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Posts posted by puipuitom

  1. 3 hours ago, gamini said:

    per capita, actually the UK has the worst death rate in the world. 

    Exactly the three countries of which the governments ridiculed the danger of corona, see now the results in the casualties-figures. An their people... just accept it, instead of bringing these leaders to justice.

    Maybe Boris can re-start his happy-handshake offensive again ? Bye-the-way: where IS Boris ? ? Enjoying the aftermath of his corona-infection ?

  2. 18 hours ago, tribalfusion001 said:

    Whether it's 1 meter, 1.5 metre or 2 metres it spells ruins for bars, clubs and pubs. The idea is socializing with alcoholic drinks and the no fun medical police can't have that.


    We need protests and riots about social distancing to stop this pointless agenda.

    Why to care for somebody else's grandparents... Let these costly elders be eleminated as quick as possibble. Saves care costs, pension payments, makes homes available for the younger, no senile eldrs to visity, and get heritages closer-bye.. a win-win-win-win situation...


    5 hours ago, phantomfiddler said:

    What really needs to be shown is the TOTAL number of deaths through the last winter period compared to the last several years. I strongly suspect that there will be very little, if any, increase. In winter people die from many respiratory ailments, on top of cancer, diabetes, whatever ???? The media have wildly succeeded in blowing this event totally out of proportion through scare mongering and omission of other relevant data, and for what ???

    In the Netherlands we can do, see https://www.cbs.nl/nl-nl/cijfers/detail/70895nedOut of the averages over 2017-2019 you can calculate an average, for instance 65-80 Y: =


    44.425+45.975+45.916 = 136,316/3 = 45.439 or /52 = 874/week or 8 weeks: 6990

    Take the deaths over week 12-19 = = 9694 in 8 weeks. So : more deaths: 9694-6990 = 2703 “over"deaths

    Same for 80+ gives: 2017 -2018-2019 = 84.095 +85.820 +84.988 = 254.903/3 = 84.968 av, or over 8 weeks= 13.072

    Reality wk 12-19: 19344 in 8 weeks, resulting in an over-death of 6272.

    So a total 65+:  8975 "care-oldies passed away as average. A HUGE benefit for the Dutch care costs, the gov + private pensions, availability of care rooms again and heritage a lot closer bye.


    The Belgians are a lot more honoust abiout the resl catastrophy as mention: for sure as testes passed away in the hospitals ( 4114) + close to sure died in the care homes (4450) + elsewhere ( 92). Data of at 12 May, as then my source stopped to mention the overall details.


    For sure, with the correct data you can do this for every nation.  You could be shocked...... and happy to stay in Thailand




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  4. 5 hours ago, Pedrogaz said:

    I never know what on earth is going on with these numbers. Johns Hopkins' numbers are supposed to be the offical tally, but apparently don't include Britain's nursing's home deaths. Why doesn't JH just add the nursing home deaths in manually?

    Another example of Thailand totally outclassing the UK with consistent easy to understand tallies, despite the supposed "superiority" of UK medicine and data management.

    Look to little Singapore, with 5,85 mln inhabitants and.. 24 deaths... https://www.bing.com/search?q=corona+deaths+Singapore&qs=n&form=QBRE&sp=-1&ghc=1&pq=corona+deaths+sing&sc=0-18&sk=&cvid=76784853A266401B92FCA572C5E7D214

    Not with happy-handshake- government leaders, who see the corona-virus as 'just a little flue", but. face masks on, temperature masurement at nearly every entrance. And most of all: NOT members of the White Supreme Race, with think, they know all better.

    • Like 1
  5. What is the fuzz ?


    The UK ONLY has to tolerate the USA ahead of them seen the total casualties per country.  https://www.worldometers.info/coronavirus/?utm_campaign=CSauthorbio? 

    39,045 casualties with a population of just 67,856,881.

    Even the spaghetti eaters with only 33,475  and the frog legs swallowers with 28,833 are far behind.  The Huns... with 8,613 are even not in the race anymore...,

    The Belgiums.. do not play it hounoust, as they also count all those care-oldies who nearly sure passed away to corona, in the care homes too.


    Can Boris not go on a Happy Handshake Tour again ? Or his brains, Dominic Cummins ?  


  6. 15 minutes ago, teatime101 said:

    A lot of blacks are in prison for minor drug offences. That's why the reefer laws were enacted in the first place. To imprison young black men and make slavery great again.

    "If a white man wants to lynch me, that's his problem. If he's got the power to lynch me, that's my problem. Racism is not a question of attitude; it's a question of power." Stokely Carmichael.

    And when you cannot affort a lawyer, you get a minor, who has just 10 minutes to defend you.

    Not a professional evaluation, but.. 12 (white ?) amateurs, who decide you are guilty or not...


    Bye-the-way: I will not be astonished when many here do not know the meaning in "lynch", but think meant is "lunch". 

    • Sad 1
  7. 1 hour ago, Lacessit said:

    This is what Americans don't understand. If everyone is armed - good guys and bad guys both, everyone is trigger-happy. Any policeman approaching a vehicle could be shot without warning.

