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Posts posted by theoldgit

  1. As I say if I am wrong I apologise, but if I had been named on a forum and my location given, I would probably find it intimidating, though I am not suggesting for one moment that was your intention, though we all like to feel safe.

    I suppose it's best to let people rant, they will shoot themselves in the foot eventually and nobody will take any notice.

  2. Isn't naming other members and giving details about where they live against the rules of the forum?

    The rules state that no members details can be posted as it's an invasion of privacy.

    It looks to me like we know who you are and where you live, but I could be wrong, in which case I apologise.

  3. Go to a branch with your passport and open up savings account, they will give you a Visa Debit Card straight away, or in a few days with your name embossed on, then register for their Internet Banking and apply for the Web Shopping Card on-line. You don't get a physical card, but it works very well, when you use it the funds are immediately blocked in your savings account and taken a couple of days later.


  4. I think you will find that means if you are not a Thai national, in the event of applying in Bangkok, evidence that you are here legally.

    She is Thai, so will not need to provide that evidence, but if say she was Jamaican and applying in Thailand she would need to provide evidence that she was here legally. Think that's what it means as it mentions the country you are applying from, not applying for.

  5. If you read through this forum you will find all the answers to your questions, the question has been asked, and answered hundreds of times, the forms and official advice is here http://www.vfs-uk-th.com/

    You need to be aware that it's your girlfriends application, not yours, she needs to prove the relationship and that there are sufficient funds for the trip, and most importantly she needs to satisfy the Entry Clearance Officer that she will return at the end of the trip. The secret is submitting a strong and accurate application.

    If after ploughing through the advice on this forum you have any specific questions, then ask.

    Good luck

    Edited for typos

  6. When she left the country after she checked in and cleared security there is sometimes an Immigration Officer who will scan the passport and maybe stamp it, that's embarkation control, that will show when she left the UK. Of course her passport would would be stamped to show her arrival in Thailand which would indicate that she stayed longer than first declared. When she entered the UK did the Immigration Officer stamp her in for six weeks or until the expiry of her visa?

    UKBA don't like people staying for longer than the original visa application request, but whilst they may ask awkward questions they may issue a second visa, if everything else is in order, but it's certainly not guaranteed.

  7. It would be interesting to know how much the fees went up by when this new company started dealing with the visa applications?

    Love em or hate em, The British Embassy in Bangkok do not set the fees, they are set by central government and are the same worldwide. VFS are a glorified postbox and do little more than receive applications and forward them to Visa Section and then hand the passport back without even knowing the result. When the contracting out of receiving applications via VFS first started there was a service fee, this was later abolished and the cost absorbed into the visa application fee.

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