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Posts posted by snowgard

  1. You do it right!!! If shit like this happen call the police. Don't be scare like the most Thais and FARANGS on TV. If you show this idiots that you are not worry they are surprised. Maybe you have someone BIG in your backsite??? Show your balls!!!

    We had the same problem some weeks ago. Me wife complaint 3 times very loud Music to the police in our village. They not come out and check. Than I drove with my wife to the Police station. My wife gone inside the station and me to a nearbe 7eleven. After I come out I gone to the Police too and what happen? I am SHOCKED. One of the policeman called my wife crazy and let do she a drug test. But they don't know that my wife work for the police too. ;-)

    When we come home she complaint it to her Boss and than a lot of shit happens at the Police Station. Hehehe....!! This idiot who ordered the drug test gone the next day back to a issan police station.

  2. Offer the family the 200;000 and immunity. .

    I don't believe this because the most Thai familys hold Close together!!!

    But I would involved a good lawyer and sue the hole family and the norwegian boyfriend about "Conspiracy for Kidnapping"!!!

    If the Police play with, they can lock the involved family members!!! This make they nervous and same mistakes will follow.

    And it give a lot of other things what can be done:

    1. Following the money and check the bank accounts from the ex wife, boyfriend and the other Family members. Maybe the police can find bank information from EX and a ATM Slip from the boyfriend in the appartement.Then it is easy to check where she and HIM used ATM's.

    2. Check all phone numbers from the involved People and follow the calls.

    I am sure in just some days they catch they.

    And if the police don't work right, try to involve the Military!!!

  3. 4.000 Pounds for 6 month staying in Thailand with a girlfriend is not to bad. :-)


    How much you pay out monthly?


    But that someone robbed him out listen better for his Mam. But she not send him new money. 555


    If his brain same a 12 years old Boy him must had a caregiver and not travel alone around with a lot of Money.


    That him was locked in the policestation and after in prison can be about  resistance. Don't told his name, don't do what the Police/Prison gards told him, started to be very aggressive, ... 


    For me him looks like this. And this are normal symptoms from brain damaged People: http://www.brainline.org/

  4. What a bs!!! If she inside of the security Zone and report her stolen passport to the police they will not need longer than 10 minuten to check her ID. We are in the computer time!!! She just tell the normal stuff Name, birthdate, country, flight no. and they see she direct on the Computer. At next they connect the canadian embassy and let send a id check with fax. If everything is ok she can fly direct!!!

    And everywhere in the Airport the security cameras check the places where people sit or sleep. Just for the luggage thiefs. Smell like death fishs!!!

  5. If the house/land is in her name and he signed that bit of paper at the land registry department saying it was her money, bye bye house and land.

    This is not true!!! She has only the rights about the land but not for the house. The paper at the land registry department says only that you don't have rights about the land. If you devorce you can let check the worth of the land and house. A good lawyer cut out the land buying price what is written on the chanot and from the rest you can get the half!!!


    But to find a good lawyer??? Very difficult!!!

  6. I don't understand why so much people believe to eat vegan is good for their health!!! If you inform yourself a little bit more you find out that it make you sicker:


    Just do a search on Google and you find so much more:


    For me I can say only: I LOVE IT TO EAT MEAT!!! :-)

    And you are old enough to know self what you want to eat but: VEGAN EATING ISN'T HEALTHY!!!

  7. Waste of time - BIG times

    Filed two with them in the past, they all run down the river. It will all go the normal procedure. at the beginning you think ... WOW and as yo go on, your email will not even be answered any longer, phone calls are answered by a giggling girl and then you hear voices about "Farang" in the background and you waste your money on the call, eventually hanging up and giving up.

    These things are only instituted in Thailand to provide jobs for private nail-cleaners and facebook stalkers, etc., and, of course, to mislead the world by showing off - hey, we have it, too. Now we are no longer a developing country.

    Don't waste your time. Don't shop online, N E V E R from a Thai online shop!

