you can find here: http://phimaiproduct.com/contactus-1.html

  12. I am sorry but i do not have much trust in Vets in Thailand.

    En dex is Ivermectin, what is so illegal or wrong about that?

    IF anything, your Vet does not have a clue, or want you to switch over to monthly injection, so he/she can make more money out of you.

    I use American licensed Vet and asked him about this just the other month, the only caution he gave was not to exceed correct dosage, because it may cause blindness.

    Correct dosage should be calculated according to dogs weight and strength 4000 or 8000

    Never ever had a Vet in Thailand who told me Endex or BioMac was a problem.

    I don't know it's illegal but it is not licensed as vet medical. So it's cheap and the real Vet's cannot sale it because if your dog dies you can bring they to court.

    But Fact is that a lot of Vet's sale it as tablets or injection. At most the Vet's who have farang client tell that this medical is dangerous and not registered. So the rich farangs buy the expensive farangs solutions like Frontline Plus, Advantage, Advantix, ...

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