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  1. "stems from a 2015 interview", but only charged now? He obviously isn't 'towing the (agreed) line'.
  2. I just can't help thinking that I am now living in the most precarious and dangerous time of my existence, everything appears to be on the edge of the abyss. Whether it is political, economic or security based, it appears we are at a prophetical point in time. Is it just me or does anyone else feel we are living in Apocalyptic times?
  3. I have sent you a personal message on AseanNow.
  4. Yes its out of date or will be from September this year. See the last Lodge (Lanna 1852) on the following link:- https://www.grandlodgescotland.com/structure/district-grand-lodges/#toggle-id-14
  5. Who was it who said on National TV in front of the American people "I did not have sexual relations with that woman"? It wasn't Bill Clinton was it, after he was caught having sex IN THE OVAL OFFICE with an Intern and lied? Strange because nobody in the American justice system tried to lock him up. Or his wife after She conducted OFFICIAL US BUSINESS on an unsecured server and then destroyed the evidence, why didn't the American justice system prosecute Her? If your an American you should be proud to be the biggest Banana Republic in the world because that is how the rest of the world now sees what the US has become.
  6. From what I have read about nuclear war and the resulting nuclear winter:- 5% of the world population dies in the fireballs and radiation exposure. 90% die of starvation over the next 24 months due to the drop in solar radiation resulting in the failure of all crops. As the survivors start to starve all society breaks down. To survive you would need to have enough food and water to last for years and seeds to replant later, and enough bullets to fight off any starving survivors. So unless you have your own private island with useable land and water and the knowledge and tools to farm and the weapons to defend it you will either starve or be on someone's menu.
  7. So, its official, the US is now the Banana Republic of the World. Meanwhile China will invade Taiwan, Putin will nuke Ukraine, Iran will declare a fatwa to unite all Muslims against all "infidels" to totally eradicate Jews and Christians. The US stock market and Dollar will become worthless as the new commodity based Brick replaces all FIAT currencies due to the obviously unpayable debts. Any Country which previously aligned with the US, seeing the betrayal of its US allies will look to join the new "World Order". Meanwhile the idiots, who are destroying the Constitution, will become totally irrelevant and forgotten by the rest of the world. Good bye the dream of freedom and of self determination by the people. Freedom is dead because opposing US politicians are incapable of working together in a frame work for the common good.
  8. If you think, that then you had better read this:- https://www.thaiexaminer.com/thai-news-foreigners/2024/01/06/new-tax-era-as-revenue-now-shares-data-with-138-countries/
  9. I have now been living in Hang Dong for 9+ months and need to chose a private hospital to register at, which I can head to if I or the family was ill or had an accident etc. I have Bupa/Aetna/Alliance insurance for inpatient only so I need somewhere that accepts this insurance and has a good 24h outpatient department. No specific illness, just a hospital where I can see a doctor 24 hours a day in a reasonable time limit which won't break the bank and has good patient care. Some where that puts patients before profits and is reasonably easy to get to from Hang Dong. If you have a positive or a negative experience of a private Chiang Mai hospitals please share below so I can choose the right place.
  10. I think that Pavena Hongsakula is the only Thai who truly cares about children, may Buddha bless Her and Her work to protect the innocent.
  11. The fundamental failure of American Democracy is that the mass indoctrinators media has turned Democracy into a beauty contest. Democracy is no longer about facts or policies, its all about love or hate the candidates regardless of how their policies will affect them and the world. How can it have become the future course of a country, and the world, to rest upon candidate personalities only, rather than facts and policies? Is the American citizen so ignorant and dumb that they cannot see the wolf is at the door and they stand on the edge of the abyss? As an outsider, I look in total disbelief that the world's supposedly most powerful nation, can be so obsessed in naval gazing and mud slinging, that they cannot see that all is burning around them and that all free loving people will burn with it including them? It defies belief that any American citizen could even consider voting for a dotard who can not even string a sentence together, who's policies are destroying everything their forefathers died to protect, solely because they hate the other guy! Future generations will look back at this time as a form of mass mental psychotic illness, that lead to the destruction of the dream that was freedom and Democracy.
  12. The cost of living increases are affecting everyone all around the world. Most people are struggling to make ends meet. The stock markets are reaching all time highs, but next year they will be in free fall. Buckle up, its going to be a roller-coaster ride.
  13. I can't talk about how this will effect other people but can only say what effect it is having on my circumstances and plans:- 1. Planned to buy a new car next year - CANCELLED 2. Planned to build a new house on land we have - CANCELLED So that's about 6 million baht I will not be bringing into Thailand next year or ever while the chance of me paying income tax on my savings which have already been taxed on. The exempt from tax burden of proof is being placed on me and the decision in the hands of an official. Once you have brought the money here then your savings are in the hands of the authorities and its too late to send it back. So everything bought here has become extremely expensive and unaffordable (if I have to pay tax) and impossible to plan and budget for. In England we have the expression "shoot yourself in the foot" which is apt in these circumstances. If the Thai authorities really do not intend to target the Expats and only the Thais "playing the system" then make the changes only applicable to Thai resident citizens.
  14. If any one reading this post is interested look at this website https://www.grandlodgescotland.com/ This is the Scottish Constitution (version) of Masonry but there many other Constitutions such as the English, Irish, French, Dutch etc all their websites are freely accessible on the WWW.
  15. Yes and Yes. We usually meet in hotels which are air-conditioned.
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