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Everything posted by petedk

  1. All very well, but laws are never upheld in Thailand. A traffic cop could become a millionaire if he stood near a Zebra crossing for a few days (especially those that have red lights) and stopped everyone who didn't stop for pedestrians.
  2. I thought airlines in general were very strict about bomb threats and evening saying the worde "bomb" out aloud could cause reactions from the staff. This is a dangerous precedence - not punishing her. Imagine the chaos if people start making empty bomb threats.
  3. Of course there are prostitutes all over the world. It is true that in Thailand they don't make any effort to be discreet. Maybe there are too many fighting for the customers. There are a couple of houses near us that are rented by very wealthy Chinese and used for ( well I'd better not say). Anyway, they hire absolutely gorgeous, refined Chinese prostitiutes, who turn up aroung 9 pm. The next morning they go shopping, load all their stuff in the car that picks them up. The boot is already half full of goods from the other girls sitting in the car. The bags are simply left out for the rubbish collectors.
  4. I wonder if this guy ever gets pulled over or if has informed the LTO of his colour change. 😀
  5. If he plans to do the report online in the future then he MUST report in person. I returned from abroad in February and did the first report my mail. No problem. Tried to do the 2 nd one online was was rejected. I went to Chaeng Wattana and the officer made it quite clear to me that you can only report online after a personal visit.
  6. Let's hope Donald Trump is voted president because he promises "to stop the war in Ukraine, even before he starts as president." 😁
  7. I am on a marriage visa. Yes, you need more documents, but surely you have them. Copy of wedding certificate, photos, bank statement and so on. I have NEVER had a visit from immigration during the 1 month consideration period.
  8. AirBnB The houses around us are packed with Chinese tourists now.
  9. Usually a nice "wai" and a few words of apology and all is forgiven and forgotten.
  10. I sent my first 90 day report by mail. My friend used an agent. No problems
  11. You beat me to it. They could ban alcohol, cigarrettes, make it illegal to have more 2 people on a motorcycle. Illegal to keep dogs or whatever and nothing will change as the laws are never proerly enforced.
  12. This was also proposed in 2015. It gets mentioned every so often, but no progress is ever made.
  13. I thought the sale of all e-cigarettes was illegal, but it seems from the headline that this particular type are illegal. The people at the weed shop were arrested for "possessing and selling goods without paying the necessary taxes" and another for illegally working. The actual sale of e-cigarettes hasn't been cited as a crime.
  14. I think all over the world. many people use it, but more as a type of "thank you"
  15. Exactly the same here. I have never had any problems All I am saying is that this year they asked for a copy of every page of mu y passport. I didn't have problems this time either. The money was refunded immediately.
  16. This year I managed to get some tax-returns ( as I have done a few times previously), but this time the revenue department wanted a copy of every page of my passport to check that I had lived here more than 180 days. So I can see how they how going to check whether you have stayed here 179 or 181 days.
  17. Your wife will be taxed. The headline says "New tax rules for foreigners", but the new tax rules also cover Thai people.
  18. I also use True and have been complaining to them for the past 2 weeks. The speed is ok during the day, but at about 7 pm it suddenly drops and I am getting 3 Mbps. Using a VPN I can get 300 Mbps. Their technician has been here several times but he doesn't seem to understand the issue.
  19. Any updates on this? I have just appliued for a 24 hour free demo
  20. And today's news... He had a meeting with Malaysian PM Anvar while he was in Phuket, but hey! he is prime minister of Thailand, he can have these meetings.
  21. I have just editted. There are 27,000 sex workers in Pattay, not 200,00 as I previously thought
  22. He never left politics. He " worked from home" in Dubai
  23. Come on! Give Thai police credit where credit is due. They would round up a couple of immigrants and make them scapegoats. 😀
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