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Posts posted by johnefallis

  1. with my Tank (Bmw K 1200LT) im geting 52\Mpg or 83.6km per 3.7L ont the road and in tows about 42Mpg or 67.5km per 3.7L

    Yeah, this sounds accurate. My Buell S-3 1208cc V-twin, with a performance ECM, fuel injection, race exhaust, riding like Rossi, I get about 40mpg, I think about 16kpl. Mostly in town, some freeway. A few more if all highway miles. Was getting around 50 before all the performance changes.

    A friend just checked his Honda CZi 110, was about 125mpg mostly highway.

    My last car got almost as much as my Buell. Scary.

    I hope a new Tiger 250 will get at least about 70mpg.

  2. what bike do you have, and how many mpg are you getting?

    No bike so zero mpg for me at the moment, but getting one next week.

    So how much (or little) are you getting?

    Can't say mpg - only kpl (kilom per litre)..

    I have a tiny 929rr Honda - for the inner city and suburbia - only about 140 - loads of idle time eats the fuel...long runs - 220 if a steady pace....

    I don't think so.... :)

  3. I really don't see the point of this.

    Do they seriously think that by issuing free tourist visas it is going to increase the number of tourists coming to Thailand?

    Firstly, how would any potential tourists even know that the visa was free until they went to apply for one. It's not as though the news of this wonderful freebie is going to be plastered all over the press, radio and TV.

    And secondly, once they goe to apply for said visa, they have probably already booked their holiday or their flight, so the fact that it is free will no no way influence their decision to come here.

    If this is the best idea they can come with to boost tourism, then they are in for a lean time in the coming months.

    Well, let me give my 2 cents worth then; I know that my buddy, that recently left LOS, that I just told about it, thought it was a nice gesture. As do I. Just when I was planning to spend most of the next 6-12 months in Malaysia, China, PH and other countries in the region because I was tired of paying for a visa to leave this country (actually to enter others), just to have to pay again to come back to the SOS in the LOS. It just may be enough that I won't spend as much time gone. This means that I will likely be here spending money, rather than in another country. I'll still still go, but probably not with the intent to stay gone for long extended periods of time. I wish they would hand out non-imm visa's for free, but that isn't likely to happen anytime soon.

    Regarding your second comment; I don't know about you, but I would never buy a ticket to anywhere before I had a visa if they didn't at least provide a visa/stamp on arrival. I can imagine if I were a typical tourist and there were a choice of destinations, that I would be inclined to choose someplace that provided a free visa. Which is actually how I first came to Thailand (30 day stamps)

    3 of my 4 main friends have left LOS, to go to other countries or home based on the multiple issues they faced here. I would think based on that that part of providing the free tourist visa is a token to keep some of those that are perpetual tourists here; a) spending money here :) from leaving amidst all the issues causing some of us to jump ship. I myself am already renting on a month to month now so I can leave anytime I want. It's also a motivator in many other current/near future decisions I'm making. So maybe their purpose is also to keep people here. As well, I doubt that this is their only/best idea. At least I hope not.

    A bit of the bigger picture there. I'm sure other see this and other sides of the issue as well.

    That's my 2 pennies worth.

  4. If you spend 50thou now expect that by year end that will be 80thou. You really are not going to get much bike for that money. I would look at spending at least 80thou on a Cb with green book.

    Or if its just a commuter bike then maybe look at the Tiger 250 rs 72,000 new with warranty

    Ditto, exactly what I was thinking.

    If you are not a mechanic, can't fix things yourself, you should look again at at least the Tiger 250RS or bigger new bike. Old used bikes are best used once in a while and by someone who can maintain and repair daily if necessary. You won't have much fun pushing the bike along the side of the road looking for a shop to fix it.

  5. ... Oh wait, most you guys probably aren't interested in any of this because you're too busy crying in your beers at the lame bar your sitting at in Bangkok. <deleted>, get a life.

    He's just mad he can't cry in his beer, because apparently somebody pissed in it!

    Sure glad I have my computer with me at the bar I must be sitting at...

    Truthfully, what is really messed up, is that just about everybody has a valid point. Kind of like Thai politics, nobody will ever be able to be 100%, or even mostly right, because everything here is just so screwed up. One can always hope for the best though and sometimes crying (or pissing) in ours or others beers helps us get by.

    Even if just for a good laugh watching someone drink it!


  6. I don't see why people would go on strike and demonstrate if they (private sector/government sector) are creating a win - win situation. People have eyes to see what is going on. People no longer just shut up and close one eyes anymore.

    Often (not always), there are win - lose situation created on the pretext of "we need to balance the situation". very often winning party is not the employees!!


  7. Oh great! :D

    I use the train exclusively to and from Bangkok central from Hua Take.

    So whats the difference?

    7 Baht by train 42 min :D

    30 Baht by buss 2hours sometimes more :)

    150 Baht by Van sometimes 1 hour some times 3 hours depends on traffic and weather :D

    Taxi 350 :D

    Oddly enough I stand with the workers of the SRT. :D

    Oh well guess I could take a chance on the van but then if it rains and is a payday weekend :D

    Or stay home :D

    7 baht? Now I guess we know how they could be US$2,000,000,000 in debt. Crap, even I could probably build whole new railways with new trains for that much money. Especially if I used Burmese labor.

