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Posts posted by petedk

  1. One thing many people is missing, when they talk about the DNA - who monitored, what DNA samples was taken from where, when, labeled, what?

    There is no way we will ever get the real truth here....and we all know it....sadly.

    I have been saying this for days and getting cremated by TVF members for saying it.

    All DNA evidence collected from the crime scene must be assumed contaminated.

    Article in Bangkok Post today criticising the way the DNA was taken.

    They didn't call in forensic people.

    Tourists walked all over the crime scene.

  2. As you so rightly point out, every country is in the process of change. Indeed the entire universe is constantly changing. Corruption has grown to become a huge beast here and up until the last coup, I would have said there is nothing to change that. I now believe that the new PM has the ability (and the know how) to put LOS back on track. It will take time but the signs are that this is a serious attempt to right many wrongs here.

    Up until about a week ago I would have agreed with you entirely about the new Pm, but now, after the Koh Tao incident I am beginning to think that the new regime is "the same as the old one".

    They have cut down on a lot of the small corruption cases but when we talk about the really rich and powerful then I think nothing has changed.

  3. I find it strange that people "reserve" a table by placing umbrellas, plastic bags and ID cards on the table.

    I often go to Terminal 21 and many tables at lunch time are "blocked" by people putting their ID cards on the table.

    Many of these cards are from nearby banks so I often wonder what would happen if a complete stranger was to grab one of them. Would he/she have access to "closed" departments at the bank?

    I sometimes feel like grabbing one and taking it to the Head of Security in the bank.

    Back to the topic. I often ask if there is a vacant seat at the table and often the answer is "yes"

  4. Difficult question to answer.

    Sometimes I go to terminal 21 and eat at the food court. I think that is good value for money. Delicious and cheap.

    I usually eat for 30 - 50 baht each meal but Fridays go out and eat for 700 to 1500 Baht.

    The other day I ate at the Dusit Thani for 800 baht and thought it a complete waste of money.

  5. It's difficult enough to cross the road, even on a Zebra Crossing , Thais never slow down, they just seem to ignore the fact you are trying to cross the road.... Very dangerous..

    As for Cycling, love it, but NEVER in Thailand, far too dangerous....

    Oh dear, another person who should google - Thailand Cycling Events, to see how popular this sport is becoming here.

    Dangerous? Not out in the countryside where I ride. In Bangkok? I would have to agree with you.

    The 'PM' is right, it is one of the best types of exercise, and is particularly beneficial for those getting older. Just do it.

    Yes it is dangerous in the countryside, but not from traffic.

    I knoe of several cases now, where people have been robbed of their expensive bikes. Expensive bicycles are now becoming the target of some thieves.

  6. Does anyone have this?

    I am interested in buying it as I want it to replace my laptop when doing presentations. I bought a Galaxy Note 8 hoping to do that but it seems that I cannot connect to a VGA projector. 99.9% of the places I visit use VGA connections to their projectors and not HDMI.

    I went to Samsung today and the staff seemed to know nothing about it. I wanted a 32 Gb ram but was told that Samsung didn't make such a model. According to the Internet they do!

    I also asked about connecting it to a projector via a VGA adapter..... No can do.

    I also asked about a keyboard... No Samsung don't make a keyboard for this model. According to the Internet they do.

    Does anyone know the best place to get advice on this?

  7. Join the club. My school even had the documents (and they have been doing this for years for all their foreign employees). The bottom line is, I had to leave the country. Am in breach of my contract and after 3 days being AWOL my job will be toast. OTOH, by not doing their part, they should bear some responsibility.

    Seems like a passive-aggressive way to f i r e someone on the sly.

    Having worked >120 days, severance will be payable. But by forcing the foreign employee to abandon a job and leave the country, they might try not paying any of this, including time worked. Who knows?

    They let me go to Immigration with just the WP. The very last day I was lawfully in Thailand.

    No chance => I paid 3 days' overstay and now worry about not being let back in at the airport.

    Tell me, are you sure they really, truly want you to keep working their? Action speaks louder than words.

    Something tells me, they want you not to come back. It may not be the boss who doesn't like you...

    Good luck!


    I am in a similar situation. I have been employed by the same university for 15 years but now I am 60 they have to apply to the Ministry of Finance to continue my employment. The university offered me a 2 year contract and "forgot" to apply for the budget. It takes 2 months to get the approval from the ministry of Finance.

    I managed to get a 30 day extension of my visa and WP and will probably get one more.

