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Global Moderator
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Everything posted by cdnvic

  1. It would be appreciated if you could disagree without insulting each other.
  2. Nobody should be citing politicians as sources of medical information. As well, it's not relevant today what some politician said or did years ago regarding Covid. They aren't experts, they're mouthpieces. If you want to talk real science and medicine, this is the place. If you want to discuss politicians, please do it elsewhere. That goes for all involved in this discussion. Further political talk, and medical misinformation will be deleted without comment.
  3. More posts violating our community standards removed and account action taken on some. As I stated before, misinformation won't be tolerated in this forum. Claims here require a higher standard of proof than other areas of the forum as they can affect the health and safety of our readers. If you are making a claim, provide authoritative sources or it will likely be removed.
  4. Rational discussion of course is allowed, but don't spread unsubstantiated medical hysteria. We don't care what side of a debate you are on, but if you want to make claims of a medical nature back it up with *reliable* sources (Not politicians, bloggers, or news pundits). Removed one such post as it violates our community standards.
  5. Some posts violating community standards were removed. Nobody is forcing you to read any topic. In fact, your replies make it more popular both here, and with Google.
  6. Just to clear up a misconception: Vaccines create antibodies to fight infections inside your body. This is how every single vaccine, MRNA or otherwise, works. They are not a shield that prevents the pathogen from entering your body. That is physically impossible. The greater amount of antibodies present when the pathogen enters the body, the quicker they are able to destroy the pathogen. This leads to a less severe infection, and faster recovery. It's simple mathematics. Antibodies kill infections. The fewer there are, the longer it takes the body to produce enough to clear the infection. The vaccine cannot prevent you from getting the virus, it only kills it faster. Now, we've had about enough with the misinformation and dubious sources around here. If you want to talk bad science and long debunked conspiracies you'll find an endless amount of places to do so, but this won't be one of them. If you insist on spreading it here you will face account action. Enough is enough.
  7. Posts containing misinformation contrary to our community standards have been removed. Some have remained where the reply to them has served to correct common misconceptions.
  8. Some posts violating our code of conduct and those quoting them were removed.
  9. A post in poor taste and those quoting it were removed.
  10. I've cleaned things up so hopefully a sensible discussion can be had. Do us a favour please. When someone is posting things that are obviously against the rules, try not to engage them. Certainly don't quote them. That just ensures that your post goes in the trash if it quotes a post we've had to delete. Thank you. Resume your discussion. ????
  11. I was stating our rules, not inviting a debate. (Removed posts)
  12. Just a little reminder for everyone: You have every right to question information given by scientists, doctors, health authorities, etc. You do not have the right (here anyways) to fill in gaps in knowledge or things you disagree with, with unevidenced hearsay, conspiracies, and other misinformation. Making *any* claims about medicine, or science in general, should reference credible evidence from an authoritative source. Not news pundits, politicians, celebrities, or other mouthpieces. If you want to prove something is false, challenge it with questions. This is how science works.
  13. Getting weary of removing misinformation here. If you are making a claim about something science related, be prepared to back it up with evidence. Opinion blogs are not evidence. Something you heard at the pub or from a politician is not evidence. Evidence should be from a reliable source based on actual research that is peer reviewed. If you don't understand what that is, you should take a break from speaking authoritatively on scientific matters until you do.
  14. In order for this thread to be actually helpful, I've removed a bunch of off topic personal bickering. I'm going to ask the participants nicely once to cut it out.
  15. Removed some off topic personal attacks. Suggest both parties log off for a bit so we don't have to take further action.
  16. Removed posts with medical misinformation.
  17. Removed a few posts that violated our code of conduct re: medical misinformation, as well as otherwise good posts that quoted it.
  18. One image of children in extremely poor taste was removed.
  19. Removed one post that violated our community standards.
  20. One post contravening our terms of service was removed. Derogatory comments about nationality serve no purpose here.
  21. Some posts were removed for being off-topic and/or racist.
  22. Several posts breaking our community standards or quoting them were removed. Please stop the personal attacks and comments on moderation. Use the report button if you see a serious violation. (Not just because you disagree with someone)
  23. Several posts violating our community guidelines, and those quoting them have been removed. Please settle down, stop the personal attacks, and discuss the actual topic.
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