    Do some read-up, do your homework.

    Total crap what you wrote. I bought a lot of things online in THAI SHOPS and never got ripped off. If you buy something online you can got ripped off everywhere in the world. Not only in Thailand. And if you have the bank account from this shop, I am 100% sure, the Police catch they if you report it.

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  8. But as I said if what you are doing controls the parasites then have at it. Keeping your animals tick free in a controlled environment is doable, but on a farm where they run free in the fields it's next to impossible.

    My dogs run every day 2h in the pattaya hills with me and gone swimming. :-)

    German sheperds are working dogs. They need it. And me too!!!

    They're never 100% tickfree. But the ticks bite, drink and die.

    If you use ivermec on a therapeutic dosage you can controll the ticks very well!!!

    Try it and you will see it!!! Permethrin I use only outside for control the ants and termites.

  9. Wayned, about this I don't wrote more infos about ivermectin. I only give the right link to find all information on Google.

    I give a tip but a dogowner must read self the information and use ivermec or not. It's up to the dogowner.

    meatboy, this stuff was for sure Frontline, Advantix or something similar. In europe you only need it every 3 month but in thailand every 4-6 weeks. In europe the tick season is around 4-6 month but here it's all over the year.

    If you go to a pet vet in normal you don't find ivermec or ivermectin. They don't sale it. Not here and not in europe. Because it is to cheap and very dangerous for breeds like collies. I pay for a 100ml bottle Ivermec only 250 Baht (200 for Ivermec, 50 for shipping) . This is enough for our 6 dogs for 1 year.

    If I do it with frontline I pay:

    for 1 dog/year 2-3 packs of frontline a 950,- Baht because all dogs are 30-40kg = 2.850 - 3.800 Baht

    So I had to pay for 6 dogs 17.100 - 22.800 Baht. A VERY BIG DIFFERENT to 250,- Baht!!! And Frontline or Advantix are not saver for dogs!!!

    I don't give my dogs the yearly vaccination because if your vet use the right one, they need it only every 3 years.

  10. We had this problem couple of months ago, tried a few things, including injections, nothing worked.

    Eventually we got a tick and flea collar each and a wash that I remember from my younger days back home for fleas that when added to water is white and has a strong smell, got it from the vet and have the name somewhere if you want it....but you mix up 2 litres of water with it, wash the dogs as normal and rinse, then put this mixture all over them, everywhere except eyes, nose mouth etc and put one of those funnel collars on them so they cannot lick it, let it dry for 10 minutes, then wash off, I have since heard it is ok to leave it dry as when dry it is not an issue for them to lick it, but I prefer to wash off as still works as well.

    It killed all the ticks and eggs, it left a smell on them that kept them away and you can also use this as a wash for around the house and leave to dry, will smell a bit, but better than having infestation.

    All were gone in matter of 1 week and back to normal now.

    Only need to use it if you notice them come back, not weekly or such and the spot on does the job also.

    The white powder that you used is a strong insecticide, carberyl. It is sold buy vets and pharmacies under different names, Knock 85 is one. It is also the basic chemical in Sevin Dust. It will kill, fleas, ticks, and mites on contact and also by ingestion but will not prevent them from coming back after a short time.

    It's really odd that this post is number 4 and by the last post you have become and expert on invermectin, permethrim, the cost of both and how to raise dogs properly. If the ivermec shots were working as you said the you had been giving for 6-8 years in post 18, why did you bathe your dogs with the white powder in post 4? Your posts are very confusing and sometimes do not make any sense. But if it works for your dogs then have at it!

    Post #4 is from Showbags. Not from me!!!

    I just give my dogs every 4 weeks ivermec in the food. That's all!!! The onliest powder what I use is at most if a streetdog in our street have open bloody wounds full of worms. For this I use a powder from Bayer. Very helpfull. Kill all flies and larvaes in 1-2 days and the wounds closed in 5-7 days.

