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Posts posted by sketcher

  1. I had them for lunch a few days ago and agree, they are good. (Finished the lot). They do fall off the bone and the sauce is very tasty (but not spicey). Yesterday the blackboard out the front was claiming "Best Ribs on The Rock" I dont think they are the best but very good anyway. I wil be back.

    I think I may need to correct myself here, I had the ribs (as a starter) at the place up the road from the emerald mentioned in an earlier post which I had always thought was the best 'Ribs on the rock' but have to admit that the ones at the emerald were in fact better (and cheaper). So I stand corrected. Best Ribs On The Rock!!:jap:

  2. When I was looking for schools a year ago I did't find all of them. Most of these schools are not advertised. I found them only after coming to the island.

    To me it seemed like a useful thing to do. If you know them good for you, I did't and therefore yes it cost me quite a lot.

    Save money for sure since the schools cost quite a lot. Some unreasonably a lot selling British education in Thai style.

    That's all from me.

    How would this save anybody any money when you could get all that information by using google or reading any of the numerous threads on this forum. Thanks anyway.

    So then, you have been living on the island for a year and a half and a year ago you started looking for schools for your children?

  3. Tourist Police at Bophut Town Center have several signs ready for erecting . White with Read helmet saying 100%.

    i also saw the as well, although they only have about 4 signs . They do look a bit like the signs you buy in the UK around christmas time asking snta to stop at your house

    I've seen them there too, actually they have been sat there for weeks now unlike other parts of thailand which had the exact same signs errected months ago. At least when i go for a ride round Samui Town Centre i get reminded to wear my helmet.

  4. Personally I wouldnt live in Fishermans Village its a great place to be near but depending on your preferences I think you'll find much better accommodation in surrounding areas for a more reasonable price. Come and have a look round, plenty of places to rent for all budgets and loads of car rental here too.

  5. Having previously come to Samui for holiday purposes about 8 years ago I thought it was an ok place to visit.Unfortunately I have now had to relocate for here for work purposes.Boy,has it changed for the worse.I just don't see the attraction for tourists.It's become an over developed shit hole.

    Make the effort to get away from the overdeveloped shit hole parts and there is still plenty of beauty here. Get off the island and you dont even have to go far to find some great places. Yes it has chjanged, yes its not all good but in perspective its not all that bad.

  6. Back to the original OP what I dont get is why does Samui insist on calling this the low season. While virtually the rest of the 'holiday destinations' in Thailand are suffereing their annual rainy season Samui is in the middle of its 'dry' season This should be high season for us here yet nobody markets it that way. We are lucky to have the seasons we have here but virtually nobody seems to make the most of it.

  7. Its a dump, charging way too much money for thirld world utilities. Its lawless, largely unfriendly, rip off taxis, extortianate air fares, filthy dirty and it smells. :o:unsure::D

    Before anyone flames me, explain to me what aspect of my post isn't 100% correct?

    You need to top that half emty glass up you might enjoy it here a bit more!

  8. I had them for lunch a few days ago and agree, they are good. (Finished the lot). They do fall off the bone and the sauce is very tasty (but not spicey). Yesterday the blackboard out the front was claiming "Best Ribs on The Rock" I dont think they are the best but very good anyway. I wil be back.

  9. The best resort in Hin Wong in my opinion is View Rock resort. Basic accomodation, good food in restaurant and great views over the bay. There is virtually no beach at Hin Wong (and not at View Rock) apart from at low tide and its not really a beach you woiuld spend time on (not cleaned). The snorkelling in Hin Wong is great, very good behind the roped off area at the south of the bay and also good around the small pontoon at view rock. Au Leuk has a beautifull beach and a couple of good acocmodation options. It is about half a mile out to 'Shark Island' the rock to the south of the bay and I wouldnt recomend swimming it, the water can get a bit choppy if the wind picks up. Unless a strong kayaker it is probably too far also as if you get into trouble there is nothing to stop you being blown out into the gulf! Maybe one of the resorts in Ao Leuk will do a snorkelling trip out there best to ask around.

    Both resorts in Hin Wong and probably in Ao Leuk can arrange a taxi accross to Mae Had in the morning for the ferry. As to access to Ao Leuk cant help you there as have only ever arrived there by boat but taxi's on the island should be able to get you there no trouble.

    As Anguid said be very carefull of renting motorbikes, apart from the obvious risk of riding one on the island there have been a couple of reports in the past of huge claims for minor damage.

  10. Any updates?

    Kevins death is in todays edition of Samui Express, but if you are a freind, i WOULD NOT buy the paper, as they have an image of his body ( uncensored ) in the lake, but the most insulting part is the point he still drowned !!!, lookin at the picture of his body in the lake, it is near impossible, as his head is above water , and just slumped as if it was dumped there !

    thank you is in order to cripin for highlighting this case and getting it reviewed by the main land, but i feel there is a long way to go before the truth comes out and the person who done this and the persons involved are arrested and sent to the hilton !

    i know it ia hard but try to stay calme i would hate the wrong person to get the blame for something like this. I think from what i have herd about Crispin and what he knows about the system then the case should be in safe hands

    good luck !

    as for the newspaper. they can only print the facts that have been written in a report. They cannot put their own opinons into it.

    Next month if the report is re-made they will proabably change their story

    Since when has Samui Express bothered with printing facts. Once again they should be hanging their heads in shame.

  11. Cannot say more than Samuijmmy. Just that now is the hottest (and wettest) days in the year, but weather is ok. Low people, good hotel offers, quiet beaches.

    Enjoy your holiday in the always beautiful Koh Phangan!

    Let me get this right, you are saying that at the moment it is wetter in Koh Phangnan than it was in March when there was all that rain?

  12. forget the container, just get by with whats here, and that prity much everything. 18 months away before you coming wow thats planning, try putting a boat in Samui waters, that will be your biggest challenge. who is going to be your captain?

    Why would he need a captain, he can do it himself. Dont bother replying that you have to have a thai captain on board as that is no longer true. And putting a boat in the water in Samui is just as easy as anywhere else including your precious Pattaya

  13. Keat boatyard sells rope for use on boats but if it is just decorative then have a look in the shop almost opposite Tesco's front entrance. Its a kind of builders merchant which sells the blue plastic piping for plumbing, and also rope. Its the sort of rope used on fishing boats, very tough and very cheap,

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