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Posts posted by FlorC


    13 hours ago, ukrules said:

    I would suggest you get a custom PC made by a non 'supermarket' computer shop

    I need another laptop. Desktops are way to big to transport.

    13 hours ago, ukrules said:

    Not really, lots of foreign companies don't do business in Thailand, something to do with being 51% owned by a Thai I think.

    A company like Mouser or RS can , but Dell can't ?

  2. I need to buy a new computer and my local JIB store seems the best.
    There they say only Lenovo and HP give 2 year on site warranty, this means
    a tech of that company comes to the JIB store to repair it within the week.
    Is this true , and really only those two ? I want to verify that this is so , but on

    their (bad) website there is no email to contact headoffice.

    Dell comes to your house next day to repair back in europe , not here ?
    Weird that you can't order on Dell's thailand site , and no prices on there too.
    I don't want to buy a computer that JIB or me has to send to Bangkok to repair

    and that I lose for 3 weeks or more , and potentially comes back , not well repaired and/or damaged .


  3. 1 hour ago, Yom said:

    February 6,  2021   -   9:00

    Phrae today between AQI 293 and AQI 322. - As often we don't smell it. 

    But the horizon is grey, the air above bright-white milky



    Really ?

    At this point I'd rather believe Ventusky.

    I went on my walk this morning and the sky was blue.

    While not clean air , it was doable.

    Yesterday , driving to Phrae city , I could make out the mountains , which I can't do at the numbers aqicn gives.

  4. IQAir always shows less than the others.  (now 83)

    aqicn shows more. (now 136).


    When I go walking into the backland , I see a lot of rice fields (and some corn), that are going to be burned .

    Even the place where I stay , burns some garbage , they just don't care. (and yes there is garbage pick up once a week).


    Although Phrae has no corona , it's a good excuse to wear a mask , so you don't stand out as a pollution nut with a mask.

    I enjoyed the ride to our city in 16 degr this morning though.

    No aircon or even a fan needed in the car.


  5. 20 hours ago, Yom said:

    Perhaps a cat door with a photoelectric barrier might help?

    I'm sure there are members on ThaiVisa with a lot of ideas.

    Not my door to make a hole in it .

    I was in Phrae city today and it seemed beter there despite the PM2,5 numbers.

    Who's right here ?




  6. It's gone from very bad to even worse !

    Can't go out . Luckily I have an airpurifier but my dumpf.ck cats insist to go out and want to keep the door open.

    This should be the best season with great temperatures but totally ruined by this bad air.


    • Like 2
  7. I use Shell premium diesel a couple of months before the yearly mandatory check . Cleaner exhaust (and doesn't stink) and a little more power and more km than B7.  But since the disappearance of B2 , the difference between B7 and premium is more than 6 B/liter ! So rest of the year with the hated B7.

    B2 should have stayed , at least for us with older cars , perhaps at a couple of gasstations , not all.

  8. I never again wanted pets but a year ago a kind of stray cat had kittens in my room and the quality of life went down hill.
    It costs so much time , money, effort . No upside for me .
    It's unhygienic , a worry and it drains me.
    My car is behind a plastic sheet , to keep them off .
    I go walk with them like dogs . While it gets me some exercize and vitamine D but now
    I'm destroying my lungs with the dust of kittilitter and PM2,5.
    It's terrible .
    Should have aborted them when the cat was pregnant but it isn't my cat.
    Thais here don't care.

  9. I just put a new filter in. Kitti litter dust still reaches the space behind the filter and it clogs it up.  I have the Hatari .


    They started burning plastic from 20h , so now I can't open the door . Why now ? Do they keep the plastic waste from the last 6 months to start burning it in  december ?


    There are always gaps where the dirty air comes in . This is Thailand , building standards s_ck , as cheap as posible.

    Where did you buy the Xiaomi ?

  10. It's early this year. I can't ventilate at night because nearly every night there is burning. Hatari is on every night and morning.

    This morning I went walking early with my cats and there was some bad burned plastic haze. Luckly a bit further out in the bush it was better.

    Should have waited for around 10 when the sun clears most of it.

    F...g Thais. Only way to stop this is shoot people onsite that burn. So fed up with this.

    And now with the corona I can't even go home for a couple of months , even if the euro's are in lockdown.

    • Like 2
  11. "square meters" ???


    I only need a little to make a casing for electronics.


    Without the corona thing , I'd be in europe now or next spring and there I still have some 1 and 2 mm in the basement or go to the DIY store . Since leaving Thailand is not possible ( or rather returning is ) , I try to find it here .


  12. On 11/19/2020 at 8:00 PM, Dante99 said:

    Does your Thai include the phrases in bold type?  or do you just show the paper with sheet aluminum on it in Thai?

    "I am looking for sheet aluminum"  or

    "Do you have sheet aluminum?"or

    "I want to buy sheet aluminum."

    "Help me please.  Where can I buy sheet aluminum?"


    The first three are implied when I show the paper.

    And "kun roo suu thinai" takes care of the 4th.

    I get the "mai roo" .


    The big companies don't sell small sheets to me.

    I need retail.

  13. Thanks FreqFlyer.

    Reading all this with the delays and import taxes , I may not order. So on the 75 $ order , I think it will cost around 400-500 Baht , that is a lot , but then again paying 21 % vat in my country would be the same or even more.

    With so many people unemployed , you'd think they would get more customs people so that it wouldn't take so long.

    • Like 1
  14. I can really understand the woman . I suffer from 5 three month olds , and 2 more outside for another mother . I love cats but I fantasize about leaving them somewhere in a forest or do something worse. Social control deters me of doing so.

    I should have killed them right after they were born (humainly).

    They are ruining my life and they are going to have a sh-tty live like most cats here.

    They are cute though , a mix between a longhaired mother and a siamese father. 3 are white with blue eyes and darker nose and paws , 2 full black from different father.  4 females + 1 male and 2 black females 3,5 months old outside.

    They cost me a lot of money , but I can afford it. It's all the time and effort that I can't afford.

    And they're at that age when they jump on my car , another reason to get rid of them.


    Anyone around Phrae want a cute cat or cats ?

  15. The corona outbreak will have a big impact for (some of ) us expats .

    First they will roll out the vastly expensive dreaded compulsory health insurance for ALL visa's/retirement extentions.

    Second : Mandatory quarantines going home , and on returning to thailand.

    Since the Thai are not going full financial ret_rd like the west , the THB will stay stronger making it even more expensive

    living here (with some inflation caused by western money printing) , and giving a double blow to the ridicuously expensive health insurance.

    Even a compromise of having more than the 800k in the bank to dodge the insurance , will still be expensive because of the exchange rate.


    For years to come the airlines are going to scr-w us even more when booking from Thailand to europe , just to recover what they have lost during this crisis.


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