  11. meatboy: .i trust my vet and dont listen to some garbage preached.

    WHAT YOU WANT TELL ME??? THAT I TELL SHIT? Thank you!!! I hope your vet make it very expensive for you!!!

    Ha...Ha...Ha...!!! I'm sure him do!!!

    If you had over 20 years experience with racing dogs, than you don't need a vet anymore or only for a really strong sickness!!!

    Listen for me same YOU DON'T have ANY EXPERIENCE!!!

    20 years experience and let your dog sleep with you? Don't know what must to do about ticks?

    How stupid some people can be!!!

    OH, ARE YOU A GAMER!!! Maybe your experience is about dog racing?!!!

  12. our vet has ordered permethim for us

    meatboy, something like this never order from a vet!!! This you must buy a a local farmer shop.

    There you pay for a bottle with 400ml around 180-350 baht. Possible what brands they sale.

    I am looking for your vet Price!!!

  13. First, most of the cheap ivermectin that is produced in Thailand is garbage. The Ivomec that I use is manufactured in Holland. Just ask a local vet and most will laugh will tell you the same.

    Who tell this stupid thing. Your Pet Vet? Sure, him/she want earn very good money from you and about this they sale only the expensive things to you.

    Just Google, read and try to understand what you read.

    Why Ivomec from Holland is better than from Thailand? Can you show me a test about it? No???

    And I have 4 German Shepherd Dogs and 2 Thai Dogs and they all become Ivomec now around 3-8 years.

    And SURPRISE!!! They are very healthy. No liver Problems or .....!!!

    Cheap things NEVER must be shit or garbage because they are cheap!!!

    And if you like to pay the 3-8 times higher Price, it's your choice!!! :-)

    My Dogs live very good without LUXUS DRUGS from the local vets!!!

  14. Frontline is to expensive and not work longer than a month. A very cheap solution is Ivermec or Ivermectin.

    At our local farmshop I can buy a 10ml bottle for 60 baht. In normal it's for injection but you can give it oral with food too.

    It helps about teaks, fleas, some Skin sickness and heartworms. Don't use it for border collies, collies, ...

    more Infos: https://www.google.com/search?num=100&safe=off&hl=en&q=ivomec+for+dogs&spell=1&sa=X&ei=q5-YUoiKF4jVrQeAqoG4Dg&ved=0CCgQvwUoAA&biw=1280&bih=595

    Online Shop 75 baht: http://prakanshop.tarad.com/product-th-1028152-5621076-IVERMEC+PLUS+10+ml.+%E0%B9%81%E0%B8%9A%E0%B8%9A%E0%B8%89%E0%B8%B5%E0%B8%94+%E0%B8%A2%E0%B8%B2%E0%B8%81%E0%B8%B3%E0%B8%88%E0%B8%B1%E0%B8%94%E0%B9%80%E0%B8%AB%E0%B9%87%E0%B8%9A%E0%B8%AB%E0%B8%A1%E0%B8%B1%E0%B8%94.html

  15. was this the muay thai fighter that used to train around patts.in the eighties,if it is i remember he was the first farang fighter to be invited to fight at lumpini.only talking about him last week hard man.R.I.P.

    I am shoked. I saw him almost every year at the Sidyothong camp. At last 3 years ago with a girl from Holland. Him start to be a Little bit fat. :-)

    Same me!!! No muay thai, no running, no climbing anymore about knee problems (Arthrosis).

    Sidyothong past away too last years and a lot of coaches moved to singapure 3 years ago.

  16. If you really want teach they a lesson, do the following:

    1. Go (at best only your wife, not you!) with your son to a local newspaper

    2. Tell the Story and ask the Reporter to go with you to the Police Station or better Children Protection Center

    3. Do a complaint against the teacher/director.

    4. Write a complaint to to the School ministry.

    Only if it's public it can Change something. Every School is extremly worry about the School Name.

    This help 100%!!! And no one can sued you if it's true!!!!

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