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Everything posted by petedk

  1. Why was he heading flat out?? I often drive past that area and there are signs at least 1 km before. Most cars start slowing down well before the toll, but he didn't. had he fallen asleep and for a few seconds?
  2. What is "normal"? I have been in about 5 minor accidents involving mini vans or buses. I think each one involved the driver losing concentration or dosing off. I try to sit behind the driver so that I can see his eyes in the mirror and honestly, I would say 50 % (maybe more) have moments where they stare into nothing or even nod off and I have videos to prove it. I have complained several times without much effect although one driver was dismissed after several complaints and admitting that he had a night job working until 3 am and starting to drive at 7 am.
  3. Copied and pasted text which has been used year after year after.
  4. He is all mouth and no action. We have first hand experience, which I won't mention here.
  5. They often come up from behind without me knowing. They don't sound their horns or anything. Just zoom past within inches of my arms.
  6. Just saw some drunken people finishing their drinks 7 am this morning and then jumping into the cars to drive home. I won't mention whet their jobs were!
  7. Are you using True Mobile or True Internet? Their monopoly (almost) of the communication market wouldn't be allowed in many countries. Everyone mentions 7-11 and Lotus, but what about Macro? MG cars? You are right, the CP conglomerate controls a huge portion of the Thai consumer market.
  8. Thaksin IS the government.
  9. Oh those pesky foreigners who have ruined Pattaya's prostitution free city reputation.
  10. No, but a couple of cops on a motorcycle were parked near me once. The "boy" (he is probably about 15 now) came down the soi and saw them, so he u-turned and drove away. I thought about informing them, but I knew it wouldn't help.
  11. There's a young kid on my soi in Bangkok that does this daily. No one cares.
  12. It's the Thai law. Any one employed in a Thai company has to be registered with the SSO.
  13. Wait until the minimum daily wage increases. That will also make Thai goods less competitive. Having said that, I agree that the minimum daily wage is too low.
  14. Someone informed me today from immigration at Hua Hin that the online 90 day report has been suspended or taken down. I am trying to find out if it is true
  15. I was informed today that the 90 day online system is not working. This was from immigration in Hua Hin Anyone know if this is true?
  16. Don't they mean "especially the prime minister"?
  17. Same here. 60 baht a month for the rubbish to collected 2 yimes a week, whereas the rest of the soi it is collected every other day
  18. No, not at all. Quite the opposite. She seems to like foreigners
  19. I think the OP has a valid point. I walk my dog along the streets every day and when we pass farang, she'll stop and sniff the air behind them. I am not saying they smell bad in anyway, just different.
  20. I respect it, but there are several Thais out near us slowly getting 🥴 Yes, they can. It's mainly the big franchise restaurants that stick to the law.
  21. The restaurant near us is openly selling beer. People are sitting out drinking and having fun. Who enforces these laws?
  22. I don't know how things are in Pattaya, but I know 4 or 5 Chinese people in Bangkok who are buying or renting nearly all the property they can find and then rent them out to Chinese tourists. They have approached us several time to rent or buy units in our building
  23. I just paid 200 baht, as I did last year. Maybe it depends on the bank.
  24. Interesting. We had Chinese neighbours rent 2 luxury pool houses and every night Rolls Royces, bentleys and so on turned up. Anyway, after 4 years they were "forced out" as there were too many complaints about the noise. Now, some other Chines have taken over 3 luxury villas next to each other and are in the process of removing the walls in between to make one huge compound. Let's see what happens.
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