    Contrast that to Australia, where mere possession of an unlicensed firearm can get you serious jail time.

    I once knew an American who had been a policeman in Los Angeles. Any loud noise freaked him out, and when dining out in a restaurant with us he had to sit with his back to a wall facing the entry door.

    I do wonder how many Americans have mental health issues that are directly derived from the Second Amendment.

    https://www.geenstijl.nl/5153713/zo-kan-het-ook/  Sorry in Dutch..

    Police in our country stopped a Smart car ( = for 2 persons only), because they thought to see a third "head" in that tiny car. So, "with heavy machine guns, mortars&artillery etc" they stopped the car ( switched off the light "stop police", enough here) and looked into it. The third "head" was a plant cut in the form of a "ball on a stick". All laughing, police posted it on their blog... ( also seen "corona" measurements, there must be social distancing, or only persons from one household. Might be the second reason to stop them for a quastion.) 


    I am happy in NL we do NOT have such an Amendment... Here in NL, when a police officer draws his/her gun,... it comes on TV, in newspapers etc..


    More like that Sherriff, who joined the crew in the protest march. Or was it for his re-election... ? 

    • Like 2
  8. 8 hours ago, DoctorG said:

    Almost everyone was on their side, black and white, left and right, and then they go mess up the goodwill by looting and burning.

    Police in their police office instead of in the streets.  I can imagine.. out of 100 blacks killed by the police, 4 investigated and one ( 1 ) a penalty. Also here... so many fire arms available, also in criminal hands, every policeman runs on "secure" as also he/she wants to return to their families at the end of the day. So much shooting, so many killed: one of every 1000 black men...

    On the other hand: no social safety net when something goes wrong, no health insurance for everyone ( with the US system twice the price of any Europen health insurance), so I can imagine many of the poor are now desperate and use the chance to grqasp some foods.

    Third: already for generations, young black men do NOT get the proper education about what is wright or wrong, as.. their one parent family ( mostly mums) do not have the power to fight the "challenges" from the streets(gangs)

    • Haha 1
  9. 4 hours ago, Venom said:

    Like the burn off that creates the horrendous air pollution for half the year slavery, abuse and lack of safety in the fishing industry keeps operating costs down. It's not rocket science. Sadly, Thailand would be far less competitive if they ever cleaned up their act. 

    And.. who benefit of this "low cost" labour ? The owners of the fishery fleet , the factory owners = the rich and wealthy of Thailand, so very close connected to the ruling elite of that country. These ruling elite will not fbite in the hands of their family, friends, and money-suppliers.

    • Like 1
  10. 4 hours ago, jimmyswale said:

    Which is why we are now Little England rather than Great Britain. 

    'GREAT" Britain was already passed when the European colony of ( Southern) Ireland left.

    The waiting is when the other European colonies break away: Northern Ireland, Scotland, and ( N+S)Wales, to form the Gaelic (con)federation. As one is still EU member, all others are automatically in too. 

    • Thanks 1
    • Haha 1
  11. 2 hours ago, RuamRudy said:

    Johnson handed over 120k of taxpayers' money to a woman so he could sleep with her as his wife battled cancer, yet he has been cleared of any wrongdoing. He spirited away 10s of millions of taxpayers' money on a bridge that never left the drawing board - and not a word said. He is covering up the report into Russian collusion in government and much more - are you still so naive as to believe that there is a proper judicial system in England?

    The British voted overwhelmingly for this person.

  12. 1 hour ago, CNXexpat said:

    You have to bring the total number in a relation to the number of citizens. Then Belgium is the worst country, Spain 2nd and the UK 3rd. The US are not in the top 10. 

    Belgium counts NOT only those, who died in a hospital after a corona tests, but also all - especially in care homes for elderly - who for nealty sure died because of corona, so a LOT more honest. See my previous posting # 38

  13. 2 hours ago, yogi100 said:

    A factor that neither Trump nor Johnson can do anything about now as it's too late. And if it weren't too late their respective opposition parties would never have agreed to it anyway.

    The difficulty with an in fact two-party democracy, in which both parties hate each other. Even when the P.M. / President would change scrap iron in gold, and rocks in diamonds, it would be rejected by the opposition as a propaganda stunt.

    • Thanks 1
  14. 55 minutes ago, bkk6060 said:

    Wow.  I had no idea.

    If you check the per capita numbers the UK has 5 times the deaths of the US.


    What in the heck have they been doing wrong? 

    Just very terrible and disturbing.

    The USA is just a few weeks behind the UK, and ... a LOT more of social distancing in quite some states. Compared with that Scotland is densely populated.

    Just compare New York... ans you will be frightened.

  15. 50 minutes ago, yuyiinthesky said:

    Johnson should have followed the examples set by Taiwan, South Korea and Japan - no lockdowns and all under control.

    Happily Internet publishes a LOT of that, a very interesting technique, started about 20 years ago…. Helps a lot NOT to write so much nonsense…


    South Korea's  aggressive “trace, test, treat” system has been credited with arresting a dramatic surge in cases in February, keeping infections below 11,000 and deaths at 255 - one of the lowest mortality rates in the world.