    After that, it is any one's guess,

    Severance??? From what I understand .. teachers are on one or two year contracts and have therefore no rights whatsoever to severance.

  8. thai people are selfish simple as that.

    Sorry but so are farangs!!!!

    Our ex neighbour would come home at 3 am and walk his dog back and forth in front of our gate causing our dogs and street dogs to bark This went on for 30 minutes every night. After that he and his girlfriend would jump in and out of the pool screaming and shouting.

    I complained and was told that I was "unreasonable".

    After about two years they moved out and we could sleep all night. We had forgotten was a pleasure that was.

    This is Thailand.... get used to it.

  9. here's a couple of traceroutes to googles dns server -- first from a server in Europe with massive connectivity ;)

    traceroute to (, 30 hops max, 60 byte packets

    1 sejar0001-rd1.ip-only.net ( 12.448 ms 12.918 ms 12.904 ms

    2 sejar0001-rc4.ip-only.net ( 0.644 ms 0.643 ms sejar0001-rc4.ip-only.net ( 0.632 ms

    3 sesto1024-rc1.ip-only.net ( 0.619 ms 0.619 ms 0.609 ms

    4 ( 0.598 ms 0.592 ms 0.521 ms

    5 ( 0.747 ms 0.770 ms 0.789 ms

    6 * ( 0.770 ms ( 1.070 ms

    7 ( 9.888 ms ( 9.776 ms ( 9.592 ms

    8 ( 9.627 ms ( 10.850 ms ( 9.625 ms

    9 * * *

    10 google-public-dns-a.google.com ( 9.015 ms 9.779 ms 10.305 ms

    --- and now from a mobile Dtac connection near Bangkok

    traceroute to (, 30 hops max, 60 byte packets

    1 ( 14.912 ms 14.798 ms 14.697 ms

    2 ( 410.893 ms 451.803 ms 629.871 ms

    3 ( 647.789 ms 666.130 ms ( 689.697 ms

    4 ( 724.120 ms 749.502 ms 770.742 ms

    5 ( 785.589 ms 806.357 ms 826.176 ms

    6 ( 869.125 ms 160.681 ms 179.503 ms

    7 ( 197.983 ms 200.076 ms 242.046 ms

    8 ( 242.041 ms 262.166 ms ( 263.760 ms

    9 ( 263.783 ms ( 281.520 ms 281.463 ms

    10 ( 281.275 ms ( 281.253 ms 298.137 ms

    11 ( 321.122 ms 337.564 ms 193.903 ms

    12 ( 255.721 ms ( 255.800 ms 200.574 ms

    13 ( 417.701 ms 480.480 ms ( 560.473 ms

    14 ( 496.255 ms 479.965 ms 559.893 ms

    15 * * *

    16 google-public-dns-a.google.com ( 584.886 ms 584.688 ms 640.386 ms


    It's not just that the connection is slow - but look at *where* it is slow ;)

    Please explain where. I don't understand all of that.

  10. High speed and poor driving skills every single time. If i have a nutter in van driving like a lunatic, I tell them to slow down - very clearly, and they usually do it. If they speed up again, they get a reminder. I suggest more people do the same.

    Done that too butmade myself very unpopular with the Thai passengers. They really have the "mai pen rai" attitude.

  11. I would never take a van. Bus services are available at both Morchit and Ekamai bus stations.

    That's no guarantee. I must admit they are safer than vans but only a few eeeks ago I saw the Ekamai - Chonburi bus crash into the pillars of the BTS at Bang Na.

    Two or three times I have noticed the driver dosing off. Once we served right across the highway as he lost control.

    I have to travel by private van once a week and I noticed the driver struggling to keep his eyes open for 2 weeks running. I complained and he was removed.

    I am sure many of the drivers are moonlighting.

  12. Just saw on Australian media that tourists are leaving Thailand in droves. Tourists are actually scarred

    That's truly terrifying, what are they being scarred by? Too much sun, dreadful tattoos or having too good a time in Thailand so going home becomes difficult?

    So many people have been scarred by Thailand for life- going back home to their home countries and dull suburban cities with their dreadfully intrusive laws, grey skies and unsmiling folk on the streets proves too much to bear for many, and they're compelled to return to the Land of Smiles.

    You can check out but you can never leave Thailand.

    Haha I know some people who own a little hotel in Bangkok (Thai /Indian) and they are "scared" of Australians. They say they are the worst customers and always make trouble.

    I was sorry to hear that as I have quite a few Australian friends and they are ok.

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