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Posts posted by snowgard

  1. I wait that Hollywood strike back and don't make films in Thailand anymore for the next 10-20 years.

    Thailand got so much tourist just about the Hollywood films. So they can loose much more as they want.

    And if Hollywood ban Sahamongkol Film International from they contract cinemas (I am sure they have this power) the international part of Sahamongkol Film International will maybe work in Sibiria.

  2. From the full story

    "If this thing happened in United States of America, it wouldn't be considered excessive," Pol.Gen. Somyot told reporters yesterday, "In the US, or other countries with violent crimes, the police can shoot you just because you don't raise your hands up."

    BS. An American cop would be going to prison for this. They can shoot only in self defense or in defense of another. They could shoot a fleeing suspect only if that suspect was also endangering lives during his escape. Even then they try to set up a roadblock.

    There isn't the question to raise as to whether the cop was in danger from the suspect. The suspect was at distance and clearly leaving.

    Are you serious? just look youtube and you see that the Pol.Gen. told the true!!!


  3. How Police do it in your home countries? They SHOOT too!!!


    Same same!!! If you not stop this shit can be happen!!!

    The different is that in Thailand they all the time lies and tell crazy BS.

    I mean in every movie you can see that the Police shoot you if you don't stop. So no one can tell "I DON'T KNOW THAT POLICE DO IT!!!"

    It's your own fault if you try to drive away.

  4. I don't know really what you are talking about. How you can tell us that the electric and water bills from your friend are more expensive without compare it at used electric/water. Maybe your friend shower 5 times the day and you only one time. maybe him have 3 tv's running and you are only one. How can you compare it with a 3BD house?

    In my homecountry almost everything is cheaper. Bread, nudels, meat, milk, coffee, tea, clothes, ckokolade, nuts, Chips, ....!!! Most electronics, cars and motorbikes are cheaper. Also beer, wine, Whisky, ...!!!

    The home building materials heresome cheaper but poor quality.

    Every friend who visit me told me later: It's cheap to eat outside. Gasohol, Diesel, ... cheaper too. But most things what you use daily are much more expensive.

    But I don't stay in Thailand for have a cheap living.

    • Like 1
  5. What land are you talking about?


    West Bank?


    You DO realize there really never was a Palestinian nation? There was a large block of land much larger than Israel/West Bank/Gaza that was under British rule and before that of course the Ottoman Empire.



    All this land was from the people lived there!!! It's not important that there was a palestine nation. But this people lived there and the Brits and later Israel stole their land. What do you do if someone kick you out of your house and land?

    • Like 1
  6. So, before I go on, I'll ask you one question: Do you deny the right of the Palestinian people to self-determination on their own sovereign land?

    I'm not sure what your definition of "sovereign land" is, but I don't think that it applies to the Palestinians. They turned down the UN deal that would have given them sovereign land and - as things stand today - they have no permanent borders and they are not independent of outside authority. A fine mess they have put themselves in.

    The stupid comment I ever listen. THEY are the owner of the land. How much percent of their land they loosed about this deal? They, or their parents grow up there before it was stolen from they. If you are in their position you never want accept it too. All other is bs!!! But the point is that this all is not against the Jews, this is against the racisms ISRAELIS. If the palestine communities grow up a little bit, Israel bomb they again in the nirvana. How much cost it to build a house, a school, a hospita? How much times Israel destroyed it again. The point is that maybe 10 percent of the palestines help the terrorists but ISRAEL treat ALL PALESTINES!!! If I just read what you NAZI likes wrote, I understand that ISRAEL never want give back the occupied land and and tell in 300 years still: This is about our safety!!! What a BS!!!

  7. Germans have no right to discuss or comment on any thing to do with Israel It is not their business,and they should get their own house

    in order. First we are all waiting for the downfall of the Euro followed by the EU ( unelected fools all on the gravy train) Good luck to Greece,

    The Fourth Reich My arse Dream on

    Yes, Germans not have the right. That's true!!! But it's time to change it!!! The Germans learned from their bad history. And don't want something like this again. But the german politicans are like puppies. If Madam Merkel said something, all shut up!!!

    No one can speak something against criminal foreigners. If you do it, than: "YOU ARE A NAZI!!!"

    And for sure: "No one can speak something against Israel!!!" It can be 100% sure, but ...YOU ARE A NAZI!!!

    I have my own Slogan: "Never treat other people more worse than you want to be treated yourself!!!"

