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Everything posted by petedk

  1. I don't know when I will die, so I don't know what to write.
  2. Someone told me that this is at Srinakarinwirot University. There is a lot of construction going on there and some passage ways look extremely dangerous. I am certainly very wary when walking through there.
  3. Thaksin expects to be released in October. How convenient!
  4. You are wrong. When I renewed my visa last time, they asked for a copy of my TM30. They said they could see that I had done it, but still asked for a copy.
  5. You are leaving for business. Do you have your own company or business? My friend is self employed and travels to Thailand regularly on a business visa. He has to produce a letter to immigration from his employer (himself) and he often stays 6 motnhs or so. Out for a month and then back. He does do business here, before anyone asks.
  6. The most helpful and sensible posting here
  7. We used to have about 50 or more (yes, I tried to count) flying around our house. The maid opposite used to put food next to our house to feed them and we often had big arguments about this. Recently, some Burmese guys have been coming around with some kind of cage/trap on telescopic poles. They capture the pigeons in the cage and carefully wrap a bag around the cage. I have no idea what they do with the pigeons, but they are very gentle with them. Now, we don't have a single pigeon around here.
  8. You are right, but does anyone care? Chinese people have overtaken nearly half of our soi and running the places as hotels, with guests staying 1 night only. Drunken people coming and going all night. Luxury cars blocking the road. plus many other disturbances that I won't mention here. Everyone in our soi signed a petition to the local council, we have called the police hundreds of times and absolutely nothing is done about.
  9. ha noticed yesterday that our Chinese neighbours who have been away for a few days have 6 or 7 pieces of meat hanging up in their outdoor kitchen. I was wondering if they were lambs or goats judging by the size, but now I woner.
  10. I find nearly all SCB and UOB banks foreigner friendly. Never have any problems. Try calling SCB call center and ask for advice
  11. And military protection. I can see the Chinese "family" near us have had soldiers walking around their property for the last week.
  12. Spot on. There is a "hotel" near us, owned by Chinese, run by Chinese. All food is delivered from the same Chinese restaurant. All prostitutes are Chinese and delivered by the same cars. The guests staying there all have luxury cars, Rolls Royce, Bentleys and so on. All very strong, short clipped hair. Sleep during the day. Wake up around 5 pm and do a couple of hours of heavy weight training and martial arts. Then they "do something" all night long. Cars coming and going every 30 minutes until 6 am when they decide to sleep.
  13. We often have white Rolls Royces, yellow Bentleys, white RR Cullinans all on red plates and owned by Chinese parked in our soi. There must be hundreds of them in Bangkok.
  14. Actually, they are Rolls Royces, Bentleys, Mercedes, but they seem to be opening and closing the doors all night long
  15. I sympathise with you too. The 2 houses next door to us have been bought up by Chinese who basically run them as a hotel/party house. No matter who stays there they sleep from 7 am to about 4 pm. Then party and make a noise until 6 am. They have cars with 20 doors in each one and they come and go all night.
  16. That's if it is a private TV station sending it. I remember once before SAT sent something similar (World Cup or European Cup) but only sent with Thai commentary. Maybe they have learned from their mistake. I watch via streaming anyway.
  17. Already confirmed as fake news.
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