    South Korea introduced what was considered one of the largest and best-organised epidemic control programs in the world, along with Taiwan, Vietnam, and Singapore. Different measures have been taken to screen the mass population for the virus, and isolate any infected people as well as trace and quarantine those who contacted them, without further lockdown. The rapid and extensive tests taken by South Korea have been judged successful in limiting the spread of the outbreak, without using the drastic measure of quarantining entire cities. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/COVID-19_pandemic_in_South_Korea


    Taiwan, another global leader in its response to Covid-19, has recorded just six deaths since January

    The virus was confirmed to have spread to Taiwan on 21 January 2020, from a 50-year-old woman who had been teaching in Wuhan, China.[9] The Taiwanese government integrated data from the national health care system, immigration, and customs authorities to aid in the identification and response to the virus. Government efforts are coordinated through the National Health Command Center (NHCC) of the Taiwan Centers for Disease Control, established to aid in disaster management for epidemics following the 2004 SARS outbreak.

    The Journal of the American Medical Association says Taiwan engaged in 124 discrete action items to prevent the spread of the disease, including early screening of flights from Mainland China and the tracking of individual cases.

    Taiwan's handling of the outbreak has received international praise for its effectiveness in quarantining people. As of 16 May, 69,201 tests had been conducted in Taiwan with the vast majority not confirming a COVID-19 diagnosis.

    Starting 19 March foreign nationals were barred from entering Taiwan, with some exceptions, such as those carrying out the term of a business contract, holding valid Alien Resident Certificates, diplomatic credentials, or other official documentation and special permits. All who are admitted into the country must complete a fourteen-day quarantine upon arrival. See https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/COVID-19_pandemic_in_Taiwan


    The Japanese government has adopted various measures to prevent and mitigate the outbreak. On 30 January, Prime Minister Shinzo Abe established a national task force to oversee the government's response to the pandemic. On 27 February, he requested the temporary closure of all Japanese elementary, junior high, and high schools until early April. On 7 April, Abe proclaimed a one-month state of emergency for Tokyo and the prefectures of KanagawaSaitamaChibaOsakaHyogo, and Fukuoka. On 16 April, the declaration was extended to the rest of the country for an indefinite period.

    Some medical professionals and media outlets have criticized the Japanese government for under-testing for COVID-19. Medical experts advising the government have instead relied on the country's pneumonia surveillance to identify and treat severely-affected patients.https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/COVID-19_pandemic_in_Japan


    Those three nations were not asleep, did NOT have a PM who ridiculed the virus, had no happy-handshake program like Boris Johnson and no government leaders, who whipped their shoes to the corona measurements.

  16. 1 hour ago, Baerboxer said:


    I think the UK includes all Covid and suspected Covid related. deaths reported. Some other nations are apparently a little bit selective on what they include.


    One of the things, when this is over and real investigations begin, is an establishment of correct figures and uniform reporting. The study into why different countries experienced such different results will be mega. There are already plenty of hypothesis to validate or invalidate.

    Happily Internet publishes a LOT of that, a very interesting technique, started about 20 years ago…. see https://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/2020/03/31/counting-coronavirus-different-countries-calculating-death-tolls/




    Countries with a narrow definition of COVID-19 cases.


    What countries count as a COVID-19 death

    Share of excess deaths explained by COVID-19


    Only deaths of patients who have died "from" COVID-19 and have been reported in the country’s epidemiological reporting system.



    Only deaths of patients who tested positive for the disease and died in hospitals.




    Only deaths of patients who have died in the hospital and have been tested positive before. As of April 29, the figures also include deaths in all settings where there's a positive COVID-19 test, for example, in care homes.

    71% (England and Wales)



    Deaths of patients in hospitals and nursing homes "linked" to COVID-19. Until April 4, only deaths in hospitals were included.




    All deaths everywhere of patients who tested positive. Excess deaths data only available for Lombardy, which accounts for 53 percent of all deaths (as of April 15).




    All deaths everywhere of patients who tested positive.




    In Belgium anyone who dies of complications related to coronavirus is counted as a victim of the disease. So, in a country of 11,2 million, 8.656 deaths a couple of days ago, of which 4114 confirmed in the hospitals,  4450 in the care homes and 92 elsewhere. Is mentioned at every publication. As counted on this way, about the highest figure in the world per 1 million inhabitants. But by far the most honest. 

    Netherlands, with 17,2 mln inh: mention ONLY those, who died in a hospital, after testing. Looking at the mortality statistics, compare with the average of 217-2019, and then the 8 weeks of 2020:12-19, see something "strange": an over deaths of 65-80 y 2703 + 80+y of 6272 = 8.975 "care-oldies"more passed away as the average over 2017-19, INCLUSIVE the flue-epidemic of winter 2017-18.  See https://www.cbs.nl/nl-nl/cijfers/detail/70895ned. Saves a LOT of pension payments, medical care bills and,., brings the inheritages a lot closer in time.

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