    If everyone think like this we would have a happy world!!!

    • Like 2
  8. I don't know why YOU not see that the Israelis do exactly the same the Nazis done. Just without the last step because for sure a lot of countries stroke back. They don't kill them all. But all other like the Nazis done before.

    • they expelled the Palestinians from their Homeland
    • they put the Palestinians in camps,
    • took there belongings away
    • they destroyed there houses
    • they killed unweaponed womans, men and children.
    • they destroyed the completly infrastructure (Water, Electric, Healthcentres).
    • they put thousands of people in prisons without court sentences, children too
    • they sent bombs on civilians, schools and hospitals,
    • they don't let bring in other countries medical equipment and drugs

    This all the NAZIS done before, too!!! Or not??? So we just must ask: "When the last step come???" The mass killing is the only thing missing!!!

    If you kick someone out of his home, treat him every day, take all his rights away, let him sick and poor, his wife and kids too,

    you don't must wait to long that him think : I loose every important thing of my life. It's same I died already. So why not fight back and send some from this bastards to the hell!!!

    Think about it!!!

    I am not PRO Palestinian, I don't like their Ideologie but THEY ARE PEOPLE same YOU and ME. And they want to be treatend as People and not more bad than dogs.

    • Like 2
  9. Every one who criticizes Israel is not an anti-Semite, but a huge number are and many others do it because it is fashionable on the left. Most of them have no real idea of how the conflict started or who is mostly responsible for it.

    It isn't importend anymore who started the conflict. But it is importend to stop this conflict.

    But the Problem is that the Israelis don't want to stop and talk and give the land what they occupied back. So it's time for all countries who support Israel to stop this support. A lot of Israelis don't like what their leaders do, too .

  10. Every one who criticizes Israel is not an anti-Semite, but a huge number are and many others do it because it is fashionable on the left. Most of them have no real idea of how the conflict started or who is mostly responsible for it.

    It is not importend anymore who started. Both sides done a lot of bad things.

    But it's time to STOP this stupid fight/war or whatever you want call it. No one can be the winner!!!

    And because the ISRAELIS don't want to talk and find a compromise all other countries must stop supporting them.

    This maybe want help!!!

  11. ...also more amazing is that everyone has the nerve to call the jews Nazis, when in ww2 the leader of the Palestinians Haj Amin AL Hussaini was an ally and supporter of hitler and helped him to establish the croatian Muslim Nazi brigades, and rally the Arab world to support Nazi Germany.

    Do you forget that the Brits had occupied almost every country in the near east and other parts of africa? Treated the people like slaves, stole all expensive goods out of this countries? All this natives hate the Brits for it and wanted their freedom back!!! About this they supported the Germans.

    How it was in India, Malaysia, Indonesia, ....!!! The natives stroke back again the Brits.

    Don't forget the 3.5 million africans who the Brits sent in slavery to america, But this is another story from the GLORY BRITS!!!


    At least 1,195 Israelis and 9,126 Palestinians have been killed since September 29, 2000.

    Source: http://www.ifamericansknew.org/stat/deaths.html

    So the Israelis killed 10 x so much unweaponed civilians. Who had nothing to do with the terrorists!!! They died already in their bombings.

    How you want to call this??? Is this not TERRORISM, too?

    Why the sent bombs on schools, hospitals and houses where normal innocent People live?

    Do you real want to tell us that the israelian hightech army cannot locate and destroy only the terrorism camps??? BS!!!

    They want to kill a lot of People and destroy the complete infrastructure in Gaza and Palestine.

    And this is not ok!!!

    • Like 1
  12. Charging for luggage is very common in Europe.

    Why not in Thailand?

    10 or 20Baht will hurt the pockets of the tourists?

    In my opinion they should be allowed.

    Maybe in Greece but not in the normal world of europe!!! And I travel a lot around!!! ;-)

    I never have been charged for my luggage in europe from a taxi!!! Airlines for sure!!!

  13. If divorce in Thailand the 50/50 rule is only for assets in Thailand not in UK.

    Does that mean in the event of a divorce, a Thai wife would have no claim on financial assets held, say, in an EU country or offshore?

    Any link to the relevant Thai law?


    Thai law can only ruled out in Thailand!!! In Ask the lawyer Forum you can find a similar answer:


    Regarding claiming your assets in the UK it all depends on the law there, she can make the claim but the amount she can claim will according to the UK divorce law.

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