    Amazing Thailand.

  8. I was just wondering if anyone knows what the used price range for a jeep wrangler (1987 to 1996) or Jeep CJ (pre 1987) is? I am almost tempted (based upon another's post) to strip it and ship to Thailand as parts. But I just want to know what is the cost for buying one in Thailand. Thanks.

    I'm looking for one also. I just sold my 1987 before I left the U.S. last year for about THB220,000. Now I know I should've shipped it over also. Oh well.


  9. Pictures please

    Here you go.

    The CBR looks good with the matching helmet, except for the totally fruity looking box on the back. Don't get me wrong, I understand the purpose of it, but I think I would always choose to use some soft saddle bags or a backpack before I would ever bruise the otherwise great looks of the CBR with something so,...so..ugly, to put it nicely.

    Somebody had to tell you. I'm sure you were wondering if anybody would say anything. Now I've said what you already knew.

    Your argument in support of the Airblade and especially based on the color scheme, I don't get it. Doesn't stand out to me the same way.

    I bet that Yamaha X1R was a good little ride with some advantages over the CBR. Like the seat and lower profile, as well as the more upright seating position.

    The new Yamaha Nouvo Elegance seems to be a superior scooter all around to me. With maybe the exception of the lack of fuel injection. Which should be rectified soon enough. For my stronger ride I think I will opt for the new Tiger 250 RS, and the New Nouvo Elegance possibly as well.

    So many nice little bikes. Somehow I have a feeling I will end up with several of them once I have a place to keep them.

    With all that said, I am a Honda lover. They just got beat out for my top choices this time around.


  10. Every comments make sense and valuable for my dad case. We will take our time and re-think.

    If in the end he couldn't visit his relative. It would be his destiny.

    Just one thing for you guys to know. He wears yellow every Monday.

    Thanks for every comments.

    I think he has been very fortunate these 40 years. Good for him. As it seems he cannot visit his long lost relatives, I suggest getting him a SKYPE or MagicJack phone, maybe a video phone. Then they can all get together and chat it up for hours and hours at little cost. Maybe try www.good2call.com for reasonably priced phone cards to/from Thailand. Much cheaper than a plane ticket. Besides, not likely he will get into the U.S. easily.


    EDIT: Just thinking about it, I wonder if he might be eligible for Thai citizenship after this long, or by some old law that may apply from the past? I would suggest speaking to a lawyer as well, before giving up. Who knows, maybe he can get a Thai passport?

    Worth a try.

  11. My dad who came from Taiwan 40 years ago.

    His Taiwanese visa has expired and Thai work permit has expired long time ago.

    He has 2 kids and live with my mom without legally married.

    He doesn't own anything in Thailand.

    He never met his family ever since.

    He now found out that some of his family live in USA and he wants to visit them.

    Here come the questions:

    1. How can he travel? get visa of cause but how?

    2. What is the best way to get a visa? Should he re-do his Taiwan visa from Thailand? or can he get Thai Visa?

    3. I am trying to help him by trying to get a US citizenship (I have a greencard now), is that going to help?

    The reason why he let this go for so long and didn't take an action legally is because he needs to work to pay 2 kids tuitions, he afraid if he deal with legal and if police found out he might not be able to live in Thailand with me and my mom. He does wants to come back to Thailand to continue living to the rest of his life after he visit his family in USA.

    Someone who has experience or know how to make this work please contact me Edit: PM member

    This is a life time issue my dad is 78 now and he wants to see his family for the last time of his life.

    Thank you for your time.


    I assume by "visa" you actually mean "passport"? They are 2 different things, and it is necessary to differentiate.

  12. 27,000 odd cases, 144 deaths; approximately 0.5 percent

    50 million cases = 250,000 dead of the current version.

    1 billion cases = 500 million deaths....at current strength.

    But a mutant variation with stronger effects this number rises.

    1 million cases is a lot of transmission vectors to allow for mutation.

    It's not the current death rate, but the Vector rate that is the worry.

    Viruses DO mutate and often unpredictably. And the DO merge and recombine.

    it only takes ONE host with bird and swine to combine and set this off.

    Just one thought :

    1918 was not imagination, nor manipulation, but IS history.

    Those that don't learn from history are doomed to repeat it.

    Who did your math for you? Better check your batteries in your calculator.

  13. It's been a while since I've seen this much bad, false, assumed, and generally opinionated information all in one topic. I would suggest that everybody who wants to know about the PANDEMIC that has already been declared, and acknowledged that it was declared much later than it should have been, that you stop reading this topic, except of course for the entertainment value, and actually seek out and read the CDC, WHO and UN findings and information releases regarding this topic.

    But hey, that's just my suggestion.


  14. So do you have a key and just need a copy? Or do you need a replacement key made?

    Bang Na, maybe?

    Yep, that's all, just need to make a copy !

    I have one "generic" spare for my bike. I try not to use it as they tend to not be exact and cause the tumblers to wear. If you have a key and key number I would also suggest that you can order a set directly from H.D. that are code cut perfectly to match your locks. Then you can have the "other" spare, just in case.

    I don't know where they have the ability to make the tubular keys around Bkk for sure, but I will keep my eye out for you and ask a few people. I think I know a place. Or I suppose you could ride to Phuket to the Big C. That guy apparently has the blanks. :)

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