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Everything posted by theoldgit

  1. This is the official website for evisas for those nationalities that require them, which cost $25 as opposed to the €79 via the agency previously listed, the information the agency provides is, however, helpful https://evisa.xuatnhapcanh.gov.vn/web/guest/home
  2. Thai Visa Centre deals with visas for Thailand, not overseas, is that what you’re asking about?
  3. My Visa Debit Card is issued by Santander International, for some reason they regard card transfers to Wise as a cash advance and have a daily limit of £500. Funding a Wise transfer via a bank transfer is cheaper than using a debit card and £9k is well under the Wise transaction limit.
  4. You’ve posted in the forum for visas to countries other than Thailand, I’ll move your question to the appropriate forum.
  5. This is the current advice from the UKVI website " "UKVI is prioritising Ukraine Visa Scheme applications. Applications for family visas may take up to 24 weeks to process. You should get a decision within 24 weeks once you attend your appointment at the visa application centre, if you are applying to settle in the UK as the spouse, partner or family member of someone who has British citizenship or is settled in the UK.". This anouncement was made in March regarding the priority services, as far as I'm aware it's still current "UKVI are currently prioritising applications made under the Ukraine Family Scheme, As a result, UKVI have temporarily suspended priority and super priority services for all non-visit routes". https://www.gov.uk/guidance/visa-decision-waiting-times-applications-outside-the-uk#join-family-in-the-uk No doubt members will post their own experiences.
  6. You're aware that the Finnish Consulate handle visa applications for Estonia, as the Estonian Consulte doesn't yet handle visa applications. As you say, there are no appointment slots available until 4 August, and there is a warning on the website to that effect. As you are required to obtain a visa via the Consulate with jurisdiction for the Member State you wish to visit, you can't shop around for a member state with an earlier appointment.
  7. Yes you do have that right, but I understand that right will be withdrawn in the near future. The Finish Consulate, who handle visas for Estonia do offer direct bookings, via VFS, you can't just pitch up at the Consulate, but there are currently no direct bookings available, which is pretty much the norm.
  8. Which Schengen Member State are you visiting?
  9. As you're asking about flying into, rather than flying out of Thailand, I'll move your post to a more appropriate forum. Strictly speaking you will need to be in possession of details of your travels out of Thailand if you wish to travel visa exempt. I have seen people having problems at LHR when attempting to travel without a visa and in possession of a one way ticket, I have no idea how strictly this requirement is enforced. However whilst others may tell you that they've managed to fly without a visa using a one way ticket, it would be of little comfort to you if you're denied boarding. Maybe consider purchasing a cheap one way ticket to a neighbouring country to produce if required.
  10. Apart from the rebuttal of your claim about Disney.
  11. What would you consider a "good reason" to believe she was Thai? She's in her forties.
  12. So how do you account for the fact that when a Filipino friend visited me for a few days she was automatically asked to pay the local price, and admitted free to the Grand Palace, yet I who have lived here for fifteen years and have contributed to the Thai economy, was automatically charged five times that of a visitor of Asian appearance? How do you account for the fact that my European friends who also hold Thai Nationality, are also routinely asked to pay the higher price, and then have to go through the process of proving their nationality? I note you've cherry picked just one of the comments from TLJ, how about responding to the other points he's made?
  13. As you aren’t posting about Visas to other countries, you’ve clearly posted in the wrong forum - I’ll move it for you. Be prepared for some questions regarding your report, specifically where this happened.
  14. Then there’s the 200 Baht fine for not wearing a helmet, which had he worn he may not have been identified.
  15. On the rare occasions I've needed to call the UK, I use mytello who charge 0.4 THB per minute, others swear by Sype.
  16. Yes I think everyone realises that, but thanks for pointing it out. But the questions I was helping with were, "can I have a UK Bank with a Thai address" and from the poster who sought clarification regarding the "International Department of Santander" - not every post is a complaint or criticism.
  17. Yes, there's full online banking, within the UK banking system, my private and state pensions are paid into it, along with the occasional Premium Bond win, and you can make International transfers, though I use wise, they also issue a visa card. There's no annual fee but I think there's a minimum balance, I can't remember what it is though.
  18. They convert via Citi Bank in the US who handle the whole transaction, I understand their rates are competitive though there can be a delay if there's a UK or US Public Holiday.
  19. I opened an account with Santander International from here in Thailand, they're based in the Isle of Man and Jersey. Online banking is available and they send our debit cards here to Thailand.
  20. The OP is asking for advice, but doesn't seem to be answering questions from those trying to assist. I think a lot depends on whether the bank has registered a cifas marker on the account, which they can do if they suspect the account holder is using the account or money laundering, amongst other things. A marker would certainly make opening a new account difficult, but I'm not sure if they could prevent him withdrawing funds from the account.
  21. Whilst you’re correct in saying that a prisoner cannot apply for repatriation whilst there are any outstanding fines, or any other non custodial penalties, I’m not sure that you’re correct when you say that repatriation can be applied for only after one third of the sentence imposed has been served. I’m pretty sure that the only restriction is that there must be six months left to serve and the applicant must not have any outstanding appeals. The process takes about two years from application to repatriation and the applicant has to pay for their own flights, but not that of the escorts.
  22. The UK won't automatically refuse her visa after so many stays, but on each and every application she will need to satisfy the decision maker that she is still a genuine tourist and that her main centre of life is in Thailand. That said, if she stayed with you in the UK for prolonged periods on each trip the decision maker could suspect that she is effectively living in the UK through frequent or successive visits, and refuse the visa, worst case scenario would be that a Border Force Officer could suspect the same and deny her entry. Both scenarios are not that common, but they could happen. Has she considered applying for another long-term Standard Visitor visa if she intends to visit the UK regularly, she's already had a two year visa, maybe a five year visa, though of course the fee is higher and wouldn't be refunded if the application was refused, or a visa with a shorter validity issued.
  23. Yes, but in the UK judges must give a life sentence to all offenders found guilty of murder. The judge will however set a minimum term an offender must serve before they can be considered for release by the Parole Board, and the recomendation for release, or transfer to open conditions, can be overruled by the relevant Secretary of State.
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